Disclosure betting game!

When will disclosure happen?

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Sanity going, going, gone
Valued Senior Member
Disclosure is when a government admits to having contact with aliens for years now in secret. Disclosure must consist of the majority of a government agreeing that alien contact is real and has been keep under wraps for some time. Now many here firmly believe this will happen, so lets put it to the test, everyone who votes in this poll is automatically betting $5-US or more (you can choose to bet much higher). So when will Disclosure happen? Choose your date, the closes ones win the bet.

I bet $100 on the last one!
zonabi, if disclosure happens between 2.5-7.5 years I will send you $100 in cash!, I promise, cross my heart and hope aliens rape my ass forever!
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I put down my 5 bucks on it not happening in the next 50 years, or never happening. When does that mean -I- get my money. Oh boy, guess I'm not so rational now! Either way I win. No aliens in 50 years or ever, and I get 5 bucks, if I'm somehow mistaken and there is alien contact, who cares about what happens to my $5?
sure in 50 years if no aliens come we all get $5 bucks from the losers. retirement money never felt so good :p
I'll have to abstain since my reasoning is based upon theory of how to gain intelligence reports that are disclosed after a period of time through a sneaky system involving timespace folding.

Btw, It wasn't aliens.
With some new Cunningham / Smart crater chains coming to light with the Cassini probe, and based on some recent developments along other research investigations and explorations we are doing, I’ll bet it is closer to the 2 year mark. Since it has been over three years since we started the investigations into what are called “The Signs in the Heavens” we have accumulated a great amount of explorative data. It just takes time to put it all together and into a concise format. But, it could be far less than 2 years also.
the mere fact that UFO reports and sightings happen without serious debunking following it is a clear indication we are moving towards disclosure.

now, do i think the govts will 'fess up and admit they killed people, killed aliens, and hid secrets for over 50+ years? Yea Right .....

they'd rather crumble down to bits before admitting that.

either one is fine with me.
zonabi said:
the mere fact that UFO reports and sightings happen without serious debunking following it is a clear indication we are moving towards disclosure.

That or intellectual exhaustion. It could be that debunkers are becoming disenfranchised as they learn the religious qualities of your belief in UFO's and the fact that things like evidence or science can't sway your belief systems.

So your saying that there will be a major government collapse soon? Hey when the Soviet Union collapsed no secrets about aliens came out.
Fetus, silly, they probably kept all their alien info in super secret underground fortresses staffed by lizard men who kept all the information safe through the collapse. That way, no ex-soviet beurocrat could have taken the info public to try to secure his uncertain future.
I don’t think any semblance of disclosure will come from any government. The governments have dug themselves so deep into non-disclosure that any form of disclosure would not be sufficient or done in such a manner that the government’s conception of disclosure would be twisted and full of deception. I include with governments the military and clandestine groups.
Disclosure will not come from any of these routes.
I am not voting; I don’t think OverCookedFetus’s money will be worth shit when this so called Disclosure comes about. Especially since these aforementioned groups have had the information about the war damage as easily seen with CS Crater Chains for approximately 35 years now.
But rest assured true Disclosure will be very soon.

I hope you all sleep well at night, I know I do.
"I hope you all sleep well at night, I know I do."

i had a dream where i looked into the sky, and i saw the sun and the moon both in the same area, but there was a HUGE planet also in the sky... it looked very much like earth (green,blue,clouds) and it was like 20 times bigger than the sun was in the sky... and slowly it began moving towards the sun, beggining to cover it up.

my girlfriend says maybe i was on another planet looking at earth, but i dont think so.
I had a dream that I was at a specific street address I pass frequently in a week. There was a thunderstorm and then I was the first to spot a growing mushroom of destruction in the sky, and I yelled and people looked at it, but then I realized yelling was stupid because there was this awful sound all over and then a shockwave came and killed the lot of us.

Does my ominous dream carry less importance than yours? I didn't consult my girlfriend afterwards, maybe I should have?
FieryIce said:
The governments have dug themselves so deep into non-disclosure that any form of disclosure would not be sufficient or done in such a manner that the government’s conception of disclosure would be twisted and full of deception.

That has already happened to some degree. Look at the the CIA's Role in the Study of UFOs paper.

They admitted that they lied about and misrepresented UFOs, just in different ways than is popularly suspected. That was obviously a tactic expected that to appease the truth seekers and make them stop their research. The media bought it just like they wanted, they saw it as a revelation.

Unfortunately the report completely obfuscated the larger issues and contained some rather amateur deception, such as the outrageous claim that half of all UFO sightings were caused by the U-2. So as far as any knowledgeable person is concerned, the CIA actually made their situation worse.

Then there was the AIr Force with their three final reports on Roswell. How many "final" reports do we need? The Air Force is also now on their third explanation of the event. First a weather balloon, then Mogul, now Fugo. How many explanations will there be? The Air Force too admitted they lied in 1994 after serious researchers unearthed overwhelming evidence of it. They then "came clean" to the media by issuing all the final reports and alternative explanations.
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