Do god use logic?

Only God knows but I would guess he does. He is logic. He obeys His own rules of logic. Take a math problem for instance. Me and you just go along with whatever sums we come up with and discover as we go. While I think He is the problem itself. Take the equation of pi, for instance. You can keep going and going and we never know what it's going to come up with yet it always follows a path. It may seemingly be random or discernable to us but it is not random in that it is known or will always be known that the equation itself, or that which knows where it's going. It may seem like the universe has unknown functions or seemingly illogical sometimes but it follows a function or a path which will always be predictable by the one on the forefront but not always known where it's going in man's point of view of the universe. I don't know, maybe you get it, but that's just my take on it.
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does a invisible pink unicorn use logic, does a piece of paper use logic, does fresh air use logic, how longs a piece of string.
sorry but thats a very silly question.
A god outside logic cant create space, a god out side logic dont exist so he need to create existence in order to exist.
When you ask If God uses logic you are thinking of him as a person. The way I see it is that in his divine nature certain human concepts such as logic don't apply to him. God does not require logic when judging a soul b/c he sees straight into a persons heart and what they truely are as a human being.
But then again it is impossble to answer a question like this b/c there is no way of knowing what it is going on in God's mind.
Just to separate our beliefs here, Arete. You may see God as more human-like. I guess I do in certain aspects but take a look around, that's how I see God. In all we do, and all we see. Look at the universe, it is Him and we are Him. It is us, the universe, etc which are all a part of God. God says we are His children. Just as a child is a part of the parent, or has the genetical makeup of a parent, so we are and the universe, makeup part, or all of God. We are a part of Him, yet separate in a way, just as Jesus was. Just my 2 cents.
God doesn't exist, but if he does, he apparently does not use logic. If he used logic, we wouldn't be irrationally killing each other, now would we? If he used logic, existence would've ran a lot smoother than it has.
Nay, there is no god. Gods are only a delusion, man's invention, to explain things he could not explain which we now can.
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