Did God contact man first?


Registered Senior Member
Who contacted who first? Did God contact man, or did man seek out and find God? The later makes more sense, otherwise, why did God wait to contact man?
Neither happened. 'God' is a man-made anthropomorphization of reality; hence, 'God' is an invention of man.
What Crunchy Cat said. And according to the bible God made man, so no one is contacting anyone there either.:shrug:
Who contacted who first? Did God contact man, or did man seek out and find God? The later makes more sense, otherwise, why did God wait to contact man?
M*W: Man studied the night skies as he wandered upon the Earth. He created stories about the stars and planets and elements and told them around ancient campfires. He depicted the patterns in the night skies as god-like beings. I don't think man set out to search for a god. I think he was just amusing himself. Over thousands of years, his stories turned into legends, and his legends turned into myths which later man mistakenly believed to be the truth. By the time ancient man learned to write, the stories were written down by men who didn't understand ancient myth. Then his story was told that a god in the heavens created man, and the dying rising god (the sun) saved man from darkness (sin), and they put it in a book they called the bible, which was just another way ancient man amused himself. Can you believe some people still believe it's the truth?
The answer really depends on if you believe in God. Sort of a silly question....I mean if you are a Christian, then you need to read the first couple chapters. If you were not Christian, it is sort of like you are asking a question that anthropology can answer....but, yet, you assume that there is a god by your question...i'm confused. Either way, it just seems like a silly question...i'm really confused...this was so much fun...NOT!

You aren't a nutjob who thinks god is an alien are you?
There is no mechanism in nature to conclude that nature in and of itself understands purpose or operates with any decision making ability.

Can we simply conclude that humans are the only type in the universe with the ability to reason. Simply having a larger brain is not a good enough explanation.

Do you think the taste bud happened by chance?

just throwing stuff out there.
There is no mechanism in nature to conclude that nature in and of itself understands purpose or operates with any decision making ability.

Can we simply conclude that humans are the only type in the universe with the ability to reason. Simply having a larger brain is not a good enough explanation.

Do you think the taste bud happened by chance?

just throwing stuff out there.

Go teach yourself on evolution.
M*W: Man studied the night skies as he wandered upon the Earth. He created stories about the stars and planets and elements and told them around ancient campfires. He depicted the patterns in the night skies as god-like beings. I don't think man set out to search for a god. I think he was just amusing himself. Over thousands of years, his stories turned into legends, and his legends turned into myths which later man mistakenly believed to be the truth. By the time ancient man learned to write, the stories were written down by men who didn't understand ancient myth. Then his story was told that a god in the heavens created man, and the dying rising god (the sun) saved man from darkness (sin), and they put it in a book they called the bible, which was just another way ancient man amused himself. Can you believe some people still believe it's the truth?

you always forget to mention something, thats your personal opinion of what happend. you always speak as though its a proven fact.

it is also just as probable that people tried to understand the universe, came up with a philosophy of an eternal infinite being who can create. and came to the conclusion that something created the known universe and earth. a father of existence.

dont be so quick to assume you know things that happened thousands of years ago, that were not recorded and you have no evidence for.

you always forget to mention something, thats your personal opinion of what happend. you always speak as though its a proven fact.

it is also just as probable that people tried to understand the universe, came up with a philosophy of an eternal infinite being who can create. and came to the conclusion that something created the known universe and earth. a father of existence.

dont be so quick to assume you know things that happened thousands of years ago, that were not recorded and you have no evidence for.
M*W: Everything I write is my opinion unless I cite references. If you don't like my style of writing, don't read my posts. I assure you, you will not be missed.
At the beginning, man knew God; he had to go nowere to seek for it, because it is already there, it is our nature. But due to the increase in population, men had to create bigger egos for survival (ate from the tree of knowledge) and fell astray from God.
God is still there, it is still the same, and the only difference is that man does not know it.
At the beginning, man knew God; he had to go nowere to seek for it, because it is already there, it is our nature. But due to the increase in population, men had to create bigger egos for survival (ate from the tree of knowledge) and fell astray from God.
God is still there, it is still the same, and the only difference is that man does not know it.

It just occured to me that the whole 'ate from the tree of knowledge' thing is actually a way to de-value education. Interesting.
It just occured to me that the whole 'ate from the tree of knowledge' thing is actually a way to de-value education. Interesting.

Yes, it is a way to de-value our so-called-education. That by the way, it is all subject to revision due to the "observer" quality of our predecessors.