Did Jesus walk on water - or ice?


Sir Vincent, knighted by HM
Registered Senior Member

Last Updated: Wednesday, 5 April 2006, 19:22 GMT 20:22 UK

Did Jesus walk on water - or ice?

The Sea of Galilee - subject to a cold snap at the time?

Jesus may not have walked on water as the Bible claims but rather skated on ice formed through a freak cold spell, a scientific study has found.

Rare atmospheric and water conditions could have caused ice to form on the freshwater Sea of Galilee.

The research shows a period of cooler weather swept what is now northern Israel from 1,500 to 2,600 years ago.

Sub-zero temperatures could have caused the formation of ice thick enough to support the weight of a man.

"Springs ice"

The story of Jesus walking on water is recorded in three of the four Gospels, but Professor Doron Nof, an oceanographer from Florida State University insists his research points to a scientific rather than miraculous explanation.

"If you ask me if I believe someone walked on water, no, I don't," Prof Nof told Reuters. "I believe something natural was there that explains it."

A person standing or walking on it would appear to a distant observer to be 'walking on water'

Prof Doron Nof,
Florida University

The research involved a study of the surface temperatures of the Sea of Galilee along with air temperature and wind records.

Partially submerged in water, the ice patches, known as "springs ice", may not have been noticed by observers standing at a distance.

"Because the size of the springs ice, a person standing or walking on it would appear to a distant observer to be 'walking on water'," Prof Nof wrote in the report's conclusion.

"Our springs ice calculation may or may not be related to the origin of the account of Christ walking on water," he concluded.

"It is hoped, however, that archaeologists, religious scholars, anthropologists and believers will examine such implications in detail."


"Rare atmospheric and water conditions could have caused ice to form on the freshwater Sea of Galilee.

The research shows a period of cooler weather swept what is now northern Israel from 1,500 to 2,600 years ago.

Sub-zero temperatures could have caused the formation of ice thick enough to support the weight of a man."

I find scientists a hoot, they seem to have nothing better to do than try to demolish any religous beliefs we have.

christ they have difficulty predicting the weather today, yet we have this bold nut saying that iced formed on Sea of Galilee, thousands of years ago.

Who do we believe this awesome weatherman, who can tell you if it was rainy or there was a summer breeze, or indeed a cold snap over the sea of galilee all that time ago.

Is this the sum of all his education, this worthless peace of nonsense, i mean what is this a contest in the scientific world, to who can make the most inane statement, so they can make headlines & get noticed.

I think instead of studying the weather thousands of years ago on the Sea of Galilee, this scientific egg head needs to be put under the microscope himself.

By the way i believe 101% jesus walked on water, i also believe he drunk it to, and to this day has shares in many bottled water mineral companies.
vincent28uk said:
I find scientists a hoot, they seem to have nothing better to do than try to demolish any religous beliefs we have.
You don't have to like it, but scientists tend to know what they're talking about. Even if what they say contradicts someone's religion. They aren't out there to tell you what you think is true just to please you – they're out there to find out what's really true.

vincent28uk said:
By the way i believe 101% jesus walked on water, i also believe he drunk it to, and to this day has shares in many bottled water mineral companies.
Uh... Good for you then. :bugeye:
Athelwulf said:
You don't have to like it, but scientists tend to know what they're talking about. Even if what they say contradicts someone's religion. They aren't out there to tell you what you think is true just to please you – they're out there to find out what's really true.

Uh... Good for you then. :bugeye:

Just what do scientists know, everything they say is guess work most of the time, any fool can play the guess game?

Any idiot can say, oh the sea of galilee froze over a 1000 years ago.

My point is these inane statements made by scientists are said entirely to make headlines, and drag there insignificant work into the limelight.

They already admit they can not fathom the billions of species on the planet, what is a scientist?

Is he a psychic, after all a psychic can see in the future & the past, not unlike a scientist with his guesses galore.

Is he a nobody, who dying to be a somebody, continually makes one headline statement after another hoping to be scene by his peers or world media.

Is he just a egg head, who was dropped as a child & is different from the rest of us, and is detached from reality?

just some of my guesses on scientists, so i guess that makes me a scientist too after all its all my guess work.

Stand up Sir Vincent for the nobel prize for guess work, no sorry highly accurate scientific data, LOL, scientists they do make me laugh.......
vincent28uk said:
Since there was probably no actual historical person upon which the story of Jesus was based one might react to the question with the question, what does it matter which surface the character was supposed to have walked on. However, knowing the roots of the Jesus myth I can say that in the original story it was supposed to be liquid water. Jesus was until Paul came along a Jewish cults assimilation of the Egyptian god Horus. Egyptian mythology had it that the Nile was connected to heaven through the underworld. The water-Nile goddess corresponding to Jesus’ mother Mary and his wife Mary "Magdalene", was Meri-Isis who was Horus's mother and Osiris's wife and so also Horus's wife as he was the reincarnation of his father Osiris. It was this water goddess whose resurrecting magic resurrected Osiris. Through a communion the Egyptians thought some of her resurrecting magic would one day give them eternal life and so Osiris-Horus's ability to cross through the underworld to life after death by way of the water of the Nile became the people's hope for their own salvation. As such Horus's power over death given him from Meri is represented in several depictions of him over water. Horus inherited the throne as the sun god. One of his titles was Iu-em-hetep su of Meri-Isis. This means bringer of peace son of Meri-Isis. Abbreviated this is
Iu-su. This is the root word for many old testament characters which were often anthropamorphised sun god myths Joshua, Esau, Isaiah, Hosea etc and is the root word for the name of Jesus itself. The fact that the Jesus character is the syncretism of these old testament and ultimately Egyptian sun god myths is exactly why such old testament story "prophesy" of Jesus. He is the ultimate self fulfilling prophesy having been totally fabricated from those very myths. The statement then that Jesus walked on water was meant as liquid water and had the underlying meaning that Jesus had power over death. As for the scientists statement that its possible that there was ice on which an actual historical person could have walked, sure I suppose it could have happened. I suppose it is also possible that there was a historical person Yeshua with a wife Marium Magdala who consorting with 12 others to simulate the 12 followers of the Horus Har-Khutti myth could well have conspired a death-resurrection hoax in order to set himself up as a sun god and the Jewish messiah. Unfortunately there isn't even any hard evidence for an actual historical person behind the Jesus myth.
thedevilsreject said:
maybe he made minature ice skates and salcowed around the sea galilee

Thats a very interesting hypothesis, a ice skating prophet?

I managed to find these pictures of jesus taken at the sea of galilee, from the vatican archives.


Jesus looking very serious bible in hand, wandering if he is going to get that big tidal wave, for surfing, moses gets ready to part the sea.

Trilairian said:
Since there was probably no actual historical person upon which the story of Jesus was based one might react to the question with the question, what does it matter which surface the character was supposed to have walked on. However, knowing the roots of the Jesus myth I can say that in the original story it was supposed to be liquid water. Jesus was until Paul came along a Jewish cults assimilation of the Egyptian god Horus. Egyptian mythology had it that the Nile was connected to heaven through the underworld. The water-Nile goddess corresponding to Jesus’ mother Mary and his wife Mary "Magdalene", was Meri-Isis who was Horus's mother and Osiris's wife and so also Horus's wife as he was the reincarnation of his father Osiris. It was this water goddess whose resurrecting magic resurrected Osiris. Through a communion the Egyptians thought some of her resurrecting magic would one day give them eternal life and so Osiris-Horus's ability to cross through the underworld to life after death by way of the water of the Nile became the people's hope for their own salvation. As such Horus's power over death given him from Meri is represented in several depictions of him over water. Horus inherited the throne as the sun god. One of his titles was Iu-em-hetep su of Meri-Isis. This means bringer of peace son of Meri-Isis. Abbreviated this is Iu-su. This is the root word for many old testament characters which were often anthropamorphised sun god myths Joshua, Esau, Isaiah, Hosea etc and is the root word for the name of Jesus itself. The fact that the Jesus character is the syncretism of these old testament and ultimately Egyptian sun god myths is exactly why such old testament story "prophesy" of Jesus. He is the ultimate self fulfilling prophesy having been totally fabricated from those very myths. The statement then that Jesus walked on water was meant as liquid water and had the underlying meaning that Jesus had power over death. As for the scientists statement that its possible that there was ice on which an actual historical person could have walked, sure I suppose it could have happened. I suppose it is also possible that there was a historical person Yeshua with a wife Marium Magdala who consorting with 12 others to simulate the 12 followers of the Horus Har-Khutti myth could well have conspired a death-resurrection hoax in order to set himself up as a sun god and the Jewish messiah. Unfortunately there isn't even any hard evidence for an actual historical person behind the Jesus myth.

M*W: I see you've done your homework, and you have no myth-stakes!
vincent28uk said:
Just what do scientists know, everything they say is guess work most of the time, any fool can play the guess game?
There's a difference between an informed, educated guess which is tested thoroughly, and a random, shot-in-the-dark guess that is assumed to be absolutely correct.

Any idiot can say, oh the sea of galilee froze over a 1000 years ago.
But only an idiot would say it without knowing what they're talking about.

My point is these inane statements made by scientists are said entirely to make headlines, and drag there insignificant work into the limelight.
Really? Where's your evidence of this?

They already admit they can not fathom the billions of species on the planet, what is a scientist?
Can you quote who said that?

Is he a psychic, after all a psychic can see in the future & the past, not unlike a scientist with his guesses galore.
Unlike a psychic, a scientist tests his guesses.

Is he a nobody, who dying to be a somebody, continually makes one headline statement after another hoping to be scene by his peers or world media.

Is he just a egg head, who was dropped as a child & is different from the rest of us, and is detached from reality?
Maybe you were the one dropped as a child.

just some of my guesses on scientists, so i guess that makes me a scientist too after all its all my guess work.
Ah, so everything you say about scientists is a guess, and they are actually much smarter than you claim them to be? Well then I'm glad we agree.

Stand up Sir Vincent for the nobel prize for guess work, no sorry highly accurate scientific data, LOL, scientists they do make me laugh.......
You know those scenes in movies when mentally handicapped people laugh slowly and stupidly at things they don't understand, for no reason other than that they can't comprehend?

Go read a basic high school science textbook. It should explain to you how the scientific method works. You need that.
vincent28uk said:
Thats a very interesting hypothesis, a ice skating prophet?

I managed to find these pictures of jesus taken at the sea of galilee, from the vatican archives.


Jesus looking very serious bible in hand, wandering if he is going to get that big tidal wave, for surfing, moses gets ready to part the sea.

Do two things for me:

:- Prove to me that those pictures are from the Vatican archives and not from surfing.com and indonesiapromo.com. That's the first step not only towards being a scientist, but also towards being smart.
:- Make the first picture smaller.
Just what do scientists know, everything they say is guess work most of the time, any fool can play the guess game?

So what the fuck are you doing using a computer?

This is what ticks me off, idiots like this dishes scientists, and then using the technolgical advances created by scientists. Hypocrite jack ass!. :bugeye:
