Discussion ethics

1. You have not covered the female vs. female scenario


2. You are making broad genralizations that should be verified. I can think of exceptions to your rules :D Not all women take offense that easily. I have seen some males take ridiculous offense in heated discussion.

And whether or not a certain female individual was offended, her professional sense of ethics should have drawn the line at certain aspects of her behavior. Don't put ME in the same category :D

p.s. I am ready for a fight....
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And if Xev is a female, as the avatar indicates, wouldn't she be a Parasite Goddess? ;)
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"I know very little about them"

just stick with that and throw the rest out. that's about as accurate as you get in all that shpeil. btw, i prefer to not have my gender known as to not be treated according to a preconcieved (wrong) assumption about how i think and act.
I don't see that gender should really be an issue when debating (or arguing) on these forums.

Anyone who comes here (or who argues anywhere else on the internet) should be prepared for the eventuality that someone is going to make nasty, and often rather stupid personal attacks against them, it's just a grim fact of interacting with such a diverse crowd of individuals.

I don't see why anyone should argue differently than they normally would just because the person to whom their words are directed may be a woman (*Gasp*). Argue with your own emotions in mind, not those of the person with whom you are arguing. If you feel that insulting a woman somehow damages your macho honor, then just refrain from insulting your fellow posters categorically, and if you don't, and the person is upset, it was their fault for coming here unprepared.

Also I don't buy into the idea that women are categorically less prepared to engage in debate than men, that's simply misogynistic. This really isn't a boy/girl issue, less and less people fit into that medieval view of the sexes every year. :p or in simpler terms girls can do anything boys can do, so there's no point in treating them differently.
Again, I don't see that gender confusion in remote correspondence is something to get too embarrassed about. The fact that a fellow poster's gender is not always evident even after having seen them around for quite some time is just proof of how little such a thing means.

Hmmm and I suppose in some round-about way my comments here are indeed meant to preemptively block any dragging up of my own references to Tiassa as "she" in the past, hahah.
it is now

Curious that a post of an intellectual insult is deleted while a sexual slur remains. Deletion of Xev's post does not make your neanderthal one, by default, original.

Although forums can be a great place to discuss things, many users, enjoying anonymity, feel free to offend with impunity in ways they certainly would not in a face to face scenario.

André, regarding the gender issue at forums. Of course you don't want to erroneously address a he as a she, or vice versa, but not knowing the gender of who we are talking to does remove a bias, whether we realize it or not. I expect if I had a masculine user name, I could remove that bias.

And you may be right about the locker room language amongst the guys. I guess the guys can ask themselves if they tone that down when the girls are around. Some may not, and some girls swear like sailors.


"Spuriousmonkey: "he is not worth the trouble"

CrystalBiology: "Our Admin is no dictator, she is a nice person." "

I don't expect CrystalBiology had his/her anonymity removed and all personal details displayed (without his/her consent)on the internet by that nice biologyforums.

If you want to know what happened, biologyforums is hypersensitive, and lashed out emotionally rather than using her intellect to correct the situation. She took things personally rather than maintaining objectivity. And I find that surprising in a scientist, but that is personal expectation bias on my part.
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Originally posted by NileQueen

Curious that a post of an intellectual insult is deleted while a sexual slur remains. Deletion of Xev's post does not make your neanderthal one, by default, original.

Although forums can be a great place to discuss things, many users, enjoying anonymity, feel free to offend with impunity in ways they certainly would not in a face to face scenario.

original in what context? i took it to mean first on the thread and i feel that is what you implied as well. perhaps now you change?

offend? yes you did! call me a neanderthal to my face and i'll bitchslap you:D

*just kidding nile dear
I'm afraid I did not state my point well and as reward I'm the big sexist now. Well that's life. Allow me to try again.

Okay, let's see if you are a big seXist...

sexist - a person who believes in, advocates or practices sexism
sexism - the economic exploitation and social domination of members of one sex by the other, specifically of women, by men.

I don't think you fit the profile. You're exonerated.
So why does the gender issue get such reactions? Because women generally have had experiences that teach them it is a male dominated world. Men have the edge in a career world. And there are insidious ways to keep it that way.

Would women like to be treated like men? Well I think they want equal respect and consideration. I think both men and women want to be cared for and respected by their partners.

As far as career equality, I can see some problems with i.e. women being in combat, although no doubt there are those who will disagree with me. And sometimes it is a practical consideration, that it is tough to manage kids and a career, especially if the spouse is heavily committed to his career, travels, etc. Someone has to be the anchor at home.

Suppose that somebody types to me: "That's f-cking sh-t, man" he does not intend to insult me and I don't take it as an offense. It's just the customary way of expressing his disbelief and disproval of my weird ideas. He is attacking my idea, not me.
Sure but if he says you are a f-cking sh-t, it's a different story. Then it is a personal attack and not just swearing. I think you might take offense then.

original in what context? i took it to mean first on the thread and i feel that is what you implied as well. perhaps now you change?

no I meant:
"Productive of new things or new ideas; inventive: an original mind. "

You copied your insult from Xev, but modified it.

There is also:
"Preceding all others in time; first."
But just because you deleted the first or original one, does not now make yours original because I saw the original and it was not yours.

offend? yes you did! call me a neanderthal to my face and i'll bitchslap you

You can bitchslap airspace all you want; I am out of range. Furthermore if you attempted it in real life, you'd be a heap on the floor before you knew what was happening.*

*not kidding spookz sweetie :D
Originally posted by NileQueen
I expect if I had a masculine user name, I could remove that bias.

Well there's always the chance that someone may assume that you are a different kind of queen all together.
I'm afraid I did not state my point well and as reward I'm the big sexist now.

Oh cry a fucking river. You make sexist posts, no wonder you're regarded as sexist.

/I, not the admin, deleted my post. It was not funny.
prove it!

Well spookzepoo, if I were Perry Mason, I would insinuate that I copied and saved the original thread, and you would go to pieces on the witness stand. :p

But since it is not that critical of an issue, I'll just say that you and I both know it was there, so you can't weasel out of it.

Oh cry a fucking river. You make sexist posts, no wonder you're regarded as sexist.

Well Xev, you certainly seem irritated by André's remarks. What is it he said that annoys you the most? That females have other primary tasks?
Had to think for a minute, but MCP is Male Chauvinist Pig.

So if you think back to a time, if there was one, when you have been insulted in a forum, what would have precipitated that? Someone attacking your ideas?

And where is that MCP, spookz? ;)