DNA,and GENETIC information

Dwayne D.L.Rabon

Registered Senior Member
Well people i thought that i might post a little information about genetic, and Dna, it may provide some help in argument.

In general the body has 30,000 genes that are responsible for its creation, some reseachers estimate that the number of genes responsible may reach as high as 120,000. this difference in the calculations of the number of genes is due to the meathod of calulation, where it has to be determined what a gene actualy is, meaning the size of a gene,or size of the location of a gene.
the facts of this are further complcated as some people have more gentic information than others.
heree is alist of some of the genes that make up the function of a organ or gene exspression.

Smooth mucsels 127 genes
red blood cells 8 genes
white blood cells 2,164 genes
small intestine 297 genes
colon 879 genes
testis 1,232 genes
brain 3,195 genes
eye 547 genes
thyroid gland 584 genes
esophagus 76 genes
heart 1,195 genes
skeletal muscels 735 genes
breast 696 genes
liver 2,091 genes
pancreas 1,094 genes
kidney 712 genes
bone 904 genes
uterus 1,059 genes
ovary 1,059 genes
skin 629 genes
prostrate gland 1,203 genes

the above count of genes is only some 20,000 genes,there remains other genes to be assigned to this group.

one thing about genes is that genes that make up a organ are located in different chromsomes, meaning that the genetic information of the liver is located on as many as 10 different chromsomes and not all on one chromsome.
the diffcultly with gentics
1.) some people have more genetic information than others
2.) genes of a given organ are located on different chrosomes
3.) genes are time activated

in general the process of genetic is understood, it is only the identifaction that remains a issue in genetics.

in understanding how humans change and develop by genetics occurs by two process which most occur in the reproductive cells resposible for the creation of eggs (primodial cell).
1.) a given gene locus may be come longer by the addtion of a new code rna, meaing more gentic information to that gene.
2.) a gene may be changed by the replacement of a new rna code,

when these changes occur they do not change the reproductive cell that made them, meaning that the orginal chromsome dna sequence is not changed, the change occurs only in the new egg cell created, or new dna strand of the chromsome. these changes that occur are called genotype, phenotypes, alleles ect all of which are a name for the same event of action of the change. it is also this process that makes sisters appear different.
in addtion to these changes the process of these changes only occur in the male of the human species. but the changes may be carried by the female from which she recived the gentic change from her father.

in the procces of dna,rna or the sequence of chromsomes the base thymine is of signifcant difference to the other bases, as is the responsible partly for body/ organ curviture, or gentic singtures. of the different bases that make up the gentic sequence there are A,G,T,and C this gives a total combination of 64 sequences, where in 48 sequence combination are without signture or cause curviture, 16 sequences act to cause body curviture and signture. as the dna sequence is built on a 2 base system and 3 base code system, we get he structure called rna, refered to as a condon, this sytem of builing dna by rna, or condons establishes that in building a dna site there are only 27 sequences of which 7 of them cause body curviture.
in general it can be looked at this way 25% of chromosome infromation is body curiture, signature, 75% tiisue mass..


what in heck are you talking about???

what argument?

your post makes absolutely no sense.

were you drunk when you wrote it?
In response to Dwayne:

I would tend to say, this being the Biology and Genetics portion of sciforums, that most of the people that frequent in here are well versed on the topic. People who aren't are the ones asking questions. However, since most of them are only curious in the basics or their particular problem, they won't be too interested in reading your long post.

Just my thoughts.
Sadly Dwayne D.L.Rabon what you have said though informative is only a scratch of the surface of all of Human: Bio-informatics, Genetics and Proteinomics.

Some corrections:

Its 64 possible sequences per Codon
Only 20 Amino acids summoned by Codons (Anyone have that chart of what Codon is what) The proteins formed out of those possible 20 amino acids do all the work to make a body.

Your “body curviture” things is bull shit!

I got a lot more to correct but I’m tired and have a life
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Actually, I reread that more carefully. Anyone coming into this thread for the first time, please disregard everything Dwayne said. Amongst all the bad spelling and incorrect terminology is irrelevant ramblings that don't make much sense.

That is not a very accurate summary of molecular genetics at all.
Well i thought the was very amussing.

Really, number one some people hhave more genetic information than others, in addtion the existing genetic information regardless of the amount of gentic information to a locations is subject to achange of the code sequence. that is a fact those that think different need to rethink what ever it is that they learned. i do not know anybody od sound mind that would argue that this was different.

Since some seem to disagee with the event of bases and there actions, ask your self this what is the difference between A,T,C,G bases, the difference is that G,C,A are nitorgen compounds, T is a carbon compound, there is a significant difference in moluclar weight, and chemical activtity,
catalzist containing T are less thermal reactive, and there for provide less activity of the cell, and less bouyancy. the remaining nitrogen compounds are bouyant and thermal reactive. here the stablity of dna is provided by the Thymine, and the bouyance of dna is provided by A,C,G, for this reason dna and sequences don't just crumble in to a twisted chain.
Rna is diferent from dna as it conatins A,C,G and U where U is equal to Thymine, the production of U created in rna is created on the chain by the molecues cell that serve the dna site, and occurs relativant to a differences in water, U is created without water, and Thymine is created by the use of water,hydrogenation.
U is a heavier compound that Thymine and causes even more repression of the cell.
The event that A,G,C are thermal reactive bases, meaning that there bouyance is very much higher than U or T they create proteins and other molecules in catalyst that travel through out the cell a much greater rate, simply because there velocity is higher.
the difference of this velocity between A,G,C and U and T determine the shape of the cell, when U codons are in higher volume the reduce the size of the cell, and change the weight of the cell, this causes for curviture of the organ, body or other segment of tissue.

maybe you still do not understand what i said, so then understand this Nitrogen which the major element in A,C,G is the most thermally exspansive element in the periodic chart,
at 108 x 10~3 cm. per cm per degree Celsious, if you would like a example of that speed to exspand, you can take fingernail polish and rub it on your hands and watch it evapoarte, or rubbing alchole will have the same effect, this will give you a good idea to the thermal response of nitrogen.

Also to you since you are so well versed how come you did not know this!

And since i sense a little rejection to the fact that most gentic change occurs in the reproductive system, and only by those that are male, plainly if you know biology and your ananotmy you know that egg cells of males are different than egg cell of girls in housing and activity. you would also know that the seperation of reproductive cells is the resaon for the" law of purity of gametes"
the event of alleles is higher in the somatic cells that the reprodcutive cells, but the event of evoution occurs in the alleles, or the repoductive cells and this is what is meant.

Once again you have guys slander the facts.

Oh God, oh God, OH GOD! That’s it I demand this be placed in Psuedoscience!!! People could read this thinking that what your saying has relevance to how genetics actually work! You think this is a joke??? What you’re saying is an insult to any geneticist; it’s like handing a Jew a swastika. If you did not know you should have asked we would have loved to help clarify anything for you.

Where the hell did you get such ideas? Do you think that just because you don’t know you can make it up???

Instead of correcting you I going to connect you to the what ever site I can find that should explain to you the basics WHICH YOU HAVE HORABLY SCREWED UP ON! http://www.dnaftb.org/dnaftb/
the web site you provide has nothing significant to say, clearly you can not conter because you lack the knowledge to do so.

and claerly you talk right out of you ass!

i Invite you to provide some soild infromation that would demonstrate differnent that what i have provided.

you must be confused as to what genetics is about.

it is getting to the point that i am beging to think that sci forums is a waste of time as to much bull is pojected by the ignoramous such as your self well cooked fetus.

tell me being a female did it hurt you pride that genetic was different for men than women, was it supposed to be the same. you should take off the boxer shorts and put on the panties.

and you should did not tell me the difference betwwen thymine and A,G,C, relavant to nitrogen compstion. it would seem that you know nothing but ramble at the mouth. infact i dare you or anyone else on the forum or ant scientist in gentetic to say that such is different that as i said it was in the above post.

plainly you lose!!!!

ha ha HAHAHAHAHAHA You got to be kidding me! Get real man you just jerking are chains right? Come on now.

Do you seriously believe this? Have you ever gone to college, even graduated High school? I mean any general biology book should explain to you the silliness of you belief.

First of all:
1. All life with only miner alterations follows under this central dogma:
DNA - - RNA - - Proteins. Sequences of DNA called genes are transcribed into mRNA that goes to the ribosomes and is translated into peptide chains called proteins. The proteins do all the work in making a body and catalyzing all reactions in the body. Not the DNA or RNA which only stores and transports the instructions.
2. Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, Guanine and even Uracil have Nitrogen. Their weights are (and this is off the top of my head because I remember their chemical structures) ~134g/mol, ~114g/mol, ~111g/mol, ~151g/mol and ~112g/mol. A,G are Purines and have 4 nitrogens in 2 aromatic like rings, And T,C and U are Pyrimidines and have only a single 6 membered ring containing 2 nitrogens. I fail to see how thymine is special, it neither has a unusual number of nitrogens nor a low molecular weight.
reply to Dwayne

As a geneticist, I can say that virtually everything you wrote is completely wrong and misleading. you really need to have at least a basic knowledge of biology before you write this nonsense.

let me ask, did you do this just to get a response from us?

i commend fetus for having the patience to even respond to you.

paulsmith, know of any forum where only scientists hang out at? I've been trying to find such a forum, and this place is getting pretty bad.
well hey

there are quite a few very good scientists on this message board, but we're still outnumbered by the uneducated masses. We need a message board where moderation is strictly handled BY scientists. Hell, this bio forum doesn't even have an admin!
We could make a forum were you have to put in you student/faculty Id number to gain access. It would limit members to only college students and Professors.
I suppose a board could go to heavy moderation, but it all depends on the motives of the board. If it's to allow discussion and education of ideas, censoring "incorrect" thoughts seems a bit harsh. If there are legit scientists on a board who see something off the wall, why not just debunk it? What better way to both educate the lurking reader of real science and show why it's real science. Certainly more educational that deleting said pseudoscience.

If you instead want to have a little private group of experts, that's fine too...it doesn't help the problem of the "uneducated masses" though.

because the unwashed masses outnumber us. We shouldn't have to spend 30 or 40% of our posting time dubunking idiots posts. For example that huge one about the chemicals of aging, goddamnit someone should have banned drg by his second post.
I would submit that credentials have little to do with the ability to discuss a topic, however heavily scientific it is. Let me just direct you to Mr. Paul W. Dixon's wonderful thread in the Astronomy forum...he supposedly has plenty of credentials. How valid does that make his argument?

My point...you can only judge the post by the post. Dwayne's little info blurb there was quickly shown by others to be way out there...notice he hasn't tried to refute the arguments. And rather than deleting the post, the posts following gave more accurate info. That's a good thing, right? Someone probably learned something...maybe even the original poster.

As for having to spend all that time debunking...either it will be an obvious error that you or someone else can simply point out and correct, or it will be one you aren't sure of the answer. If you have to research the correct answer, doesn't that help you in a way, by making you review the topic, or better, learn something new? You also don't have to debunk anything...just pass the thread and move on if it's not worth the time. If it keeps resurfacing without a rebuttal, then maybe it is worth some effort to correct it, and teach/learn a few things.

If on the other hand what you need is a members only more technical type forum, where you can be sure of the poster's scientific validity, they're probably out there somewhere...bet they aren't free either.