

Registered Member
As I reach my 38th Bday, I must tell you about my biggest dissapointment as yet.I have lived and was born in Cocoa Beach Florida, home of the 45th Space Wing USAF and of course NASA.
All my life, I have believed in UFO's and have not ever seen one despite years of sky watching. I rely on blind faith I geuss :)
Just thought I would share...
Vance Lee
Some people are plagued by them, some they seem to avoid like the plague. Extraterrestrials. Go figure.

It's odd how that works, though. I have a good friend who is very interested in the paranormal. He loves books and documentaries about ghoulies and ghosties and long-legged beasties and things that go bump in the night. Oh yeah, and UFOs, yetis, bigfoots (big feet? bigfeets?), tasmanian tigers, the mothman, chupacabras, etc. He has spent nights hoping for a good haunting. He even stayed in a house that had been infested with a hyperactive poltergeist that enjoyed throwing mirrors and glass objects at people. For the entire week he stayed in that house, there wasn't one peep.

He has done many other things to chase down hauntings and infests, but has come up empty handed each time. I tell him he's a "void". I got the term from a role-playing game called "Conspiracy X". A Void is someone whose very presence drains all psychic and paranormal energies from an area. In short, he was hopeless. Still, he keeps trying.

don't despair, you've still got time enought to see a UFO...
I've seen one, once... it wasn't close, but because of it's movement, there was no dought... it's a matter of luck whether you see one or not, but also of geografy... they aren't as common everywhere
"they aren't as common everywhere...."
I agree but, you'd think Ya' might see something to that effect at the world's leading space port.
Thanks for th replies and given me a listen.
hey all
hey vance
an oxymoron maybe?- "you'd think Ya' might see something to that effect at the world's leading space port."
how many people would be watching that site?
heaps i should imagine!

i suggest you look for underworld base entrances and get a DISTANT vantage point with a good pair of binoclears :)
and video camera-conventional watch and a digital watch with different time zone options all set to the correct time of different time zones!
and if you have a dog take it along with you!
be very carefull!

good luck :)

groove on:)
I had the same problem here in Merry England until one night I asked outloud. I was sat on the top of Silbury Hill and said "If you are watching please show yourself." At that point what I thought was just a star was in fact a silver light. It slowly moved across the sky became brighter then dropped two small silvers balls which shot left and right, then it just blinked out and was gone. Wow!