Did God and Noah do unto others in Noah’s day?

Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Did God and Noah do unto others in Noah’s day?

Jesus said that the most important command was to love your neighbor as yourself and do unto others as you would want done to yourself. Scripture also urges us to emulate God as our best way of living. These two injunctions are completely contradictory when we think of when God chooses to punish mankind. He is kicking instead of applying a cure or forgiveness as Jesus would do.

It would seem to me that neither Noah nor the God depicted in this myth, are cut from the same cloth as Jesus was. In fact, they do the opposite of what Jesus would do.

Jesus could not have been around in that days as he would have intervened. As shown in the story of the stoning of the harlot. So much for the trinity concept as well. I never did like the notion of taking Jesus, a good Rabbi, sometimes, and tying him to the genocidal fool of a God of the O T. A complete insult to a good archetypal man.

Jesus is the way --- to believers.
Jesus would not condone Noah’s complicity in God’s genocidal fit and would therefore have to sentence Noah to hell or death.

If Jesus was around in Noah’s day and did nothing, in terms of intervention, he to would be complicit and end in hell, since he could not condone his own lack of action and was breaking his own best advise to do unto others.

Was Jesus, written up the way he was, a goody two shoes, in an effort to usurp the immoral O T God and Noah?

Was he written up as a new and improved God?

What was Jesus doing during God’s immoral genocidal fit?

Was he urging God to stop murdering and follow his own law and do unto others?

Adam's day, first of all. Think of the flood as clensing the Earth, literally, a fresh new start for everyone. Man failed God, but man deserved a second chance, as God was new at raising people.

There would be certain implications if there was a worldwide flood. There is ZERO evidence of this "cleansing". Man failing God only exists inside of your head.
Adam's day, first of all. Think of the flood as clensing the Earth, literally, a fresh new start for everyone. Man failed God, but man deserved a second chance, as God was new at raising people.

Raising people.

That is because people should be raising people. God should not be raising people because as we see in Eden, he is a piss poor parent.
Further, how can an absentee parent do any kind of raising at all?

Strange language you use for genocide.
I wonder if the Jews liked to just be cleansed from the earth.

Go away with your genocide loving God. He is quite sick and so are his followers.


There would be certain implications if there was a worldwide flood. There is ZERO evidence of this "cleansing". Man failing God only exists inside of your head.

Yes and notice the usefulness he sees in the genocide of mankind. Quite the way to think eh?

I think it insane.

Raising people.

That is because people should be raising people. God should not be raising people because as we see in Eden, he is a piss poor parent.
Further, how can an absentee parent do any kind of raising at all?

Strange language you use for genocide.
I wonder if the Jews liked to just be cleansed from the earth.

Go away with your genocide loving God. He is quite sick and so are his followers.


Shut up serpent, the Father curse thee.
@Knowledge --

Oh really? Sounds like he set the course of human history back by a hundred generations or so. And considering that the world is now, at least according to the bible, more evil than was ever depicted in the OT, why didn't he wait until now to do that. At least then those of us who survived would have had evidence that he existed and wouldn't have to rely on faith.
in the ot?? You seem to be completly unwilling to have faith, Arioch, I will not sit here and try to help you and get bagered in return. I'm doing you a favor, find faith.
in the ot?? You seem to be completly unwilling to have faith, Arioch, I will not sit here and try to help you and get bagered in return. I'm doing you a favor, find faith.

Why would you promote belief in the unproven or that which has no proof?

Why not faith in Allah or Odin?
They are just as plausible as your God of the gaps.
