Divine Intervention.


midnatt klarhet
Registered Senior Member
Divine Intervention.

What do you think?
Opinions are like assholes and I want yours [opinion that is].

A good friend of mine and I disagree on whether this phenomena really happens or not. She and I differ in that she is religeous and I am not.

She says that miracles happen on a constant basis and that science is concrete as well..

Does not the idea of 'divine intervention' debunk science as we know it?
Divine Intervention.

What do you think?
Opinions are like assholes and I want yours [opinion that is].

A good friend of mine and I disagree on whether this phenomena really happens or not. She and I differ in that she is religeous and I am not.

She says that miracles happen on a constant basis and that science is concrete as well..

Does not the idea of 'divine intervention' debunk science as we know it?

the basic gist of theism is that matter is contingent on god and the basic gist of empiricism is we don't know what matter is contingent on

the only way that empiricism could debunk notions of divine intervention is if they had a unified field theory to work with instead of what appears to be something like an odd assortment of independent/axiomatic laws of physics
Not necessarily

Science is a miracle in itself and what science can't explain is a miracle as well...
i am now (in this forum) answering the question of a person whom i don't know, who perhaps lives in a country far far away from me... science makes this miracle possible!
similarly, the other day i was thinking about a person with whom i hadn't talked for more than a year. and she calls me up to let me know that she saw a dream in which i was thinking about her. Miracle!:)
Science is a miracle in itself and what science can't explain is a miracle as well...

similarly, the other day i was thinking about a person with whom i hadn't talked for more than a year. and she calls me up to let me know that she saw a dream in which i was thinking about her. Miracle!:)

This isn't necessarily indicative of a miracle. Let's review the definition, shall we?
Miracle: an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs

So, you think that because you answered this thread that God reached down and brought you to it? Made you reply to it even? Isn't that infringing upon your gift of 'free will?' So God gave us the 'gift and privalege of free will' only for it to not be completely free? Like he doesn't care some of the time and other times wants to make the choice for you?

This all just sounds highly improbable to me. No. You got on the internet and chose to reply, chose to think certain things, and chose to assign miracles to it.
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So, you think that because you answered this thread that God reached down and brought you to it? Made you reply to it even? Isn't that infringing upon your gift of 'free will?' So God gave us the 'gift and privalege of free will' only for it to not be completely free? Like he doesn't care some of the time and other times wants to make the choice for you?

This all just sounds higly improbable to me. No. You got on the internet and chose to reply, chose to think certain things, and chose to assign miracles to it.

Nature wanted you to press that key. why? it's like because why not?
You ghave to remember. People started from mud and stuff and it took a long time but it wanted to get there.

Edit: Not that it wanted to get there but it just did.

To be fair, the only way to discount divine intervention is if you can create a guppy or like a flower from scratch. Can you? or a leaf how hard could that be? how about a drop of water, hey it is just a drop of water. Well everything is easy when you know how it's done.
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I believe what are considered miracles are simply improbable events, which are not as improbable as you might think. There is the illusion of intentionality.
I've never understood it.
There was that surfer girl who got her arm bit off by a shark. It was a miracle that she didn't bleed to death.
NO! The miracle would have been the shark having a heart attack just as it was about to bite her.
I don't understand it.
I've never understood it.
There was that surfer girl who got her arm bit off by a shark. It was a miracle that she didn't bleed to death.
NO! The miracle would have been the shark having a heart attack just as it was about to bite her.
I don't understand it.

I don't understand is this reply.
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I'd like the word "fortunate" to be used instead of "miracle" . I think that we

overuse "miracle" to much. Many times people are just "fortunate" to be in

the right place at the right time.