Divine Command Theory


the villain with x-ray glasses
Registered Senior Member
The Divine Command theory is the theory of ethics that says something is right because God commands it and something is wrong because God forbids it.

But my question is Plato's question. To take an example, lying or telling the truth. Is telling the truth right because God commands it, or does God command it because it is right?
Is XYZ right because a god commands it?
1st we have to know there is a god which we don't. Then we have to know whether some other god has higher authority. Why would it (they) have authority? By virtue of power? Might makes right?
Then how do we know what the god(s) commands?
And does the god(s) practice what it preaches?
Is telling the truth right because God commands it, or does God command it because it is right?

Religion does not create a morality - hence the fact it often adapts to the country it is practised in. It is society that dictates what is right or wrong based on the personal morals of the consensus.
God does not come down to earth every once in a while and preach on the streets - his word has been written down and interpreted by people. These people are part of a society which already has morals and an accepted view of right and wrong. God cannot not go completely against the grain and still be accepted, so God commands it because it is right.
Religion does not create a morality - hence the fact it often adapts to the country it is practised in. It is society that dictates what is right or wrong based on the personal morals of the consensus.

Yes. Tho there is some influence both ways.

God does not come down to earth every once in a while and preach on the streets - his word has been written down and interpreted by people. These people are part of a society which already has morals and an accepted view of right and wrong. God cannot not go completely against the grain and still be accepted, so God commands it because it is right.

God commands it because society says so.
How is this a theory?

Anyway, God commands it because it is right. He has to, since religion always adopts the morals of a society (not always the one it originates in). It was right before God commanded it, is what I'm getting at.
First of all our morals do not come from a divine sky daddy.

Our morals stem from several things, one of these is called social evolution. Societies with rape, murder, and thieves do not prosper and therefore, social values must be developed to help the society thrive. Also, as intelligent creatures we are self-aware and this allows us to have empathy for our fellow human beings. Which is another way we get our morals.
