Dimension outside time question?


Registered Senior Member
Okay so I've been thinking, there's the whole argument about how the universe started and how could it start because it needs a beginning. Then the reverse where atheists say the universe didn't need a beginning if God didn't. But I was just wondering if nature was always subject to time. Does time ever slow or stop? I remember hearing something about time being influenced by gravitational forces and that this has been obsereved apparantly. So I was just wondering if the universe could be somehow, due to gravitational forces, not subjected to time and therefore not need a starting point but could have always existed? Therefore not needing a creator?

I know that God is not subject to time because he is in a dimension outside the influence of time. Also I heard something about there being up to 12 different dimensions?

I just find this all interesting anyone know where I could learn more about this sort of stuff?
I know that God is not subject to time because he is in a dimension outside the influence of time.
Not even the Pope 'knows' whether this God even exists...nevermind anything about a relationship to time. Nor could this be grounded in any scriptural revelation on the subject.

However, if youre interested in thinking about such things, the best author is Dr. David R. Hawkins:


Scroll down and listen to the audio files.