diet & nutrition


Registered Senior Member
there's so much pop-science mumbo-jumbo about what people are supposed to eat and what kind of exercise to do floating around. but on the other side there are the habits people have had for decades that continue to kill american of heart attacks, etc.

so should people do what mom told them when they were kids or listen to the news article in the science section of the times based on a single study?

what are people to do? what do you think is the best nutrition advice?

should i have put this in a different forum?
Last thing I remember hearing ab diets was that the food pyramid should be turned upside down.
Well, the body does need fat and sugar... Balance is the key here.
Ive always believed that people should eat what they like (based on my hearing that babies won't like eating foods with nutrients they have enough of). Diet should not be changed unless there's a health problem.
One should exercise so that all of the muscles debelop equally and steadily (read in a book on weight training, dont remember title+author).
I think that people who follow the diet fashion dont get proper nutrition, and that kind of lifestyle is just as good as following no dietary rules at all; one day they say chocolate is bad, next day they say it's good, etc.
Look at it this way: is it better to live well and to liking until age of 50 and restrict yourself then, ot not live to liking at all, and restrict yourself still in old age?
Get your Omega 3 and Omega 6 essential oils....these pop diet are bullshit...exercise and eat right....but what is eating right? well you can almost never eat to a 100% effeinecy or even 90% for that matter....people love to get their fats because they give flavor to the foods so how do you keep people from getting heart disease???? well tell them to stop taking fats in such extents....and also people don't realize how much they lack on the essentials parts.

In USA the average time of complete digestion and removal of waste from the body is 75 opposed to Africa where it is apparently Africans are doing something right. People need more fiber in their foods....hemrohoids, varicose veins and other inflictions such as these are caused by lack of fiber and other reasons.

Exercise is certainly important since it makes the work of the heart easier in the long term. Also get your folic acids for the sake of your child and MEN for the sake of having a baby in the future.......women who plan to get pregnant take 400mg of synethetic folic acid before conception to prevent the chances of Spinal Befida.

Also getting your minerals..magnesium helps 400 of your enzymes work properly and also getting Vitamins since they are cofactors for many enzymes...(meaning they are needed for those enzymes to work)..
i would say the best way to go about it is to follow advice based on science that has stood the test of time. if many studies support the same conclusion, it may not be such a bad idea.

i think i could make a killing writing diet & nutrition books. my mom says i have to get my PhD first, nevermind that it's another field altogether. as long as i can add PhD to the end of my name, people will take it seriously. what i see lacking in current fad diet books is any sort of conclusive evidence that what the book says holds water. i would write books that are fully referenced with only reliable crosstested studies.
Get your Omega 3 and Omega 6... [etc]...
I have heard from a fellow MD that pills containing vitamins are more of a waste; ever wondered why it says in the "facts" 100% daily value, and the like? It is due to the fact that when your body takes in a pill w vitamins, most of it will go to waste (bad wording here, pardon moi; but the idea is the same), and only a small percentage of those vitamins (not significant, really) will be used by your body properly. From what I gather, I conclude it is best to get the necessary vitamins from foods and not pills.
wellaaah, in biochem we learned that compounds are compounds whether they are natural or synthesised. synthetic drugs are not only chemically exactly the same as natural, they are also able to be standardized.
Wheaties vs. Vitamins

Vitamin makers/sellers in the USA are regulated by Big Brother at the FDA (even if their disclaimer denies it). In that, your One-A-Days are a blend of the most MINIMUM amount of our daily need. Therefore, We may be getting, for example, the MAXIMUM of Vitamin A (from which overdose can occur), while getting MINIMAL to MINUTE amounts of various other minerals like Calcium, Biotin, Iron, etc., so it would be virtually impossible to overdose. Since vitamins assimulate in our bodies on a 'one-day'(as defined on the bottle) basis, we would essentially need to take a multi-vitamin every 8 hours to get the full benefit from the 'One-A-Day Multivitamin'. Even then, we would still be lacking enough of the various minerals. Bottom line, we can't depend on one multi-vitamin a day to provide us with all the nutrients we need. Ideally, we would get all we need from the food we eat (food IS the original medicine). Unfortunately, the soil bearing the food we eat is depleted. Our milk and meats are riddled with hormones that make cows produce more milk and beef (so the dairy farmers and cattle ranchers have bigger profits). It doesn't surprise me that our children end up on drugs like Ritalin and end up shooting up their classmates because they have been on harmful drugs riddled in our food supply. The most important thing to do is get away from highly processed foods, organic would be best, and read the labels on the vitamin bottles. The nutrients in our food supply have been replaced by synthetic chemicals based on the greed of the suppliers; hence, the need to take vitamins. Then you end up with a pharmacia of bottles taking 50 pills a day--just to get the nutrients you should have gotten in your food! Read the labels--make sure you're getting 100% a day of EVERY nutrient. Even if you're eating a balanced diet, you still may need multi-vitamins--100% per day of every nutrient. Whatever nutrients end up being more than 100% will be secreted by the body. We're overfed and undernourished, and we may end up like the Neanderthals.
Originally posted by SwedishFish
wellaaah, in biochem we learned that compounds are compounds whether they are natural or synthesised. synthetic drugs are not only chemically exactly the same as natural, they are also able to be standardized.

Actually Wolf is right there. Most synthetic vitamins do go to waste faster then natural vitamins...with the exception of Folic acid.....natural folic acid is very weak and it does not last long in your body...especially since sunlight can kill it easily.

Wolf BTW by Omega 3 and Omega 6 i meant from natrual foods....especially Flax seed oil being a good resource.
Most synthetic vitamins do go to waste faster then natural vitamins...
Actually, I believe Swedishfish is correct. A molecule of a naturally synthesized vitamin, and a molecule of an artificially synthesized one are identical chemically. They are utilized by the body in an identical fashion, due to the chemistry. The only thing is, there may be more of that particular vitamin than necessary in the pill, so the body will absorb what it needs, and expell the rest.