Did you hear about the GN glow fish

heck they even have a GFP monkey!

I like the attempts to engineer a cat that does not the produce the two common skin marking protein that causes most allergic reactions from cats. Making a cat that won't cause any allergic reaction, and can be own by people that can't live with normal cats! Of course you could always get those cats that are completely bald; those don’t produce much air-born dander.

As for the fish, since they engineered it sterile I don’t see what the problem is? It cannot reproduce and cause havoc (if any) to the environment.
Even though they are sterile you never know for sure.

Just look at the movie Jurassic Park.

There really are some creatures that might be thought as sterile but can really breed.:)

Even if they aren't dinosaurs.:D
No that not true at all even if they did manage to have a one offspring in million, they would still be very infertile making them incapable of competing in the environment against the natural verity.

Jurassic park is not science: as of yet infertile animals do not survive well or competitively in the environment, proven.
Originally posted by dinokg
Even though they are sterile you never know for sure.

Just look at the movie Jurassic Park.

There really are some creatures that might be thought as sterile but can really breed.:)

Even if they aren't dinosaurs.:D

Jurassix park is a movie...

and if I remember correctly the plot went in the movie that they inserted some amphibian DNA in the dinosaur DNA to fill in the gaps. Apparently then the logic was made that some amphibians can change their gender (although some means a few, and what are the chances that the DNA of this specialized amphibian was used? zero).
The logic is of course totally screwed by the fact that they should probably have been better off using bird DNA to fill up the gaps than amphibian DNA.
So let's not assume that the truth can be found in hollywood blockbusters.
I didn't mean to emply that what happened in Jurrasic Park would be how it would happen.:)

I just thought that was a good example of one possible way in which something like that could happen.:D
The real issue with this glowing fish is that it's for sale publicly and that it could spark/boost all kinds of fashion/design animals and push discussions about ethics to the sideline once our kids want a new designfish or a minipanther...

What's next?

Personally I do see the potential of GM but also its dangers and I feel that GM should focus on medicine/enhancing quality of life rather than fashion animals...

On the other hand, if the market for designanimals catches on, IT JUST MIGHT DELIVER THE MONEY/TEC BOOST you need for real progress in medicine GM....
I will be the first person to buy a glow-in-the-dark cat if they ever come out. (fur may get in the way) The animals dont know that they are different.