Devilzilla versus Ultra-Jesus


smoking revolver
Valued Senior Member
Who do you think will win? :D
My bet is on Ultra-Jesus, he's super cool!

Ya know if a devil really were to exist, something that rejoiced in death and destruction, then I suspect the first thing he would create and/or encourage would be religion.

Morality is the consideration of what is good and what is bad. Put simply good is anything that enhances life and the bad is anything that detracts from life and favors death.

What better way for the devil to maximise death than to convince billions of people that death is a good thing and that they should not make any effort to defeat it. And what does pretty much every religion offer - a promise that death is somehow a magical gateway to a utopian paradise of eternal happiness.

Hmm - looks like a massive con-trick to me just like something as devious as a devil would devise, right. Perhaps there really is a devil and his device is religion - the ultimate evil.
What are you talking about, Cris?!
We're here discussing Ultra-Jesus vs Devilzilla!
It's a the New Testament 2.0 in the making, smell the history, man!