Dimensional Portal------ Satellite Photo (For what it's worth )...


Registered Senior Member
This came in today in my e-mails. Thought to post it anyway and ask your opinion about it. What do you people think of this. how do you see this photo? Could it be a Vortex? It should explain UFO's are traveling, by making use of these Vortexes to go to other "dimensions". Not only Earth I think, lots of other Planets too.

I cannot vouch for the authenticity of this photo, but it does appear to be from the U.S. Government's Coast and Geodetic Survey website.

Richard Boylan,Ph.D.
Howard&Kathie England wrote:

Try this web address for "Terraserver home advisor". It should take you to the 1 meter resolution image. Please note---"no WWW"

I have also wondered about the authenticity. I would be heart broken to think someone at the USGS would insert such a thing just to get me going.

Have a great day,

Howard England
Titusville, Florida

----- Original Message -----
From: Dr. Richard Boylan
To:Howard&Kathie England
Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2002 12:01 AM
Subject: Re: Dimensional Portal------ Satellite Photo

Mr. England,

That photo, if authentic, is most intriguing. How did you get access to it?>

Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D., LLC Post Office Box 22310, Sacramento, CA
95822, USA. Phone/voice mail/fax: (916) 422-7400;
E-mail address: drboylan@sbcglobal.net
Official website: www.drboylan.com or www.geocities.com/drboylan

Howard&Kathie England wrote:

Dr Boylan,

The inserted photo is a 1 meter resolution satellite image taken in 1990 of what I believe is a UFO exiting a dimensional portal. The location is over eastern West Virginia near the Green Bank National Radio Astronomy Observatory.


Howard England

I've tried to post the picture here, it is not possible, though. So please click on the link to view it... :) :)

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Terraserver photos are a mix of satellite and ariel camera/film photos electronically stiched together and/or sectioned and put in the massive database (a show case for Microsoft software). If this one happen to be a film photo, then there could be damage to the film and hence the anamoly.

That is not to say that dimensional travel is not possible. But this may not be the smoking gun....

It is impossible to travel in normal space without hitting normal matter however small and tearing up the ship. Besides it would take too long...so we have to find alternate means of travel. I think the high Tesla magnetic field experiments going on today hold the promise of dimensional travel....
I pulled the image to bits and had a look at the closest I can see.

From what I see, I see a picture of Heat Exhaust being outputted by a F117-A Stealth Bomber coming out of Silence with a Booster.

In otherwords what you see is the heat exhaust swirling behind the plane.

Feel free to debunk that.
Just something for those that would want to enduce a dimensional rift. You would have to endue a singular pole around any rift to stop it closing on itself, and possibly construct the skin of any "carriage" as having the ability to also reflect that same polarisation, thus causing the rfit to no close on the "carriage".

I call it a carriage as it wouldn't necessarily need any engine.

There are other probablities to add to the conundrum, like what forces are imposed upon passengers, and what energies would they have to endure.
My guess is that the image processing software had a glitch, or there was a problem with the film or something like that.
Tesla magnetic field experiments going on today hold the promise of dimensional travel....

Today? I remember these experiments back from the fifties: the philidelphia experiment ect,...where they disapeared a whole boat,....but as I recall it correctely: there where some 'complications' with the crew afterwards,....like spontanious combustions or transformation in liquid ect,....


During the experiment, according to Allende, a ship was rendered invisible and teleported to and from Norfolk in a few minutes, with some terrible after-effects for crew members. Supposedly, this incredible feat was accomplished by applying Einstein's "unified field" theory. Allende claimed that he had witnessed the experiment from another ship and that the incident was reported in a Philadelphia newspaper. The identity of the newspaper has never been established. Similarly, the identity of Allende is unknown, and no information exists on his present address.

If you seriously believe this crap,....grmphffhihiihahaahahaaaaLOL

No: It was that the ship was rendered invisible and you could see the water carved out by the mass of the invisible ship,...

Later: some of the 'quarantined' crewman knew to escape,...they got hunted by Secret-service,...to 'recollect' them: before it got out of hand,... unfortunately: ALL witnesses have died,...by self-induced kill or accident,....hmmm,....strange nèh?


Assuming that you've read one of these books, did you happen to notice the lack of first person interviews with any of the crew members of the Eldridge? There are only stories that most if not all of the crew - that is, those that survived the terrible incident - were discharged from the Navy as being mentally unstable and unfit for further service.

OK, now think about that. The Eldridge carried about 200 men. After fifty-seven years, the authors were unable to find a single one of these people to interview? How likely is that? Show me a first person interview with a former crewmember who says "yes, I was transported to Norfolk and then back to Philadelphia" and maybe I'll start taking this story seriously. And, I certainly don't mean the stories like "a friend of a brother of a former crewman" sort of psuedo-eyewitness accounts that seem to be accepted as gospel by the authors.

Clever hè,...self-induced kills or accidents,...and you won't find any prove on that,....it's al so simple,...
It was made invisible... Invisible to RADAR.
First stealth tests :p (okay I just guessing, but it sounds right)
Wonderful pics Chris. :) Well, I think Spacecrafts really travel through "dimensions", as humans call it. It looks a lot like the portal I posted in the first post here. Guess the theory that Spacecrafts actually fly much, much faster then the so called speed of light, makes it possible for them to travel through some kind of dimensional portal, no matter what other people here may think. I've seen it too, longer ago, don't have pics of it, though. That's the difficulty here, you have to present evidence, or at the least, an internet page. Sightings are BS, up front. It makes it harder to post here, because of the ridiculing by everyone.

Thanx so much for the pics, it's the first time I hear and see some of this from a member on the boards... :)