Dimension and Imagination


The JuRtLy
Registered Senior Member
I want to see how far someone could go.

Other than the 4 dimensions, what else is there? and does anyone know a way to try to see it? does anything paranormal fit into those categories? is everything that we cannot explain with science in there? I was just wondering
yeah, its not about seeing, its about experiencing. Seeing is limited to 4 dimensions.

For example: Say you came to a mirror and saw a reflection of you, a reflection did what you did, you were the reflection...now forget about the real you and focus on the reflection of you but this time the reflection is the real you and what you see in the mirror before you is your reflection, at the same time you are both...experiencing another dimension.
i actually thought that other day while i was shaving

I was taking shots of my girlfriend while at work and doing a little pre-editing. and the shot came out like this.


Tell me, if you can figure out how i did that. And then tell me if there might be any chance of SEEING anything beyond 3. (and time is included in that picture)
About six years ago, me and my friend visited a jail that was old and open to the public. Obviously, as visitors, we took pictures of the place.

When they where developed, something strange was observed in one of the pictures. In a picture of the tiolets... (which was a building that has existed for hundreds of years) -- so you can imagine, it wasn't a holiday home for anyone who had been incarcerated there, a ghostly figure of a mans face could be seen, perpendicular to the tiolet itself. It was... so much in the figure/feature of a mans face, i am without a doubt that it was something existing beyond the world of the material.

It was freaky at best... but i feel honored we captured the image, because it was a type of evidence to say the least that something is paranormal about this world.
i actually thought that other day while i was shaving

I was taking shots of my girlfriend while at work and doing a little pre-editing. and the shot came out like this.


Tell me, if you can figure out how i did that. And then tell me if there might be any chance of SEEING anything beyond 3. (and time is included in that picture)

The usual method to generate such ghost images is Long Exposures. This is what was done before any sophisticated digital editing. In long exposures you can end up with light generate streaks if the lights are moving, this is why when Astronomers taking photo's have to have their equipment synchronised with the planetary movement or their pictures of the stars become distorted.

In fact there is an entire artwork created by the Japanese where people are given coloured torches to move in front of a long exposure camera, they are capable of generating animations etc. (Can't remember the exact name was in an old Free thoughts post)
You had her move around a lot and just layered the pictures? I don't know. Whatever you did, there is at least one picture in which she is not blocking your view of the door.

Anywho, no, there is no way to travel to another dimension, or to "see" it. And the reason we can't experience these other dimensions is because our brains are evolved to only experience the ones that are relevant to us.
Other than the 4 dimensions, what else is there? and does anyone know a way to try to see it?
In string theory there are 10 dimensions (or 11 in M theory) but the particles we're made up of are confined to 3 dimensions (and time).

However, gravity is not confined to these 3 dimensions and so can travel between seperate universes things like electrons and photons cannot. Therefore, if we could create and measure extremely precise gravitational waves we'd be able to communicate or map other 3d universes seperated from our own in the other dimensions.

Just as gravitational waves measured by LIGO would allow us to see effects from distance black holes and galaxies, in our universe, which are blocked from our view by dust etc, if it was even more sensitive we'd be able to scan other dimensions too.

This isn't paranormal stuff though. Paranormal means it's outside science. This is just outside our normal experience.
No i didnt do any type of editing or post processing.. yes it is long exposures, im working towards mastering that. But you gotta admit its cool.. i wont reveal my secret.. this was the first of the long exposures that i did.. i dont have anything up right now on my other ones but if you want i will..

I still believe theres a way, we just haven't come up with it yet.
Other than the 4 dimensions, what else is there? and does anyone know a way to try to see it?

Another meaning of the term "dimension" in physics relates to the nature of a measurable quantity. In general, physical measurements that must be expressed in units of measurement, and quantities obtained by such measurements are dimensionful. An example of a dimension is length, abbreviated L, which is the dimension for measurements expressed in units of length, be they meters, nautical miles, or lightyears. Another example is time, abbreviated T, whether the measurement is expressed in seconds or in hours. Speed, which is the distance (length) travelled in a certain amount of time, is a dimensionful quantity that has the dimension LT −1 (meaning L/T). Acceleration, the change in speed per time unit, has dimension LT −2.

In mathematics, the dimension of Euclidean n-space E n is n. When trying to generalize to other types of spaces, one is faced with the question “what makes E n n dimensional?" One answer is that in order to cover a fixed ball in E n by small balls of raius ε, one needs on the order of ε − n such small balls. This observation leads to the definition of the Minkowski dimension and its more sophisticated variant, the Hausdorff dimension. But there are also other answers to that question. For example, one may observe that the boundary of a ball in En looks localy like En − 1 and this leads to the notion of the inductive dimension. While these notions agree on En, they turn out to be different when one looks at more general spaces.

A tesseract is an example of a four-dimensional object. Whereas outside of mathematics the use of the term "dimension" is as in: "A tesseract has four dimensions," mathematicians usually express this as: "The tesseract has dimension 4," or: "The dimension of the tesseract is 4."

Historically, the notion of higher dimensions in mathematics was introduced by Bernhard Riemann, in his 1854 Habilitationsschrift, where he considered a point to be any n numbers , abstractly, without any geometric picture needed nor implied.

About six years ago, me and my friend visited a jail that was old and open to the public. Obviously, as visitors, we took pictures of the place.

When they where developed, something strange was observed in one of the pictures. In a picture of the tiolets... (which was a building that has existed for hundreds of years) -- so you can imagine, it wasn't a holiday home for anyone who had been incarcerated there, a ghostly figure of a mans face could be seen, perpendicular to the tiolet itself. It was... so much in the figure/feature of a mans face, i am without a doubt that it was something existing beyond the world of the material.

It was freaky at best... but i feel honored we captured the image, because it was a type of evidence to say the least that something is paranormal about this world.

Sorry, but I think that's a load of shit
Sorry? As in I am talking bullshit? If so, fine. I'm used to that now round here. So nothing to be sorry about.
No i didnt do any type of editing or post processing.. yes it is long exposures, im working towards mastering that. But you gotta admit its cool.. i wont reveal my secret.. this was the first of the long exposures that i did.. i dont have anything up right now on my other ones but if you want i will..

I still believe theres a way, we just haven't come up with it yet.

I managed to find the Thread that I initially created some time back to introduce people to PikaPika.

i would like to see the picture too, im not saying its bullshit, but especially in this forum "Theres always an explanation" :)