Discovery Institute Takes on Gravity Myth


Valued Senior Member
Hot on the heels of a recent Louisiana victory in the fight against evolution, the Seattle-based think tank Discovery Institute held a press conference Thursday to announce their latest initiative: defeating the myth of gravity.

Robert Crowther, Discovery’s director of communications was visibly excited as he detailed the Institute’s plan for attacking what he refers to as the sloppy, inaccurate, and overtly biased portrayal of the theory of gravity.

“Gravity is just a theory, and a poorly-supported one at that,” said Crowther.

At the press conference, the Discovery Institute introduced an alternate explanation for the apparent attraction of masses to each other. With its “Intelligent Motion” thesis, the Institute claims that the forces we call “gravity” can also be explained by an intelligent cause acting on masses, not a mysterious “natural” process.

“The so-called consensus in the scientific community is that gravity is allegedly described by the general theory of relativity,” explained Crowther. “They’re piling theory on top of theory here, and feeding it to us as if it were fact.”

As evidence that the theory of gravity is suspect, Crowther pointed to examples in nature that seem to literally fly in the face of the accepted explanations. “Take birds, for instance,” he said, “why doesn’t gravity seem to affect them as they soar majestically through the air? These are the questions that the news media and scientific establishment don’t want anyone to ask.”

Crowther emphasized that the Institute’s Intelligent Motion argument was not based on religious doctrine, but should instead be treated as a scientific alternative to the current understanding of gravity.

“Too many scientists have been afraid to speak out against the powerful gravity lobby,” said Crowther. “With Intelligent Motion, we are looking forward to imposing balance on yet another heavy-handed field of science.”

The Institute plans to begin their campaign against gravity by lobbying the state legislatures in Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, and Kentucky to pass a bill stating that Intelligent Motion must be taught in physics classes alongside Einstein’s theory of relativity.

Thought this was a good laugh and I would share with you.
this sounds very similar to something i heard of before called intelligent falling.

scientists have know idea of what causes gravity, and they probably never will. it's a philosophical or theological question. i could say that god causes gravity. or love. or maybe all matter has automatical attracting telekinetic powers.

i know that everything has fallen from the divine unity that we call god. so everything seeks back there. that's why there is gravity. the positive and negative (invisible) earth's love each other because they have fallen from unity into the world of duality, so they try to merge, and the result is gravity.
Here in East Korea, we do not believe in evolution.

Or gravity.
In the 19th century, Indiana's House of Representatives was very close to passing a law declaring $$\pi$$ to be exactly equal to 3.2. Fortunately a mathematician happened to be there on the same day the bill was being debated, applying for funding for his university. He convinced them of the foolishness of the venture, but if he wasn't there it would have been railroaded through. Then they would have had to find a new letter whenever they wanted to describe something actually applying to real math :rolleyes:

Oh and S.A.M., relativity still considers gravity to be a force, it just redefines what a force is and how it acts and gets perceived.