Discussing Religion in a Science Forum

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Refined Reinvention
Valued Senior Member
To save everybody much grief, they are forewarned that this is a religious section in a science forum. Any topic in the religious section is open for any sort of religious discussion.

As such, the following comments and anything similar shall be deemed utter nonsense:
“If you want an answer to your religious question, I suggest you go to a religious forum. This is a science forum, and it will save you great grief not to approach religion here in the same way you would in theist forum.”

“Theists must beware that religion will be picked apart with scientific scrutiny. Religion in a science community will be discussed in purely scientific terms such as how religion afflicts society.”

“This thread is in a sub-section of a science forum and claims are going to be scrutinized and in many cases falsified. Conjecture in the presence of known contradictory knowledge is not immune to criticism either.”

“This is a religion sub in a science forum. A scientific perspective will undoubtedly be brought to any religious discussion here.”

“Because this is a science forum, discussions of religion here will be held up to scientific scrutiny. We are saving theists much grief by letting them know this up front.”

Such ignorant comments by domineering bigots who wish to dictate how people should discuss religion in a science forum by fanatically imposing self-righteous dogma about how religion should be discussed in a science forum shall be henceforth deemed empty extremist delusion.

This includes fanatical threads of self-righteous bigotry such as this:
you're just begging for this to get locked aren't you?
There not forcing there opinion on anyone. There just telling them that there posts will be debated using science & reason. And if you cant understand that your deluded.
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