Did Man create god(s) ????

Did Man create god(s)

  • Did God(s) create man ????

    Votes: 4 18.2%
  • Did Man create god(s) ????

    Votes: 18 81.8%

  • Total voters

Lord Insane

Many people believe , that god(s) is/are just an abstract term invented by man - to explain, how the world was created and to give answers to questions, that they could not answer in those days, when they invented god(s) ......

Did God(s) create man ???
Did Man create god(s) ???

Sorry the answers in the poll should be :

1) God(s) created man !!
2) Man created god(s) !!

Don´t know how to change it - I am too new here !!
How do I edit a poll ?
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Well, if we are talking religion here, then of course - Man created God. I have no doubt about that.

But if there is a... what we would call 'God', then it wouldn't be represented by any religion, but would still have created the universe.

By any account, it is better off to assume nothing and to start believing only what can be observed and tested and we build our knowledge from there.
God is only found inside the brains of humans , in the word of humans and in the writings of humans - god(s) has/have not existed for real .....
Lord Insane,

On a personal opinion, I believe we, the people, created a god or gods in order to answer questions that we could not answer before. I know many will say there is a god(s), and we can not create the god(s), but the god(s) created us.

But, we know for a fact that regions all over the world created a religion. Sure, you could argue one is right, and rest are not, but then that would still say man created a god. If other religions made it up, why not all?

And lots of them have old written books said to be a message from a god as well. ;)

hey lord insane

sorry to nitpick, but this poll needs fixing, i would vote for both of the options, it'll only allow me to vote for one or the other

Well, if we are talking religion here, then of course - Man created God. I have no doubt about that.

Why don't you have any doubt about it?
Suppose God did create man.

But if there is a... what we would call 'God', then it wouldn't be represented by any religion, but would still have created the universe.

If there is a "God" who/which may have created the universe, then your doubt as to whether he/she/it created man, is pointless.

By any account, it is better off to assume nothing and to start believing only what can be observed and tested and we build our knowledge from there.

That kind of knowledge can only yeild understanding of matter, so are you assuming matter is all there is?
If you are, then your mind is already made up, and for you, God does not exist, as you have left no opening for any other possibility.

God created all men.
Some men rejected God and created [false] gods for themselves.

So my answer is, both.
Jan Ardena said:

Why don't you have any doubt about it?
Suppose God did create man.

That has nothing to do with what I said. I know that if there is a 'God' then it is not repersented by any religion. I'm more inclined to think that science is the best way to understand God, since science tries to make sense of what God has created. (If there is a 'God').

If there is a "God" who/which may have created the universe, then your doubt as to whether he/she/it created man, is pointless.

True. But then pretending to 'know' God and following rules laid down by organised religion is much more pointless.

That kind of knowledge can only yeild understanding of matter, so are you assuming matter is all there is?
If you are, then your mind is already made up, and for you, God does not exist, as you have left no opening for any other possibility.


Matter and the forces of the universe is what we are all made up of. If we can understand everything about that, then we can understand pretty much nearly everything. By what we understand so far, a huge dust cloud condensed to form the sun and our solar system and that life on Earth started from basic organic compounds when conditions were just right. How significant is that?!

Plus, God created all of this matter right? By understanding matter we can to the best of our ability in this bubble, understand the root of God... Again... assuming there is a 'God'.

That has nothing to do with what I said. I know that if there is a 'God' then it is not repersented by any religion.

If you know this, then you know God.

I'm more inclined to think that science is the best way to understand God, since science tries to make sense of what God has created. (If there is a 'God').

Knowledge, period, is A way to know God. It is understood that God is simultaneosly one and different with nature, nature is an aspect of God. Modern science is in the business of understanding nature, but to state that modern science is the only way, is no different than saying christianity or islam is the only way.

True. But then pretending to 'know' God and following rules laid down by organised religion is much more pointless.

If God is real, you cannot help but know God, as God is ultimately the cause of everything we percieve. There is nothing wrong with religion, in the same way there is nothing wrong with science, it is only peoples interpretation which leads to misunderstanding.

Matter and the forces of the universe is what we are all made up of.

That is an assumption based on your worldview, there are many people who would have a different opinion.

If we can understand everything about that, then we can understand pretty much nearly everything.

Can you back this statement with a solid argument in your favour?

By what we understand so far, a huge dust cloud condensed to form the sun and our solar system and that life on Earth started from basic organic compounds when conditions were just right. How significant is that?!

How could you understand God, from this point of view?

Plus, God created all of this matter right?

Matter is classed as one of Gods energies and is eternal. There is no scripture which claims that God created matter. The claim is that from His material energy he created the phenomenal world.

By understanding matter we can to the best of our ability in this bubble, understand the root of God... Again... assuming there is a 'God'.

How so?

Jan .
Jan Ardena said:

If you know this, then you know God.

That's the thing, I don't. I do however know of many man-made Gods.

Knowledge, period, is A way to know God. It is understood that God is simultaneosly one and different with nature, nature is an aspect of God. Modern science is in the business of understanding nature, but to state that modern science is the only way, is no different than saying christianity or islam is the only way.

Knowledge is a way to know things, and if that knowledge leads to finding a God, then fair enough. What is not fair, and blatantly ludicrous, is claiming knowledge through an ancient book which you claim to be written by God or even dictated by God. There is simply no way of knowing anything through religion. If you follow the bible to it's letter, then it is ok to keep slaves, and beat slaves... so long as you don't bash their eyes out or until they fall unconcious. It is also OK to beat children with a stick if they speak back to you.

If God is real, you cannot help but know God, as God is ultimately the cause of everything we percieve. There is nothing wrong with religion, in the same way there is nothing wrong with science, it is only peoples interpretation which leads to misunderstanding.

'Knowing' God would be false if our universe wasn't created by God. Same way as a belief in santa is for those who are not yet able to perceive logic. There is also nothing wrong with funamentalists perceptions of scriptures and 'holy' books. Any suicide bomber will be able to find in black and white, justification by God to carry out his or her act.

That is an assumption based on your worldview, there are many people who would have a different opinion.

A pretty logical assumption since matter and forces of the universe are all that we know of... I would have thought. If I have missed something here please inform me.

Can you back this statement with a solid argument in your favour?

In the short time we have had science and technology we have discovered the universe to be expanding from an origional infinitely small point. How galaxies are formed, how life started on Earth, how Humans evolved from the basic starting point of life, how gravity works... I could go on and on, but we have made such progress in such short time, even if the surface has only been scratched. Since religion has been around much longer it has achieved little beyond conflict.

How could you understand God, from this point of view?

Well assuming this hypothetical God exists and created the universe, we understand this is what it did. If you think you can know God anymore than this especially based around organised religion, you are wrong.

Matter is classed as one of Gods energies and is eternal. There is no scripture which claims that God created matter. The claim is that from His material energy he created the phenomenal world.

Actually he created humans instantaneously from dust and breath, according to the bible.
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That's the thing, I don't. I do however know of many man-made Gods.

You said you know God is not reprisented by religion. How do you know this?

Knowledge is a way to know things, and if that knowledge leads to finding a God, then fair enough.

Unserstanding is the way to knowing things, and understanding can lead to finding a God IMO.

What is not fair, and blatantly ludicrous, is claiming knowledge through an ancient book which you claim to be written by God or even dictated by God.

Its not quite as simple as that, at least try and understand this.

There is simply no way of knowing anything through religion.

How can you possibly back this claim up?

If you follow the bible to it's letter, then it is ok to keep slaves, and beat slaves... so long as you don't bash their eyes out or until they fall unconcious.

That isn't religion.

'Knowing' God would be false if our universe wasn't created by God.


There is also nothing wrong with funamentalists perceptions of scriptures and 'holy' books. Any suicide bomber will be able to find in black and white, justification by God to carry out his or her act.

That is still not religion.
If you are going to rubbish religion then at least understand what religion actually is.

Since religion has been around much longer it has achieved little beyond conflict.

Religion is not responsible for conflict, people are. Also, it is not here to make scientific descovery, science is.

Well assuming this hypothetical God exists and created the universe, we understand this is what it did. If you think you can know God anymore than this especially based around organised religion, you are wrong.

I don't see the difference between your attitude and that of organised religion, if I may be honest. Other than that I am unable to respond to this point.

Actually he created humans instantaneously from dust and breath, according to the bible.

Dust is matter, is it not?
