Do Chinese people believe in GOD

Many Chinese believe in a folk religion that is one part Taoism, one part Buddhism, one part Confucianism, and one part ancestor worship.
And some are simply atheist or agnostic. Hopefully some are Pastafarians (pbuh).

All Praise The Ancient Of Marinara
Chinese isn't a religion, it's a nationality.

What are you confused about?
According to Wikipedia 60% or more are atheist. Biggest religious group is Budhists with 6% of the population. The rest are practicing Taoism and Confucianism. Probably a negligible number are Christians/Muslims.

Nothing to be confused.

Enviable demographics! :)
No, not all Chinese people are Buddhists, to give your question a precise answer. The dao and Confucian philosophy are also quite prevalent. In fact most of the Chinese people I know do not find that these three belief systems conflict with each other.

Nonetheless the majority of the Chinese people I've met in America are secular. Their involvement with the trappings of Buddhism, the dao and Confucianism are about as deep as Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.

There is also a large minority who are Christian. In my experience many Chinese Christians carry on some daoist and Confucian traditions.

I've only met one Chinese Buddhist.
Chinese isn't a religion, it's a nationality.

What are you confused about?

Actually I was asking about the majority.

But BOA says that 60% dont believe in god; so i wonder if that works wonders for their nation or a negative factor for the individuals.
I qoute my college history teacher, "For Chinese, to believe in gods are like buying insurances, the more the better!"