Divine DNA?


One Hissy Kitty
Registered Senior Member
I don't normally browse the Biology forum, so I apologize if this question has been broached before, but what if the Shroud of Turin was actually the burial cloth of Jesus (which I don't believe it is)? There would be blood or some kind of fluid residue trapped in the fibers. Would we be able to pull any DNA off of it, and what do you think we would find?

If Jesus was the son of a god, that god would have to have had some sort of genetic code to pass along, or Jesus would have been a clone of Mary and the Christians would be worshipping a woman (if she was socially allowed to be a messiah). What might divine DNA look like, or what could combine with human DNA to produce offspring?

(Apologies if this thread belongs elsewhere, I just felt that this was an appropriate forum. Feel free to move it, Moderator.)
of course it's not real... but if it were, I think you probably wouldn't find anything anyway. It's been way too long. The DNA would have degraded by then.
if it WERE possible, you'd just find regular DNA... supposedly jesus got his powers from wherever else, not from earth, so his DNA would be boring human DNA.
I don't know about the rest.. trying to answer those questions is kind of pointless, since you could only answer them if the laws of nature applied... and of course they don't.
How fast does DNA degrade? (They didn't cover cool stuff like this in my old high school bio class. They just made us chop up a bunch of earthworms. :))