Diagoras of Melos


Valued Senior Member
Diagoras is considered the first Greek atheist.

He was a poet and sophist of the 5th century BC. What I think is interesting is, just how much sense he makes. I think just about everyone here would agree that there are no Olympian Gods. Because no one worships them anymore. So most everyone would probably be sympathetic to Diagoras's point of view. There are no Greek Gods. They don't exist and never existed outside of people's imagination.

Cicero, writing in the 1st century BC, tells of how a friend of Diagoras tried to convince him of the existence of the gods, by pointing out how many votive pictures tell about people being saved from storms at sea by "dint of vows to the gods", to which Diagoras replied that "there are nowhere any pictures of those who have been shipwrecked and drowned at sea." And Cicero goes on to give another example, where Diagoras was on a ship in hard weather, and the crew thought that they had brought it on themselves by taking this ungodly man onboard. He then wondered if the other boats out in the same storm also had a Diagoras onboard.

In the end he was proscribed and had to flee Athens for his life.
With reason did the Athenians adjudge Diagoras guilty of atheism, in that he not only divulged the Orphic doctrine, and published the mysteries of Eleusis and of the Cabiri, and chopped up the wooden statue of Hercules to boil his turnips, but openly declared that there was no God at all.[8]

As no one here worships Hecules, Orpheus, Demeter and Persephone then I think we can call agree that denying their existence is logical. Making a wooden carving of Hercules and then setting it alight is not grounds for a death sentence! Surely everyone here agrees with this? Even getting upset over such an act would be absurd. YET, and this is the funny thing, look how many people got upset over the cartoons of Mohammad. Mohammad wasn't even half-God (like Hercules). Don't you see how these people are exactly the same as the superstitious Athenians?

2500 years and most people haven't moved past the same ridiculously silly superstitious beliefs.


On a side note I was walking by the the grocery store the other day when I noticed this HUGE Scientology Temple being reconstructed. I didn't realize there we so many Scientologists here? I hope there never comes a day when a person is proscribed for making fun of Xenu the Intergalactic warlord? Think that's absurd? Think of that next time you sing praises in Church or try to figure out which direction Mecca - you know "God" likes songs and "God" needs people to pray in the correct direction.. :bugeye:
Well dragon they didn't exactly believe in a heaven!

Contemporaries of Diagoras would have hoped for a nice spot on the Elysian Plain (Elysium) a part of Hades. :)