Distraught Religious Father


Registered Senior Member
I thought you all would find this interesting on how a father was distraught over his 13 year old rejecting God. He was to the point of punishing his child for not believing. He posted this on another forum I have posted too periodically. It was interesting how he thought that someone who is atheist is not normal and that he believes that since his son is now in the gifted program at school, it has turned him against religion.

Hi! I'm the dad of a 13 year old son. He has been devoutly christian up until 2 months ago when I realized he stopped saying prayers, and skipped out on going to church. I think he might be atheist!!! I don't want my only son to go to hell how can I show him the light? I need him to accept the power of Jesus Christ back into his heart. Also I've noticed that ever since he's been in this 'gifted' program he's been hanging out with different friends. They all seem pretty nice and they get good marks but at my sons birthday party a few weeks ago they didn't thank the lord for our food

Should I get him out of the gifted program and back into a normal class??? I want him to grow up to be normal not atheist
I've already tried talking with my son and I was appalled to hear him say that he doesn't believe in god anymore!!! Have the gifted students made my son atheist??? I've tried to get my son to hang out with kids from the church but he told me that they were dumb!!! They're some of the best people I know!!! Do I need to start disciplining my kid too??? If so how much??? Should I take him to a therapist? I need him to live a happy life with Jesus Christ in his heart!!!

perhaps tell all dad's this will be the trend............. the children will exceed their parents in knowledge

the really sharp ones are just quicker to realize, with the internet they can find out for themselves how reality works

take my word for it, this concept of the children diverting from just accepting what the complacent follow will be rampant.

they are our future and i would prefer having children being honest with themselves to learn, then ever follow a religion

morality is not owned by any belief system
I thought you all would find this interesting on how a father was distraught over his 13 year old rejecting God. He was to the point of punishing his child for not believing. He posted this on another forum I have posted too periodically. It was interesting how he thought that someone who is atheist is not normal and that he believes that since his son is now in the gifted program at school, it has turned him against religion.

lol! Can you post the link to that post? I'm curious as to what else is said.
Hmmm, I have to agree with Jan on this one. The post sets up a scenario that is "too perfect" (iq and knowledge vs. magical thinking and forced indoctrination)... it reads like a set up with the sole intent to make Christians look ridiculous. And that's just sad as a strong value often associated with atheists is truth.
Yah it sounds like an atheist trying to get some crazy responses out of extremist christians. If he was smart he would have called the televangelists with this story and recorded it - those christians are NUTS!
First things first..

You read the Oprah boards? Heh!

Hmmm, I have to agree with Jan on this one. The post sets up a scenario that is "too perfect" (iq and knowledge vs. magical thinking and forced indoctrination)... it reads like a set up with the sole intent to make Christians look ridiculous. And that's just sad as a strong value often associated with atheists is truth.
It just sounded like a set up. I mean the whole thing about the child's education and what not.