Did Jesus ever sin?


Eviiiiiiiil Clown
Registered Senior Member
How do we know Jesus never sinned? Bible never said Jesus never sinned.

The definition of sin in breaking God's law (Torah). I believe that is mentioned 3 times in New Testament. 1 John is one instance I remember.

Jesus broke the law several times in NT. He told his disciples to work in the field during Sabbath. He cleared the marketplace in the temple, even though it is part of the law to have money changers and to sell animals. He didn't stone the adultress like he supposes to. He did away with dietary laws.

Jesus is definitely a sinner.
Absolutly not. If he did he would not have been able to atone for the rest of us. Christ did not break any laws. He fullfilled the laws. He may have broken some men's interpretation of the laws but that is not sinning. That is beside the point though. He himself gave Moses the law so he himself could do away with them or change them which he did. The definition of sinning is to break God's law. Christ never broke God's law.
Joeman said:
How do we know Jesus never sinned? Bible never said Jesus never sinned.

The definition of sin in breaking God's law (Torah). I believe that is mentioned 3 times in New Testament. 1 John is one instance I remember.

Jesus broke the law several times in NT. He told his disciples to work in the field during Sabbath. He cleared the marketplace in the temple, even though it is part of the law to have money changers and to sell animals. He didn't stone the adultress like he supposes to. He did away with dietary laws.

Jesus is definitely a sinner.

Ever read "The Lost Books of the Bible"? I have. It is a collection of stories about Jesus growing up as an adolesant. Ever wonder why there is only him being born and then him as an adult miricale worker?

Well it seems he was a smart mouth, back talking his teachers, he also killed 2-3 playmates because they picked on him and he also killed a teacher that tried to discipline him.

These stores didn't fit the Biblical description they wanted to convey so they were left out of the Bible. The fact is these stories are know to ministers in that the"Lost Books" are not intended for public reading but are only for theologians.
Joeman said:
How do we know Jesus never sinned? Bible never said Jesus never sinned.

The definition of sin in breaking God's law (Torah). I believe that is mentioned 3 times in New Testament. 1 John is one instance I remember.

Jesus broke the law several times in NT. He told his disciples to work in the field during Sabbath. He cleared the marketplace in the temple, even though it is part of the law to have money changers and to sell animals. He didn't stone the adultress like he supposes to. He did away with dietary laws.

Jesus is definitely a sinner.

Ever read "The Lost Books of the Bible"? I have. It is a collection of stories about Jesus growing up as an adolesant. Ever wonder why there is only him being born and then him as an adult miricale worker?

Well it seems he was a smart mouth, back talking his teachers, he also killed 2-3 playmates because they picked on him and he also killed a teacher that tried to discipline him.

These stores didn't fit the Biblical description they wanted to convey so they were left out of the Bible. The fact is these stories are known to ministers in that the"Lost Books" are not intended for public reading but are only for theologians.
Joeman said:
How do we know Jesus never sinned? Bible never said Jesus never sinned.

The definition of sin in breaking God's law (Torah). I believe that is mentioned 3 times in New Testament. 1 John is one instance I remember.

Jesus broke the law several times in NT. He told his disciples to work in the field during Sabbath. He cleared the marketplace in the temple, even though it is part of the law to have money changers and to sell animals. He didn't stone the adultress like he supposes to. He did away with dietary laws.

Jesus is definitely a sinner.

Ever read "The Lost Books of the Bible"? I have. It is a collection of stories about Jesus growing up as an adolesant. Ever wonder why there is only him being born and then him as an adult miracale worker?

Well it seems he was a smart mouth, back talking his teachers, he also killed 2-3 playmates because they picked on him and he also killed a teacher that tried to discipline him.

These stores didn't fit the Biblical description they wanted to convey so they were left out of the Bible. The fact is these stories are known to ministers in that the"Lost Books" are not intended for public reading but are only for theologians.
Joeman said:
How do we know Jesus never sinned? Bible never said Jesus never sinned.

The definition of sin in breaking God's law (Torah). I believe that is mentioned 3 times in New Testament. 1 John is one instance I remember.

Jesus broke the law several times in NT. He told his disciples to work in the field during Sabbath. He cleared the marketplace in the temple, even though it is part of the law to have money changers and to sell animals. He didn't stone the adultress like he supposes to. He did away with dietary laws.

Jesus is definitely a sinner.

Ever read "The Lost Books of the Bible"? I have. It is a collection of stories about Jesus growing up as an adolesant. Ever wonder why there is only him being born and then him as an adult miracle worker?

Well it seems he was a smart mouth, back talking his teachers, he also killed 2-3 playmates because they picked on him and he also killed a teacher that tried to discipline him.

These stores didn't fit the Biblical description they wanted to convey so they were left out of the Bible. The fact is these stories are known to ministers in that the"Lost Books" are not intended for public reading but are only for theologians.
Are you referring to the apocrypha books? I have not read them myself but some time ago in a sunday school class our church pastor gave an outline of them and read excerpts, and there's nothing remotely like what you described. If you are referring to texts that I am unaware of, I would like to remind you to evaluate the truthfulness of the information based on its origin, purpose, style, intended audience, and historical accuracy. Also, check whether the texts refer specifically to Jesus of Nazareth, because other people also shared that name.
Joeman said:
How do we know Jesus never sinned? Bible never said Jesus never sinned.

The definition of sin in breaking God's law (Torah). I believe that is mentioned 3 times in New Testament. 1 John is one instance I remember.

Jesus broke the law several times in NT. He told his disciples to work in the field during Sabbath. He cleared the marketplace in the temple, even though it is part of the law to have money changers and to sell animals. He didn't stone the adultress like he supposes to. He did away with dietary laws.

Jesus is definitely a sinner.

If He created the laws, what obligation does He have to follow othem?
Athelwulf said:
I believe he's referring to the infancy gospels. Am I correct, MacM?

I think you are correct. It was about enfancy and childhood. A Google search shows numerous "Lost Books", along with many denials by the faithful.

I don't know if the following contains the books I read or not but it does include several about his enfancy.


The ones I saw were clearly marked "Not for Sale or Public dissemination"
banana said:
Are you referring to the apocrypha books? I have not read them myself but some time ago in a sunday school class our church pastor gave an outline of them and read excerpts, and there's nothing remotely like what you described. If you are referring to texts that I am unaware of, I would like to remind you to evaluate the truthfulness of the information based on its origin, purpose, style, intended audience, and historical accuracy. Also, check whether the texts refer specifically to Jesus of Nazareth, because other people also shared that name.

It has been decades ago since I read them and I can't give many details other than they were written in standard religious babble but the stories I have mentioned were infact included. They constituted only a minor part of the complete works so your preacher could quote many things which better fit the choosen view of Jesus without exposing those stories.

I have less faith in the church than I do the lost books.
if he was a man then he has sinned. according to the infallible bible.
somethings come to mind original sin is one, those points you made yourself joeman and why when he died, did he first go to hell, if he'd atoned for everybodys sins he would have been sinless, something smells fishy.
brutus you said "He may have broken some men's interpretation of the laws but that is not sinning. " so if a man breaks mans interpretation of the laws Ie: mormon as opposed to catholic or muslim as opposed to Protestant interpretation for instance.
he not sinning.
if this is correct then we can safely say no man can sin.
Indeed the following link has some of the stories I refer to.


********************* Extracts **********************
IV. 1 After that again he went through the village, and a child ran and dashed against his shoulder. And Jesus was provoked and said unto him: Thou shalt not finish thy course (lit. go all thy way). And immediately he fell down and died. But certain when they saw what was done said: Whence was this young child born, for that every word of his is an accomplished work? And the parents of him that was dead came unto Joseph, and blamed him, saying: Thou that hast such a child canst not dwell with us in the village: or do thou teach him to bless and not to curse: for he slayeth our children.

V. 1 And Joseph called the young child apart and admonished him, saying: Wherefore doest thou such things, that these suffer and hate us and persecute us? But Jesus said: I know that these thy words are not thine: nevertheless for thy sake I will hold my peace: but they shall bear their punishment. And straightway they that accused him were smitten with blindness. 2 And they that saw it were sore afraid and perplexed, and said concerning him that every word which he spake whether it were good or bad, was a deed, and became a marvel. And when they (he ?) saw that Jesus had so done, Joseph arose and took hold upon his ear and wrung it sore. 3 And the young child was wroth and said unto him: It sufficeth thee (or them) to seek and not to find, and verily thou hast done unwisely: knowest thou not that I am thine? vex me not.

XIV. 1 But when Joseph saw the understanding of the child, and his age, that it was coming to the full, he thought with himself again that he should not be ignorant of letters; and he took him and delivered him to another teacher. And the teacher said unto Joseph: First will I teach him the Greek letters, and after that the Hebrew. For the teacher knew the skill of the child and was afraid of him: notwithstanding he wrote the alphabet and Jesus pondered thereon a long time and answered him not. 2 And Jesus said to him: If thou be indeed a teacher and if thou knowest letters well, tell me the power of the Alpha and then will I tell thee the power of the Beta. And the teacher was provoked and smote him on the head. And the young child was hurt and cursed him, and straightway he fainted and fell to the ground on his face. 3 And the child returned unto the house of Joseph: and Joseph was grieved and commanded his mother, saying: Let him not forth without the door, for all they die that provoke him to wrath.

XII. How Jesus was delivered over to learn letters.

1 And when Joseph saw that he had so great grace and that he increased in stature, he thought to deliver him over to learn letters. And he delivered him to another doctor that he should teach him. Then said that doctor unto Joseph: What manner of letters wouldest thou teach this child? Joseph answered and said: Teach him first the letters of the Gentiles and after that the Hebrew. Now the doctor knew that he was of an excellent understanding, and received him gladly. And when he had written for him the first line, that is to say A and B, he taught him for the space of some hours: but Jesus held his peace and answered nothing. 2 At the last Jesus said unto the master: If thou be verily a master and indeed knowest the letters, tell me the power of A and I will tell thee the power of B. Then was the master filled with indignation and smote him on the head. But Jesus was wroth and cursed him, and on a sudden he fell down and died. 3 But Jesus returned unto his own home. And Joseph enjoined Mary his mother that she should not let him go out of the court of the house.

Other than that a really nice guy. :D
I would not give too much credence to these lost books. The truth is that Christ could not pay for our sins if he had sin himself. Christ could not be our emissary between us and the father if he had sin himself. No sinful person can abide being in the presence of God the Father. If Christ sinned he too could never be with God and could have never been in the position to atone for anyone’s sins. Therefore Christ never sinned.


When you break man's laws you are sinning against man. When you break God's laws you are sinning against God. Man’s laws are only punishable by man, but God's laws are punishable by God. Christ committed no sin against God.
Brutus1964 said:
I would not give too much credence to these lost books. The truth is that Christ could not pay for our sins if he had sin himself. Christ could not be our emissary between us and the father if he had sin himself. No sinful person can abide being in the presence of God the Father. If Christ sinned he too could never be with God and could have never been in the position to atone for anyone’s sins. Therefore Christ never sinned.


When you break man's laws you are sinning against man. When you break God's laws you are sinning against God. Man’s laws are only punishable by man, but God's laws are punishable by God. Christ committed no sin against God.

if christ made the law, and he payed for the atonement of mens sins who did he pay, himself?
Brutus1964 said:
I would not give too much credence to these lost books. The truth is that Christ could not pay for our sins if he had sin himself. Christ could not be our emissary between us and the father if he had sin himself. No sinful person can abide being in the presence of God the Father. If Christ sinned he too could never be with God and could have never been in the position to atone for anyone’s sins. Therefore Christ never sinned.


When you break man's laws you are sinning against man. When you break God's laws you are sinning against God. Man’s laws are only punishable by man, but God's laws are punishable by God. Christ committed no sin against God.
could you then clarify, the difference.
and what of original sin.
Brutus1964 said:
I would not give too much credence to these lost books. The truth is that Christ could not pay for our sins if he had sin himself. Christ could not be our emissary between us and the father if he had sin himself. No sinful person can abide being in the presence of God the Father. If Christ sinned he too could never be with God and could have never been in the position to atone for anyone’s sins. Therefore Christ never sinned.


When you break man's laws you are sinning against man. When you break God's laws you are sinning against God. Man’s laws are only punishable by man, but God's laws are punishable by God. Christ committed no sin against God.

So it is a coincidence that the Bible has Jesus being born and then as an adult and nothing about his childhood is in the Bible? I give far less crediance to the Bible and the whole concept of God and Mary being a virgin and Jesus the son of God.
Brutus1964 said:
I would not give too much credence to these lost books. The truth is that Christ could not pay for our sins if he had sin himself. Christ could not be our emissary between us and the father if he had sin himself. No sinful person can abide being in the presence of God the Father. If Christ sinned he too could never be with God and could have never been in the position to atone for anyone’s sins. Therefore Christ never sinned.

Doesn't repenting for a sin lift that sin? Jesus could've sinned and later repented. Then he'd be able to do all the stuff ya mention.
MacM said:
So it is a coincidence that the Bible has Jesus being born and then as an adult and nothing about his childhood is in the Bible? I give far less crediance to the Bible and the whole concept of God and Mary being a virgin and Jesus the son of God.

There's nothing about his childhood in the Bible because there's nothing important about his childhood.
Or kuz there's something about His childhood that's being dismissed, or even hidden.

#1,900 - 100 posts to go.