dissappearence of best ufo footage uncanny


Registered Member
When I started seeing what I considered the best NASA ufo Mpegs, they were readily availabe on OVNI Chapterhouse and Erickson Paranormal Reasearch Foundation. Apollo 16's panning view of the moon and with apparent saucer was quite compelling, and probably availabe if I look hard enough thru NASA. The MoSt compelling,however, was Columbia Flight STS-80's infrared view of heat lightning near Africa. I'm *NoT* referring to the flight with the infamous ice or urine crystals or whatever...these are clearly circular objects (maybe a dozen) zipping around in and out of cloud canopies and space. A nearly 8 meg Mpeg was available on multiple sources and all of them have vanished in the last two years. I don't mean to be paranoid, but how can what was considered to be the most convincing footage by myself and many others be the one which is never held on to successfully anywhere, while every search engine will still turn us on to all the same tired, old photos by people who were caught with ufo models in their attics and such?!
Sincerely, Person in Florida with Corrupted Backup Copy of STS-80 Anomalies
I tend to be skeptical of photos on the internet or any computer images of UFOs. I have a friend who is a graphics artist and he has shown me how easy it is to dub things. He even did a picture of a landed UFO right outside my office. It was pretty good on the edit. Maybe it was a hoax that they pulled just before getting exposed.

Still, I won't just discredit the notion without having personally investigated it first. I'll see what I can find and post you back.
I know, I've heard hilarious artificial Armstrong correspondence with ground control with the little 'beeps', and color mars landings from 1969 & whatnot. I, myself, superimposed a UFO over the house of a local radio personality. STS-80, however, had widespread a realistic posting which was an official NASA statement that the saucers were apparently natural phenomenon (not an outright hoax).
They're not ALL gone.
I've managed to get a collection of the sts-48/sts-80 NASA films in MPEG format if you want them, Gotuten. :)

[This message has been edited by Dave (edited August 26, 1999).]