Did you choose your God or inherit him?

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Did you choose your God or inherit him?

1 Thess4
Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God.

Statistics on religious knowledge are dismal for theists when compared with non theists. This indicates that their own religion is not important to theists and they only follow their God out of tradition and do not feel a need to actually know the theology behind their God. So much for a personal God that theists speak of.

This link shows how most Gods are blindly inherited.


Religion is primarily an external conscience for those who don't trust their own judgment. They say they do not judge God but only follow him as an external conscience and support any atrocities he perpetrates. These non judging people have judged their God to be good. They do not recognize their own contradiction.

Should theists not be comparing all religions to seek the best external conscience they can find?
Unless of course they have all found a better external conscience in secular government.
If so, why have a religion or tradition to hang on to?

Their religions have thus become without value as theist have already given Caesar everything and have left nothing for God except perhaps, lip service.

You and I wake up and follow natural law. We then proceed to follow secular law till we go to sleep. What laws of God do theists even consider at all during the day?

None that I can see.

Can theists, as users of God or the word as an external conscience, be actually called Christians when the laws they live by are pure secular in nature?

Should Christians call themselves Secularist, as that is the law they live by and not the laws of bible God?

Theists then seem to be hypocrites and this is good. Let’s thank the stars that theists are not foolish enough to follow their God and his laws. We could not afford to jail that many fools.

I submit that if you follow a religion that you did not actively choose, you are likely not a true believer in any sense of the word.
As others see this hypocrisy, they learn what it is like to be as you are and you are actively helping to kill your own religion.

Thanks for helping those against your own to reduce your numbers.
Like Noah and the God you follow, if you belong to one of the myriad Abrahamic sects, you are a traitor to your own kind by your poor example.

I always questioned going to church, but I have always claimed to have faith in God.
i think you are in essence comparing believers with religico's.
religico's are more interested in following the religion than God.
Let us apply some basic Darwinism to answer that question. Say religion was in charge, like it was for millenia. Believer will have the selective advantage under those conditions. Thse who are not believers would be at risk.

Genetically, centuries of selective advantage would shift the genetic pool toward the direction of behavior with selective advantage.

Say we did this with cats, so there is less emotion. We will first define a preference of a given look and behavior within the ideal cat we hope to create. This will give selective advantage to certain specimens who will get special care. This preference and selective advantage will cause the genetic pool to move in that direction. Unless Darwin is wrong, religious selective advantage and manmade selection led to a genetic shft in the direction of behavior connected to God.

Many religion were cruel during the past. Often the unwanted behavior and its genes were terminated. This speeded up natural selection. it is not pretty but we have demonstrated this with cats and dogs.
Let us apply some basic Darwinism to answer that question. Say religion was in charge, like it was for millenia. Believer will have the selective advantage under those conditions. Thse who are not believers would be at risk.

Genetically, centuries of selective advantage would shift the genetic pool toward the direction of behavior with selective advantage.

Say we did this with cats, so there is less emotion. We will first define a preference of a given look and behavior within the ideal cat we hope to create. This will give selective advantage to certain specimens who will get special care. This preference and selective advantage will cause the genetic pool to move in that direction. Unless Darwin is wrong, religious selective advantage and manmade selection led to a genetic shft in the direction of behavior connected to God.

Many religion were cruel during the past. Often the unwanted behavior and its genes were terminated. This speeded up natural selection. it is not pretty but we have demonstrated this with cats and dogs.

You might have a very distant point but the wrong focus.
The ancients theists killing off the competition kills those who will not follow blindly. It does not cause belief.
It causes hypocrisy, a survival trait in this case, that was later discarded for Gnosticism.
Then again, Christians tried to kill them of and burned the bulk of their scriptures but like any evolutionary advantage, it continues to rear it's ugly head.
Ugly to theists that is, and we all know what their incompetent judgments are like.

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And yet this imortal God is said to have died. How droll.

Can you get past your prejudice and think about Jesus.



Hang Man ! Hang Man . What did you bring Me to keep Me from the gallows pole . What did you Bring Me . I couldn't get no silver I couldn't get no gold .

You know what that Led Zeppelin song is about . Well back in the day you could buy your way out of a hanging . You still can . Buy the best attorney and make the case a public spectacle. Waa Laa !!! The whole thing in Jewish law allows this as we see from the bible story . Trading the life of a killer for another . I don't know what it was ? The idea behind it , but if there was justice by killing the murderer some one had to pay for it . Must be part of the scape goat ideology of human thought . You know . " It was not Me " Bush did it or Jesse James back in the old western days of Cowboys . Billy the Kid . I am still trying to figure out how the Movie "Young Guns 2" changed James Greathouse into a Whore named Jane Greathouse ? What is up with that ? You know I never thought that people would mix up Me-Ki-Gal with a girls name . It took Me a while to figure out the confusion until Frag Brought it up . Ah yeah the Gal part . Also the escort service called Meki . Fuck id be fucking my self in the ass if that was all true . O.K. I insinuated to Frag I would not talk about this again so shoot me . No don't shoot Me . It would hurt. I was gentle this time Frag .