
a reply...

GB-Gil-Trans-Whatever wrote:
anybody wanna reply?


Jesus died for your sins.

nah, just beat sticks with christians.

PS. Santa Claus is real.....I saw an advert that he's coming to Woolworths pretty soon.
Maybe this is a geographic thing. As an athiest living in the South of England I cannot think of a single incidence when I have been discriminated against. I suppose that the only instances that come close are the fact that weddings and funerals that I have attended have been religious affairs, but I don't have a problem with that.

The second link in the original post is dead by the way.
shinobi: generally this is typical of somebody who hasn't been asked about religion by their coworkers, or if they were, they weren't honest.

If you let people know you're an Atheist, then you'll have problems.
Re: a reply...


Jesus died for your sins.


Oh, I see now. Jesus died for my sins, so it's OK for people to discriminate against me simply because I don't believe this is true? :p
Originally posted by GB-GIL Trans-global
shinobi: generally this is typical of somebody who hasn't been asked about religion by their coworkers, or if they were, they weren't honest.

If you let people know you're an Atheist, then you'll have problems.

Actually most people I know, and certainly those I work with, know that I'm an athiest. It's not that I go shouting about it, but my Dad is a vicar and most people assume I am religious at first, but they are corrected by either me or a colleague.

I have three co-workers who are quite Evangelical and a number of others who are very religious, but I have to say that in all honesty I have not been discriminated against. I have only once sought promotion and was successful and I think I have been treated fairly at work.

Maybe I've just been lucky.

you do know we are a christian nation? god is invoked at every possible opportunity. freaks on bicycles attempt to convert you. every friggin election
the christians make a bid for power (out with abortion, in with school prayer, heathens will be forcibly converted or face expulsion)

how is it over there? do you guys believe?
Yes a great many people believe over here. Religious groups have relatively little political influence because none of the main political parties use religion as a political weapon.

We also have evangelists who actively seek to convert us.

In this part of Britain I don't think that religion is much of an issue when people get together socially or at work. If Muslims or Hindus are abused it's generally a race issue.
Spooks, shinobi,

I am British but live permanently here in California and have done so for many years.

Britain has an official religion and there is no concept of separation of Church and state as there is here in the USA. But this isn't an issue since the really overtly religious people in the UK are usually seen as crackpots and are effectively ignored, and the Church simply stays out of politics. I think if it did start dabbling seriously in politics then there would be some swift laws to kill it. In the House of Lords (the upper house of parliament, somewhat like the US Senate) there are a fixed number of positions for religious clergy. So their influence is tightly controlled.

Religion (primarily Christianity) in Britain is seen more as part of tradition rather than something of a political force. I was married in a Church in 1975 even though I told the vicar I was an atheist. It pleased the families to have a pretty Church wedding that went well with British tradition.

At my father’s funeral in 2000 I organized an entirely atheist service. Not that it was called an atheist service; there was simply no reference to religion, no prayers, no hymns etc. I never announced the nature of the service or explained myself, and absolutely no one mentioned a lack of religiosity. I’m not even sure anyone noticed.

Recent statistics show Britain as being probably the most secular/atheist nation in the western world. The Archbishop of Canterbury stated a few years ago that England had become a nation of atheists. A few years early a well-known bishop had stated on record that he thought the virgin birth and Jesus being divine was clearly nonsense. It would seem that astonishingly atheist bishops are not too uncommon.

Unlike the USA, most people in Britain do not take religion too seriously and religions are fair game for many forms of humor. Again unlike the USA, religious political pressure groups are very weak in Britain.

Americans tend to take life very seriously whereas the British have a much more light-hearted approach to life and especially towards religion. It is easy to tolerate religion in Britain, but in the USA it often asserts itself in a very offensive manner.

Even just a little north of the US things are quite different. The majority of people I know in the city are atheist, and the religious right is little more than a gang of Alberta farmers who make noises whenever the federal government tries to assert it's authority. Only recently have far-right religious politics even been a consideration in our system, and even so barely one worth mentioning.

Now, the country is somewhat different, but these people are friendly good-natured Mennonites who'll have you over for pie any day of the week even if they know you're a hot-headed atheist (like me).

Overall, I'd say we don't have the stomach for fundamentalism. I blame it on the Quest for the Shaved Canadian Beaver, mixed with our superior beer.

*snatches up a megaphone*

*expression of mindless stupidity and zeal*
*drops megaphone and snatches up a sword*


OOC: I'm sure y'all get my point. Hope I haven't gone overboard with that sarcasm there...