Did Mohammad know "YHWH"?



Why is the angel Gabriel called Jabril in arabic? And not Jabrullah? If allah is god, wouldn’t his angels be called after him? And not after the God of the Bible, “YHWH”?

Also, if God really spoke to him & is the God of the arabic people, why isn’t Mohammad’s last name called bin Abdijah? Instead of bin Abdullah? The reason is simple, Mohammad didn’t know the difference, he didn’t know God. God said, that “YHWH is my name forever” So, I ask, “How long is forever?” And what does the name allah really refer to?

Why do muslims glorify Mohammad or allah, if they are not God? Shouldn’t believing muslims call their sons, “Halleluyah” or “Mohiah”? What is praised when someone has Mohammad’s name? The man? the air? Isn't that shirk?

Isn’t it shirk to bow down to idols, then why do muslims bow down to Mecca? A city, a man-made artifact, the Ka’aba, a man-made building. Why is the qibla, the direction of prayer, at Mecca & not Jerusalem, where it started at?

The four letters YHWH (pronounced Yahweh) were inspired by God's Holy Spirit to appear in the Old Testament over 6,800 times
It seems you've got everything all mixed up in your head, let me clarify things for you and from your site..

Randolfo said:
Why is the angel Gabriel called Jabril in arabic? And not Jabrullah?

JIBRAIL HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE NAME ALLAH. None of the names of the angels are related to him.

Randolfo said:
If allah is god, wouldn’t his angels be called after him? And not after the God of the Bible, “YHWH”?
Why would his angels be called after him? This is something that someone probably thought of and asked the question without realising how stupid it was. Allah is the creator, his creations should not be related to him. That is why when we name people one of Allah's names, we add ABDUL. Example, ABDUL Aziz, ABDUL Rahman, etc....

Randolfo said:
Also, if God really spoke to him & is the God of the arabic people, why isn’t Mohammad’s last name called bin Abdijah? Instead of bin Abdullah?
Again, they're just names. HIS FATHER WAS CALLED ABULLAH, SO EVENTUALLY HIS SON WOULD BE CALLED IBNABDULLAH. {IBN means son} Its an Arabic thing, which they inherrit from each other. They don't go with the passing of last names, like the west. Everybody's differen.

Randolfo said:
The reason is simple, Mohammad didn’t know the difference, he didn’t know God.
Where are you getting all of this from? He did know God. ...thats what you don't want to believe. But every other muslim believes that Mohammed {peace be upon him} has spoken to Gabriel. The angel of Allah who brought the revelation.

And what does the name allah really refer to?

Randolfo said:
Why do muslims glorify Mohammad or allah, if they are not God?
We glorify ALLAH because he is God, {I thought you knew that} We LOVe and RESPECT Mohammed because he is the PROPHET of ALLAH. We praise him as well as ALL the other prophets including Jesus as a PROPHET.

Randolfo said:
Shouldn’t believing muslims call their sons, “Halleluyah” or “Mohiah”?
WHY ON EARTH SHOULD WE CALL OUR SONS THAT?! Too bad you weren't there to teach the Arabic people otherwise, huh??.

What is praised when someone has Mohammad’s name? The man? the air? Isn't that shirk?
We say 'Mohammed Sallalahu Alaihy Wa Salam' Which means PEACE BE UPON HIM :rolleyes:

Randolfo said:
Isn’t it shirk to bow down to idols, then why do muslims bow down to Mecca? A city, a man-made artifact, the Ka’aba, a man-made building. Why is the qibla, the direction of prayer, at Mecca & not Jerusalem, where it started at?
We do not bow down to Mecca, we bow to that DIRECTION. The only thing we Muslims bow down to is ALLAH.

All of your questions show how ignorant you are towards Islam, including all of the other haters. Next time, do some research before you post up such stupid questions..
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daisy250 said:
it seems you've got everything all mixed up in your head, let me clarify things for you and from your site..
the brain-wash thing again
JIBRAIL HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE NAME ALLAH. None of the names of the angels are related to him.
funny, in the Bible, all the angel refer to god, in some way, Michael, Gabriel
Why would his angels be called after him? This is something that someone probably thought of and asked the question without realising how stupid it was. Allah is the creator, his creations should not be related to him. That is why when we name people one of Allah's names, we add ABDUL. Example, ABDUL Aziz, ABDUL Rahman, etc....
slaves, huh?, not just named after Him?
Where are you getting all of this from? He did know God. ...thats what you don't want to believe. But every other muslim believes that Mohammed {peace be upon him} has spoken to Gabriel. The angel of Allah who brought the revelation.
how do you know it was Gabriel? Since he is named after the God of the Bible?
No really, it refers to the crescent-moon god

We glorify ALLAH because he is God, {I thought you knew that}
allah is not God, YHWH is

We LOVe and RESPECT Mohammed because he is the PROPHET of ALLAH. We praise him as well as ALL the other prophets including Jesus as a PROPHET.
but a false prophet

WHY ON EARTH SHOULD WE CALL OUR SONS THAT?! Too bad you weren't there to teach the Arabic people otherwise, huh??.
when the become Christians they can change their names to Halleluyah
We say 'Mohammed PEACE BE UPON HIM
I know, why not after God
We do not bow down to Mecca, we bow to that DIRECTION. The only thing we Muslims bow down to is ALLAH.
then, is allah at Jerusalem, is he at Detroit? Is he at LA? How about Tokyo?
All of your questions show how ignorant you are towards Islam, including all of the other haters. Next time, do some research before you post up such stupid questions..
did that, & still working on it, thank you
By reading some of your 1,190 posts, I thought you had some brains. But I realised that they were all copy and pastes. Now that you speak from your head, you've just proved everybody how below zero and obnoxious you are. Go get some education.

funny, in the Bible, all the angel refer to god, in some way, Michael, Gabriel

Yeah, but you're not talking about Christianity.

slaves, huh?, not just named after Him?

Again, talking from your head. Learn some Arabic, you'll get it.

how do you know it was Gabriel? Since he is named after the God of the Bible?

Are you talking english or Jibrish????????????????????????????????????

No really, it refers to the crescent-moon god

*siiiiiiiigggghhhhhh* You're so full of yourself

allah is not God, YHWH is

mhh.... how convincing.

but a false prophet

maybe for you..

when the become Christians they can change their names to Halleluyah

I'm lauging. And when you become muslim we'll call you Abdul Raouff.... look it up.

I know, why not after God

The creation is different from the creator.

then, is allah at Jerusalem, is he at Detroit? Is he at LA? How about Tokyo?

Get a life.

did that, & still working on it, thank you[/QUOTE]

try harder then..

daisy250 said:
By reading some of your 1,190 posts, I thought you had some brains. But I realised that they were all copy and pastes. Now that you speak from your head, you've just proved everybody how below zero and obnoxious you are. Go get some education.

below zero, I'm hurt, no brains?
what, just because I don't believe islam is from God?
the details are all wrong, Mohammad didn't know enough about God, the Bible, Jews, Christians, Heaven

tell us, what kind of god rewards people that kill in the name of religion?
tell us, what kind of god rewards people with 72 virgins for being good?

sounds like a man-made religion, or satan was pulling Mohammad's weak spots when he whispered in his ears for the the quran, "recite!" let's see, how many wives? how much plunder? how much power?

oh, a joke that has gone around the net about the muslim reward in heaven:

After his death, Osama bin Laden went to heaven.......................

There he was greeted by George Washington, who proceeded to slap him across the face and yell at him, "How dare you try to destroy the nation I helped conceive!"

Patrick Henry approached and punched Osama in the nose and shouted," You wanted to end our liberties but you failed."

James Madison entered, kicked Osama in the groin and said," This is why I allowed our government to provide for the common defense!"

Thomas Jefferson came in and proceeded to beat Osama many times with a long cane and said, "It was evil men like you that provided me the inspiration to pen the Declaration of Independence!"

These beatings and thrashings continued as John Rudolph, James Monroe and 66 other early Americans came in and unleashed their anger on the Muslim terrorist leader.

As Osama lay bleeding and writhing in unbearable pain an Angel appeared. Bin Laden wept in pain and said to the Angel, "This isn't what you promised."

The Angel replied, "I told you there would be 72 Virginians waiting for you in heaven. What did you think I said?"

daisy250 said:
By reading some of your 1,190 posts, I thought you had some brains. But I realised that they were all copy and pastes. Now that you speak from your head, you've just proved everybody how below zero and obnoxious you are. Go get some education. :
funny, if I agree with your views, I'm brilliant
if I don't, I'm dumber than zero,

listen, in real life, not all people agree with each other,
not even friends, relatives or neighbors,
what do you expect from me? your ideological twin?
your lock-step brother? dream on, or stop dreaming!
get an education that matters & then grow up!
You guys are not very nice people.

I'm glad I don't have a god.
He might make me low and unscrupulous like you folks.
Even worse, he might make you write like a two year old with a big red crayon.
Xev said:
Even worse, he might make you write like a two year old with a big red crayon.
Hey moderator! do you think that Mohammad knew what he was talking about, did he understand Judaism or Christianity? Do you know anything about islam? is it logical? is it reasonable? can you put some informed facts & dialog in this thread?
Did the founder of one psychotic Abrahamic religion understand the ugly ramblings of another?
I have to say that holds my interest just as much as the marital status of Brittany Spears does.
I might say that Muslims do not "bow down to Mecca" but rather show respect to a holy city, or I might note that the Muslims do not worship Muhammed as a demi-god but rather consider him to be an extrordinarily holy man but it'd be rather lost on you.

But then, we wouldn't expect logical reasoning from a member of such an excitable race as yours, would we?
Xev said:

But then, we wouldn't expect logical reasoning from a member of such an excitable race as yours, would we

logical?, the day you understand logic, or act logical, will be the day that you start putting down facts, not putting down people

excitable? please, I'm more restrained that you'll ever be,
why, I'm positively German!

LOL, you show that you understand nothing, yell a lot, cuss & scream,

exactly who is logical & excitable?
Yelling and screaming?

You're the one using bold, German.

You weren't really Laughing Out Loud, were you?
Rappaccini said:
Yelling and screaming?

You're the one using bold, German.

You weren't really Laughing Out Loud, were you?
no, its just a figure of speech, in cyberspace, no one can hear you scream
invert_nexus said:
I saw a biography on mohammed a while back, it said that originally he did bow down to jerusalem, but jerusalem didn't want anything to do with this new religion. So he bowed to Mecca instead.
hlf right, Mohammad found that no jew would take his claim to "prophrthood" seriously, so he changed the "qibla" (the direction of prayer), to Mecca, he got a convient surah, telling him that allah was only testing him, the real direction of prayer was Mecca, what do you think?

Of course christians have their pagan symbols as well. So who's to judge?
why you, each person hs to find out for themselves, you are never a granchild of God, you can not be born a christian, you have to be born-again, just as Jesus said, making you a child of God

edit: interesting point about the angels though. I never thought about the el in their name.
names meant evrything then, all the angels named in the Bible, have "el" in their names, because their names glorify God, as in Mighthy man of God, or who is like God?

Of course that's a point of contention in judaism and christianity both. Just who do they worship, Elohim, YHWH, or is it THE LORD?
elohim is probably a title, like 'allah' is, "YHWH" is the formal memorial name, "I AM", the LORD in most English translations refers to "YHWH", since jews set up a superstition, that God's name was to holy to be pronounced, the used Adonai (Lord) instead