Did They Fake the Mars Missions?


Registered Senior Member
We've probably all heard the theory that the pictures of the surface of Mars that we see are really pictures of the Australian desert. I'm going to sit on the fence on this one for the time being but things look pretty suspicious.

There are some good videos in YouTube about this. I can't post links yet but you can find them by searching YouTube.

MarsFaker: Phoenix Rising. PART 1.
MarsFaker: Phoenix Rising. PART 2.

MarsFaker: Se7en Minutes Of Propaganda. PART 1
PARTS 2,3,4,5
Well I guess it comes down to what YOU want to believe. That way everyone can be right and no one is wrong because we can all just believe whether it is a real event happening now or it isn't. Decide on the facts presented and determine where you stand.
It's more likely there were people faking Martian landscapes so they could point at objects in the rocks or alien footprints than the Mar's lander being faked (Amateur Fakers cashing in on the real deal). The reason for this is that a single was sent to and from Mar's, To just bounce a signal off a satellite at Mar's to fake being there would be pretty ludicrous.
I got to intern at NASA, my first year out of high school. That place is full of secrets. If all their doing is looking at planets and exploring space as they claim... then what are they working so hard to hide? Suspicious...
I got to intern at NASA, my first year out of high school. That place is full of secrets. If all their doing is looking at planets and exploring space as they claim... then what are they working so hard to hide? Suspicious...

NASA also deals with the US Department of Defense (DoD), this is why they have secrets and they keep no secret about the affiliation. It's one of the ways that they offset their budgets. They also deal with a number of other projects involving other governments which again they aren't at liberty to talk about. (Governments tend to run things in secrecy just like people would use non-disclosures in business)

Obviously this feeds peoples paranoia, however it shouldn't be read wrongly which a lot of people do.