difficulties in minorities


Registered Senior Member
I was recently having a discussion with some friends of mine about the possible reasons for minorities (this is generally speaking of course) not doing as well in school. This problem escalates to minorities not having well paying jobs and things of this nature. Why exactly do you think minorities do not do as well in school?
What kind of minorities? Ethnic minorities?
Any substantial evidence to what you say?
every minority i know from the middle east or india all seemed to be doing great in school. are you simply referring to the minorities that have a history of being oppressed in the US?
he's talkin about blacks and mexicans okay...no point in fluffing it up to make it sound politically correct
Well, in attempting to fluff anything up but yes teenage black males tend to have lower test scores than teenage white males. I'm curious why this occurs.
My poor typing skills have gotten me again. My last reply I typed "in" insted of "I'm not". Sorry.
Originally posted by thinker
Well, in attempting to fluff anything up but yes teenage black males tend to have lower test scores than teenage white males. I'm curious why this occurs.
*cough* Look at Africa.

Genes perhaps? I've always wondered why the white man has accomplished more than any other race in the world. Yes yes, the chinese did some wonderful things but that was millennia ago.
"I've always wondered why the white man has accomplished more than any other race in the world"

Ahhhh. Perhaps you need to look over your history text books again? There were times the Africans were way above everyone, times the Europeans were, times the Asians were, times to Arabs were..... Every area of the world has it's peak years. It just seems Europe is in about a 600 year peak - which really isn't exceptionally long or anything. Islam and the Arab nations had a massive peak while all us Euros were in dark ages.
Jerrek, do not confuse 'African' Americans with Africans. And also in every society where there is a historical minority/majority that has been oppressed (educationally, economically, etc), as with Blacks, well you get... Women used to perform less than men and were regarded as intellectually inferior. Those assumptions are certainly untrue.

Students in Ghana, West Africa, scored higher on A-level and O-level test scores than did their British counterparts during and after Nkrumah's presidency-- when the two education systems were alike. Jerrek, you make too many generalizations that are unfounded. Simply because you are 'whiite' does not allow you to claim Europe's past glories. A tibetan, because he/she is 'Asian' cannot lay claim to Chinese civilization, etc etc. Race as is defined now is illogical and unscientific.

"accomplished more"
How? What?
jerrek if you want to understand why some regions developed better than others you should read "guns, germs, and steel" by jared diamond. underdevelopment has nothing to do with genes
Look at Africa.

You mean like Ancient Egypt or Somalia? :rolleyes:

Yes yes, the chinese did some wonderful things but that was millennia ago.

Actually, it wasn't. Read something besides Ayn Rand and Michael Savage for a change.


I've always wondered why the white man has accomplished more than any other race in the world.

The current "caucasion" lead in advanced civilization is only 700 years old, at most. Perhaps you should read up on what Middle Eastern civilization was doing when the Europeans were burning witches to control the weather.
Minorities? What? What Minorities? There are no minorities. Look at China. Three Billion Chinese people. They outnumber white people, like, three to one! Minorities? Please.

you know the rules, no derogatory posts to other members and no excessively long copy pastes, going over multiple posts doesn’t excuse it either

going over multiple posts doesn’t excuse it either

the issues and sources were different in all three posts! you make it sound as if i took one quote and spread it over multiple posts! hmm! the vindictive shit comes out huh?

thanks for mutilating the shit beyond recognition
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i belive what YOU quoted was an email which isnt publically accessable

your text on the other hand was quite easerly accessable by link
Originally posted by Jerrek
[BGenes perhaps? I've always wondered why the white man has accomplished more than any other race in the world. Yes yes, the chinese did some wonderful things but that was millennia ago. [/B]

White man? What white man?, that one that was trading salves and trying to go to India to steal some cool stuff that was not available in his shitty land, and was almost dying out of thirst, then accidentaly found America. Or are you talking about the white man who is the serial killer, the alcoholic, the child molestor, the white woman that drowns five of her young, the white pastor that is sleeping with whores, or the White Priest that sleeps with white boys.....How about the white man that bombs 300 people in Oklahoma city, and the other white man who made a whole bunch of white people marry him and suicide in his name, maybe you are talking about the white man named Hitler, or the white slave traders, or who exactly are you talking about.

The White man have no skill or great Gene, white people are just people, just great amount of luck and no heart, to find a complete continent to move to and develope, display no heart in exterminating it's people, and emplying black slaves to death in developing it.....That is not civilzation or culture....That's brutality.....But If you ask the Europeans themselves, they'll tell you that the whites in the US are all ex cons and criminals that were evacuated from Europe....So here Jerrek, what a great histroy for you to be so proud of.....You have the Gene of an excon.....a white excon... Any civilization like the chinease, Indians, Egyptians, ect...if presented with the same opportunity to develop and live on a continent would have done much better than your white man.....

Do you always speak like that when in the company of your black roomate, or is your black roomate a pillow case.
White man? What white man?, that one that was trading salves and trying to go to India to steal some cool stuff that was not available in his shitty land, and was almost dying out of thirst, then accidentaly found America. Or are you talking about the white man who is the serial killer, the alcoholic, the child molestor, the white woman that drowns five of her young, the white pastor that is sleeping with whores, or the White Priest that sleeps with white boys.....How about the white man that bombs 300 people in Oklahoma city, and the other white man who made a whole bunch of white people marry him and suicide in his name, maybe you are talking about the white man named Hitler, or the white slave traders, or who exactly are you talking about.

Christians, all of em'. Every single one of the people that you mentioned are christian. No one race is inherant to do anything. Religion makes them do it. It's religions fault.
Originally posted by Jerrek
*cough* Look at Africa.

Genes perhaps? I've always wondered why the white man has accomplished more than any other race in the world. Yes yes, the chinese did some wonderful things but that was millennia ago.

Hey now, that's not very fair. I mean Japanese cars are smaller and more efficient than American cars for one, and also Japan has more robots per capita than any other nation in the world. That's sure as hell something in my book!

As for your poor genetics theory I don't buy into that. I'd say that In America African-Americans to worse on tests and the like due to the high percentage of them who are living in inner cities, going to schools which are poorly funded, and being a bit more concerned with things like gang violence and other poverty issues, rather than studying algebra.

If people of African decent were somehow geneticaly inferior then African-American students in well to do areas of America, going to good schools, should likewise show lower test scores than other ethnic groups. Admitedly I havn't got numbers to back up that this is not the case, but have personal experience going to a very well off well funded school and can say that I didn't notice any trends in grades of African American students :p Their grades seemed to be representative of the rest of the student body.