Did u ever wonder?


I clean my belly button every day, why? I hate the thought of it not being cleaned. But why does it stink? Is it the friction.. or the sweat.. or other un-desirable aspects of the human anatomy? If you don't wash it, or clean it. I suggest that you start, also how could people drink alcohol from that vile place? :bugeye:
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Its sweat that does the nasty stinky poo in the bellybutton. Also people drink alcohol from it because

1) The one harboring the booze in his/her belly button has it cleaned

2) When you're drunk you'd be surprised how many details you'll overlook.
OK it's the sweat, but what makes the stink though. Dead Skin cells that are swept in there? Or dirt? Or other refuge????I can't imagine sweat alone can do so much damage. Or does it ferment in there and make it own bacteria? :confused:
My bellybutton does not smell, so maybe you should go to a doctor if yours really stink, it may be infected, perhaps due to your excessive cleaning of it?
I'm not saying that cleaning it once a day is too much, but maybe you use too much soap or rub it too much so that the skin has gotten irritated.

I find that hard to believe that yours dosen't smell in the least bit? Everyone I know has told me that it stinks. If yours dosen't then Kudos, but I think most everyone has a little belly button stink... it's so repulsive I feel like cleaning it right now! :D
Obessive? Moi...lol, well i don't think it's gone that far.But I just find it so repulsive that I have to clean it. I mean the belly button makes me sick. But Obessive? U think?
You should calm down with the cleaning.
I can't even reach mine with my nose to smell it. So if yours smell from a distant then maybe there is something wrong.
I never heard anybody who has been near enough to it as to sense any smell saying that my it smells either.

Do you touch it often? As to check if its smelling? Are your fingers dirty?

That did not sound too good, but my intentons are benign.

The links you proveded didn't work :( I hope you can edit and give me the websites.

What!? The Q-Tip keeps it clean!

Thank you very much, yes the Q-tip is the best invention for personal hygene since water and soap!LONG LIVE Q-TIP! :D

Edit: The websites do work, it was those damn school computers.
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belly butons dont smell man,mine dosent smell and my girls certainly dosent smell. I understand it might get dirty over time due to being a hole like which will collect some dust and dead skin but not to a point to stink. but some ppl have fat bellies and i guess they can never reach their belly button nevertheless clean it.

Well mine dosen't smell now due to routine cleaning methods. But I envy those with damn outties! I wish I have one as such, cleaning wouldn't be such a issue. Also have you ever really dug in? I think you should, you would be rather surprised. ;) I'll go clean mine now.
If there's one thing I can find here at sciforums, is the funny topics discussed! LOL!

Mine is clean and dove fresh as a whistle!
I’ve never had the need to specifically clean my belly button; having regular showers seems to work well enough. I guess they smell on some people as the sweat is broken down by bacteria to fatty acids…
mine doesn't smell. i don't smell at all actually, eating none of the meat and whatnot.
it's a combination of bacteria and your particular sweat chemistry that makes you smell bad. meateaters tend to smell much worse due to excessive nitrogenous waste eminating from the pores.
it's cool not smelling. i save tons on deoderant.
I don't think outties are easier to clean, but then again I have an innie, and it doesn't smell. It never really gets dirty either. When I take a shower the soap runs down my body and inadvertantly into my belly button. All I do is wash the soap off and ta-da, instant clean.