Dissecting Stuff


Who turned out the lights?!?!
Registered Senior Member
So what's the coolest thing you've ever dissected. Recently I did a turtle. That was pretty cool.

I honestly don't mean to affend any vegitarians or stuff, I was just curious.
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we dissected a fetal pig two weeks ago in biology class, it was really amazing.
and the surprising thing is... no one in my class puked :D
That's pretty cool. The turtle I dissected I found when I was fishing and it was already dead so I brought it home and stuck it in the freazer. When I finnaly got around to dissecting the thing it was smelling pretty bad, but I figured I cut it up any ways. The shell was kind of tricky to get off and the inside was a litte (well maybe alot) water logged but it was still an awsome experiance. One of the coolest things I've ever done.
I don't think that's disgusting, it's for learning the structure of an organism, in other words, it's for SCIENCE! :p although I do oppose the deliberate over-killing of animals

Anyway, we get our baby pigs from a science laboratory company called BOREAL, they supposedly died of natural causes before they were sold to these companies. they were soaked in chemicals to prevent them from rotting, and then were soaked in water to get the chemicals out
Still there was still lots of fluid in the piggy's stomach (not blood though, they took the blood out of the pigs somehow before the dissection), we had to use paper towels absorb it before any internal organs can be seen
The most disgusting part was when some people tried to cut open the pig's stomach. They probably poked at the wrong place or something, because the stomach suddenly "exploded" and all the fluid and stuff was flying everywhere...
It was both cool and gross... and oh yeah the smell of the pig got absolutely intolerable after a while
i want to dissect myself

ugh i remember the fetal pigs. i have no problem cutting into things but the smell of formalene turned my stomach. ours were a biproduct of the pork industry, taken from pregnant sows that were slaughtered for meat. even as a wannabe vegan, this doesn't bother me. ::shrug:: i've cut up lots of things. so many animals, i can't name them all. i think, actually, that it was key in making give up eating them.

my favorite to look at was a hydra. i spent about 2 hours watching it dance a ballet for me under the microscope. beautiful creature.
We had to dissect frogs. Tricky to keep under control when each dissected part is twitching at it's own pace.
enigma '07 you are a bit wierd.
the only thing you post about is tumors and dissecting and gross pictures offf rotten.
I didn't know about rotten.com, someone else enlightened me on that. I have other posts in the physics section and they're not gross.

I "have a unique desire to see graphic images that pertain to anatomy of living organisms."