Divine intevention?

I watched most of the video and didn't see any apparitions... and the link does not work.
The link is faulty you will need to post up another link for the report as I would like to read it, but until then I'll give you my findings.

you've got to be having a laugh, a woman stares up at the ceiling and then starts to write, what she's imagined, whats her name J K Rowling, WOW! You religious lot are oh so gullible.

Ever heard of multiple personality disorder and bipolar disorder. Some of the symptoms
* Depression
* Creativity
* Nightmares
* Rapid cycling
* Anxiety (sweating, rapid pulse, palpitations)
* Phobias
* Panic attacks
* Hypomania
* Physical symptoms (severe headaches or other bodily pain)
* Fluctuating levels of function, from highly effective to disabled
* Time distortions, time lapse, and Dissociative Amnesia
* Sexual dysfunction
* mixed state
* Cognition
* Mania
* Eating disorders
* post traumatic stress
* Suicidal preoccupations and attempts
* Episodes of self-mutilation
* Psychoactive substance use/abuse[16]

There s also delusions of Grandeur, Munchausen’s by proxy.
And many others. it is pure hearsay/speculation/delusion/hallucination/imagination, if it cannot be verified by an independent third party, with clear factual evidence. Just on someone’s say so just don’t cut it, and neither does being hypnotised, for the very reasons already given.
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That video is just ridiculous. There are many logical explanations which include this person being credulous or a liar (probably a bit of both). This anecdote belongs in the heap with all other superstitious anecdotes.
The link is faulty you will need to post up another link for the report as I would like to read it, but until then I'll give you my findings.

you've got to be having a laugh, a woman stares up at the ceiling and then starts to write, what she's imagined, whats her name J K Rowling, WOW! You religious lot are oh so gullible.

Ever heard of multiple personality disorder and bipolar disorder. Some of the symptoms
* Depression
* Creativity
* Nightmares
* Rapid cycling
* Anxiety (sweating, rapid pulse, palpitations)
* Phobias
* Panic attacks
* Hypomania
* Physical symptoms (severe headaches or other bodily pain)
* Fluctuating levels of function, from highly effective to disabled
* Time distortions, time lapse, and Dissociative Amnesia
* Sexual dysfunction
* mixed state
* Cognition
* Mania
* Eating disorders
* post traumatic stress
* Suicidal preoccupations and attempts
* Episodes of self-mutilation
* Psychoactive substance use/abuse[16]

There s also delusions of Grandeur, Munchausen’s by proxy.
And many others. it is pure hearsay/speculation/delusion/hallucination/imagination, if it cannot be verified by an independent third party, with clear factual evidence. Just on someone’s say so just don’t cut it, and neither does being hypnotised, for the very reasons already given.
Even the church doesn't accept it as a miracle or an divine apparition.

Ill educate you. The church can not proclaim such a dogma until after strenuous research has taken place after said visions have taken place. Politically, What would it do to the credibility of the church should such a claim be false?





The Science of Medj:
That video is just ridiculous. There are many logical explanations which include this person being credulous or a liar (probably a bit of both). This anecdote belongs in the heap with all other superstitious anecdotes.

Read the scientific report.
Why have they not taken the million dollar challenge, they are sure to win, I bet even if they told blatent lies, they would still pass a lie detector test.http://www.randi.org/research/index.html after all they have had since they first conjured up the idea, in 81? I'll give them a further million if they take the challenge. The money can only help with all the prestige they received cant it.
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Check the link in post #3 - even the pope has said it's not real.
XVI, doesn't agree but it doesn't mean he wont change his mind if fruits of medj turn out to be true.

Would to God--as she wrings her uncalloused, lily white hands pondering her next pontification pertaining to medjugorje and limbo, the bitter fruits of celibacy would lead mother church to a sincere repentance...to a change not only of mind but of heart...i.e. regarding the imposition of such an unnatural/unnecessary burden upon her sons...turning countless numbers of them into perverts who in turn inflict untold psychological and physical harm...such occaisions of sin could easily be avoided or at least greatly diminshed if mother church would only allow her sons to marry--as the Holy Spirit speaking through Saint Paul plainly declares...

Finding herself confronted with the plain statements of Scripture, the dictates of nature itself, and the painful consequences of a scandal surrounding priests and bishops sacrificing/slaughtering their sheep--despite it all, she nevertheless remains resolute in stiff-necked rebellion:

Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I have done no wickedness.

Take comfort, Divine Intervention is on its way...
Okaaay, that was English.
I recognised each word as such, individually, but you cleverly managed to string them together and make no sense, or point, at all.
Forget divine intervention, try grammar and syntax manuals instead.