Difficult question. Plz help


Registered Senior Member
Thank you all/ Closed thread

Tell me how can I delete this thread. It says I can but when I try it says I dont have the permision. I clicked the checkbox and the delete now button
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Well, you could always give photosynthesis a try. Or you could just quit crying and accept the fact that if you want to live you have to kill. That's just the way the tropospheres work. Until we find a way to start efficiently synthesizing all of the minerals and nutrients that our bodies need and eating them in pill form, or what have you, killing is going to be the only way to allow you to live.
What justification is there for it you ask?!

There is none. Feel free to stop at any time. If you do, perhaps you will gain a better understanding of why most everyone else does it without much thought.

In other words: Concider the alternative.
Also i would like to deliver a hearty dope slap to you, you mouth breathing troglodyte!

Do not use abbreviations like PLZ in your posts, this is not real time communication. You have the luxury of being able to sit down and compose your thoughts, dont use chatroom short hand.

Not to mention that huge idiotic series of blank lines. Your question isnt inherently offencive to anyone, and putting spaces wouldnt save you even if it was.
You know, in our world plenty of people do just stop eating. Given this is often not by choice, but it still happens. So don't feel too alone, there is a reason why everyone you know eats regularly, it's just that those who chose not to don't stick around very long to sympathise with your plight.
Only the fittest survive. Its about our dominance in the food chain ; do you think that cute little piggy would if it could give a second thought on eating your humany skin? the awnser is no EoDeO, No.

If we dont stabalize demoanimal by eating them they will overthrow us, eat or be eaten.

:p ;) :p
I will not stand idly by and watch pigs be slandered like this. That comment was entirly unprovoked. Pigs have never given any indication that they would eat my skin if they could. I demand an appology.
Originally posted by SpyMoose
I will not stand idly by and watch pigs be slandered like this. That comment was entirly unprovoked. Pigs have never given any indication that they would eat my skin if they could. I demand an appology.

Stick your hand in a pigs food - is he coming near your hand? Normally they would.. why? to completely consume your mitt -- !!! :eek:
Its this same anti-pig rhetoric that has been tainting the name of swine for decades. Go rent "Babe". Pigs are nice, its a fact. They make good house pets, they are smarter than dogs, and they can smell truffles.