Discrimination, but against who?

Which way should the judgment have gone?

  • Towards the women. In this day and age there shouldnt be single gender clubs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Devil may care, but I don't. (I just love clicking on polls.)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
I was reading the news and this was there

Adielade now said:
Banned woman still hopes to join boat club

A WOMAN banned from joining an Adelaide boat club because she is female has been awarded $10,000 compensation - but is still forbidden to join the club.

Trish Colquhoun, from West Lakes, said today her sex discrimination case against the South Australian Trailer Boat Club was always about trying to become a member.

"That was the whole issue in all reality," she said. She still hopes that one day she will be accepted as a member.

The Equal Opportunity Tribunal today ordered the club pay Ms Colquhoun $10,000 compensation after finding it had breached the Equal Opportunity Act by not letting her become a member.

The tribunal also ordered the club publish an apology to Ms Colquhoun.

But the tribunal did not order that the club accept her as a member or change its constitution to allow her to become a member because it said it did not have the power.

The tribunal heard Ms Colquhoun had been associated with the club since she was a child through her father, who was a one-time president.

"It is clear from Ms Colquhoun's evidence that she has very fond memories of the activities she enjoyed at the club with her father," the tribunal said.

"Upon her father's death in 1991, Ms Colquhoun ceased to be able to use the club and its facilities, including the boat ramp."

She tried joining in 1979 but her application was refused. An application to join again in 2006 was again refused.

Four months later the club changed its rules to make it a male-only club.

"The club offered no explanation as to why it is so intent upon excluding women from membership," the tribunal said.

"It has gone to the lengths of changing its rules to fulfil the desire of a group of its members that women be excluded."

The tribunal heard Ms Colquhoun has a 16-year-old son who likes fishing and boating and who she would liked to have taken to the club as her father had done.

The tribunal said it accepted that Ms Colquhoun had experienced feelings of "sadness, grief and loss" because of the club's treatment of her.

"She has experienced hurt and disappointment over a number of years because of the actions of the club, and there is now little foreseeable prospect that she will ever attain her objective of becoming a member," it said.

Ms Colquhoun said she was examining her legal options about whether to go to the Supreme Court to be allowed to join the club.

Members of the club present to hear the tribunal's decision declined to comment.

Viewed 29/08/02 at 15:35

The thing about this i found the most interesting were some of the comments like these 2

Women appear to have become the forgotten minority. No one doubts that clubs etc can not exclude Muslims, Aboriginals, gays - but don't hesitate to seek to exclude women. OK if your name is Mustafa, Millimbaloo or Maurice - but if your name is Mary - god help you.

Frenchy of Adelaide 1:21pm today said:
Get a life woman. There are many clubs that men are forbiden from. An example would be the Fernwood Ladies only gym. Men deserve the right to escape to a place where they can socialise with other blokes, without the winging wife or girlfriend nagging in their ear. And why would you want to join a club where you're not wanted.

So the question is who is actually being discriminated against here, the women who wants to join or the men who want to have a guys night out (day out, weekend out whatever)?
Individuals should maintain the right to decide who to let into their groups. The boat club is not public, I assume? Therefore, there is no reason that the "discrimination" was anything much to bother with. If the woman wants a boat club, she can well make one herself.
because I believe in equal sexes right.

As do I (for most things), but this has nothing to do with rights. The club was for men, so that's the way it can stay.

The club is not government-owned, and even though there should be equal sexes rights, there should also be the right of citizens to form groups based on what they want and not be harassed by the law on a constant basis.
As do I (for most things), but this has nothing to do with rights. The club was for men, so that's the way it can stay.

The club is not government-owned, and even though there should be equal sexes rights, there should also be the right of citizens to form groups based on what they want and not be harassed by the law on a constant basis.

well club for men only or club for women only...is were discrimination is at.
im all for banning discrimination from public companies, and what not but this rulling doesnt sit well with me. Whats next, the goverment regulating who you are friends with to make sure there isnt a gender bias there?

Even the anti discrimination board said they had no power to force the club to let her in yet they still made a ruling against them.
well club for men only or club for women only...is were discrimination is at.

They aren't discriminating. The club simply wants an all-men group. They aren't discriminating because they believe she is inferior or simply because she is a woman.
im all for banning discrimination from public companies, and what not but this rulling doesnt sit well with me. Whats next, the goverment regulating who you are friends with to make sure there isnt a gender bias there?

Even the anti discrimination board said they had no power to force the club to let her in yet they still made a ruling against them.

The club isn't public (government-owned) and this isn't some sort of hostile discrimination. The clubowner simply preferred it be a men-only club.
umm, i dissagree with your assertion there. Im all for banning discrimination in COMPANIES rather than just goverments. For instance you cant say that no women can walk into a bar or that a supermarket wont serve women for instance but this is just a local club so they should be able to invite whoever they want or not invite whoever they DONT want

Take the family group my parents are in, its a group of familys all from there catholic church. Now can someother non catholic family sue them for discrimination because they dont alow non catholics in it????
Exactly. This isn't a public service/market or facility, it's a group. And as such, the group members can decide who to let into their group.
well were is the line on what is "public service/market" and what is a "group"?

Public service or market would be, for instance, a store or movie theatre, or something of that sort.

However, a group would be this specific gathering of people for a specific interest, and as such it should be their right to decide who can enter or not.
I think it's kind of odd that she got knocked back twice before they changed their rules. If they didn't have an explicit "no women" rule, could she still sue?

Maybe they really just wanted to have a "No Trish" rule?