Dishonest or Delusional?

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Heute der Enteteich...
Registered Senior Member
As someone who doesn't actually believe that UFOs are alien visitors, due to lack of evidence, but still retains a child[-like/hood] interest in "gee-whizz" technology, I've been looking on the 'net for engineering data :D and came across this -
According to this article some guy built a fusion-powered rocket at the age of 17 (in 1971) which had a black hole at its centre with the maths and engineering all done by this one David Adair.
I believe the correct engineering term for this (after 30+ years as an engineer) is "total bollocks".
But the question is: is the guy deliberately lying or does he believe his own bullshit, and why does the reporter take him at face value? The numbers quoted are outlandish, and everything he says is accepted as gospel.
Surely this sort of crap doesn't help anyone's case? Or are pro-UFO fans (in general) willing to take anything at all provided it supports their beliefs?
Pro-UFO posts invited.
Oli said:
As someone who doesn't actually believe that UFOs are alien visitors, due to lack of evidence, but still retains a child[-like/hood] interest in "gee-whizz" technology, I've been looking on the 'net for engineering data :D and came across this -

me::: yes, i've just been reading it. seems interesting

According to this article some guy built a fusion-powered rocket at the age of 17 (in 1971) which had a black hole at its centre with the maths and engineering all done by this one David Adair.
I believe the correct engineering term for this (after 30+ years as an engineer) is "total bollocks".

me::: do you respond like tat because you know for sure it is bolloks?

But the question is: is the guy deliberately lying or does he believe his own bullshit, and why does the reporter take him at face value?

me::: well interviewer probs is having his head blown as well. all oftis is strange isn't it?

The numbers quoted are outlandish, and everything he says is accepted as gospel.
Surely this sort of crap doesn't help anyone's case?

me::: yeah, but to be fiar. all i can hear you is denigrating tirades. apart from your view 'the numbers quoted are outlandish' i a nothearing an analytical serious examination of what he's talking about...yet.

Or are pro-UFO fans (in general) willing to take anything at all provided it supports their beliefs?

me::yeah but dude. seriously you hafe already judged him havfen't you? where is te necessary open mind to truly explore about this. tis is what i hav been pointing out. te two positions i keep seeing. he gullible believer who may take all he says face value, and the so-called sceptic who just dismisses all right from the beginning. te subject deMANDS more thn those two static polar positions!

Pro-UFO posts invited.
Hi Duendy. Ta. Ummm, maybe I should have written "pro-UFO comments and argument for/ against invited" :) Left myself open and you took advantage. Kill me...
"They didn't want any gravity convection currents to show up in the alloy shaping process."

I laughed at this phrase for hours and hours. Gravity doesn't cause "currents" to happen, and a zero-G environment is zero-G, it doesn't matter where in space you are.

Also, to create a fusion engine, a "synthetic black hole" is not required, only a sufficiently strong magnetic field (Read: "Mag Bottle").
Squeak22 said:
"They didn't want any gravity convection currents to show up in the alloy shaping process."

I laughed at this phrase for hours and hours. Gravity doesn't cause "currents" to happen, and a zero-G environment is zero-G, it doesn't matter where in space you are.

Also, to create a fusion engine, a "synthetic black hole" is not required, only a sufficiently strong magnetic field (Read: "Mag Bottle").

so i rthen would suggest this avenue of reaearch:

did you see an email atached to that article? why not voice your concern to him, and ask him to foreward it on to the person involved and see how HE respond, and foreward it all to here to let us see an make up our own minds for ourselves....thias SHOULDbe the wonder of the internet!

how do you tink quantum physics woulda sounded to pre that AND to those who were the first to beginn finding out about all that? many were shocked
Oli said:
But the question is: is the guy deliberately lying or does he believe his own bullshit, .....
That, for me, is perhaps the most intriguing questions in relation to reports on UFOs, the paranormal, conspiracy theories, etc. There is an almost total lack of self criticism (an essential part of good science) that lies or self deception seem the only explanation.

Edit: Sorry, I can't believe it - I actually forgot to mention gross stupidity.
Oli said:
But the question is: is the guy deliberately lying or does he believe his own bullshit, and why does the reporter take him at face value?

He wants to believe it, and a periodical by its nature dictates that, when the magazine goes to press, it has to have something in it.

Basic rule of publishing. No blank spaces between the adds... ;)
duendy said:
but you have lready deCIDED haven't you?.....whoneeds juries hey?....sheeeesh

Well, bad science is still bad science anytime you see it. It doesn't require empaneling an jury to see through this guy and his story. ;)
Light said:
Well, bad science is still bad science anytime you see it. It doesn't require empaneling an jury to see through this guy and his story. ;)
are you a scientist?

how do you know all of what he is saying is crap?

you see...look. ALL i am hearing is unsubtanitated claims being aimed at tis guy who purportedly is not umfamiliar wit science himself....ok?

so what am i to do, be satisfied wihthese off the cuff insults being flung this way and that regarding this guy's supposedly bad science?

like i said...does a ONEof you DARE....DARE to voice your reservations to the person whose email is attached to that articel...hopefully also forewarding your concerns to te very mn himself. rather than blindly attackingwhat he has to say?


oterwise alo your attacks are me. i am here to learn
If such equipment existed and such a physicist was real to have tapped such potentials, then you can guess alot of University Lectures would occur. Afterall such science isn't just about patent applications, it's about making sure that the discovery made is tested via peers, peer review in this instance shouldn't be from some magazine/ezine that no one reads/purchases, it should be academic peers that can test the theory and recreate an experiment.

Once backed by said peers, such a person would probably get a Nobel prize, after of course releasing Documents (which of course are censored of delicate material) into the Public domain. Those documents themselves would have to be the ones submitted for such a prize (Not just the usual eccentric papers that are only hard to follow because physics doesn't work the way they want it to.)

Since such a publicised event hasn't occured and such lectures aren't so "ground breaking" that television channels swarm buildings, it would suggest beyond a doubt that the person in question is indeed lieing. are missing thepoint.

we are talking 'area 51' know like top SECRET?...obviously there isn't going o be openly acclaiomed peer reviewed glittering prizes and all tat. we are talking bout SUPPRESSED knowledge of advanced technology......cause IF such knowledge became pubic a lot of big players would lose their cake
Well if you check out a search for "EPA", "Military Installations", "Area" and "Toxic Waste", you might find some truths on the subject your looking for. (Not necessarily the ones you want. However what I read which was an old story for CNN, suggested a number of Area's/installations were closed down not to underfunding, but pressures from the EPA to clean up their toxic waste.)
Stryder said:
Well if you check out a search for "EPA", "Military Installations", "Area" and "Toxic Waste", you might find some truths on the subject your looking for. (Not necessarily the ones you want. However what I read which was an old story for CNN, suggested a number of Area's/installations were closed down not to underfunding, but pressures from the EPA to clean up their toxic waste.)

oh, your trying to suggest area 51 is a place to dump toxic waste?
from whati have heard it is the Native Americans and black and ethnic people that have to live on and near THAT!....not the military for sure

no.....we are taliing about tepossibility of suppressed technology, and why noone here has the guts to actually speakmin real ime wit the people they criticize.....shit, surely this IS THE medium to do tis. no having to get paper, then ind a pen, then tink what to say, then write it, then place sheet in envelope and lick and seal it, then tae it dow to post box and ...dont foget the stamp....then wondering if they've got it yeat and will they be arsed to go through all that, and the time it takes bal all yer gotta do i get them fingers moving, then go zap and its goin down the electronicfukin highway

tell you what then. tel me you'll what you want to ask. I@LL DO IT!
duendy said:
are you a scientist?

how do you know all of what he is saying is crap?

you see...look. ALL i am hearing is unsubtanitated claims being aimed at tis guy who purportedly is not umfamiliar wit science himself....ok?

so what am i to do, be satisfied wihthese off the cuff insults being flung this way and that regarding this guy's supposedly bad science?

like i said...does a ONEof you DARE....DARE to voice your reservations to the person whose email is attached to that articel...hopefully also forewarding your concerns to te very mn himself. rather than blindly attackingwhat he has to say?


oterwise alo your attacks are me. i am here to learn

Yes, I am a scientist. I have been for a good number of years and also know a large number of them as well.

I'm sorry to have to say this, deundy, but you wouldn't know real science if you saw it. Even if it reached out and bit you on the nose.
Oli said:
...But the question is: is the guy deliberately lying or does he believe his own bullshit, and why does the reporter take him at face value?

Hi Oli,

There is evidence to suggest this person is deliberately lying AND believes his own bullshit (those are not mutually exclusive concepts). We don't know how the reporter personally took it... we just know there is evidence that the reporter performed an interview.
Light said:
Yes, I am a scientist. I have been for a good number of years and also know a large number of them as well.

me::: I see

I'm sorry to have to say this, deundy, but you wouldn't know real science if you saw it. Even if it reached out and bit you on the nose.

you pompus oaf. dont know me aliihgt? cause u dont. anddontput other people down cause they aren't part of your scientismic cult neither.
a true scientist who is first a human being wouldn't hav even said what you just said, so you've xposed yourself fpor what you really are....see above

AND you have typically--in your ad hominem reply--DIVERTED away from whati was asuggesting. to ask your 'scientfic' questions and concerns to te SCIENTISTS attached to te article being referred to...i DARE you! there i have challenged you..........what ya gonna do?
I think he knows with reasonable certainty that logical thinking or scientific knowledge is not a forte' of yours. Regarding the 'challenge' you are putting forth for him, why would he even consider accepting when the Australian publisher (Nexus) is clearly an entertainment provider. Look at some of the articles:

MYCOPLASMA - The real cause of AIDS, CFS, CJD & MS?
AFRICAN AVATARS - Has Christ already returned?

This is the equivelant of the Weekly World News where Bat Boy reigns supreme.
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