Devil Worship

It isn't possible to know since religion predates writing and there is evidence of cult activity even among Neanderthals and archaic humans as long ago as 80,000 years.
Is it true that religion started with devil worship ?

No. The Devil is a recent concept in Christianity.

As far as I know, the oldest forms of religion are Shamanism, which involve healing and trance states performed by a specialist.
Is the devil really a recent concept of Christianity? Isn't it just a more definitive way of expressing the opposite of whatever is good? With the Yin and Yang, wouldn't the Yin be God and the Yang be the Devil? There had to be a concept of Other in regards to God since God was first formed in man's mind.
Is the devil really a recent concept of Christianity? Isn't it just a more definitive way of expressing the opposite of whatever is good? With the Yin and Yang, wouldn't the Yin be God and the Yang be the Devil? There had to be a concept of Other in regards to God since God was first formed in man's mind.

Yin and Yang have nothing to do with good and evil, anymore than light and dark, or left and right.

There was no concept of an OTHER force, in opposition to God within early Judaism.

This is a concept they borrowed from their neighbours later on.
Yin and Yang have nothing to do with good and evil, anymore than light and dark, or left and right.

There was no concept of an OTHER force, in opposition to God within early Judaism.

This is a concept they borrowed from their neighbours later on.

God and Devil must have come from that concept as well then, dualism you know
One would think the women invented religion while men went about hunting. Only after agriculture and domestication did men get in on the religous thing as a means of control of the other men.

So - ask youself - would a woman be stupid enough to make up something as silly as the devil? Is that how women think? No. Women of prehistory IMHO would be more inclined to think in terms of fertility.Mother Earth and all.

Men made up the Devil because we saw the Devils in ourselves. Killing, pillaging, raping, stealing, enSlaving, ect...
Women are pretty much the ones who preferentially opt for men with power; traditionally women are also more likely to be involved with the dark arts and the perpetuation of superstition.
Women are pretty much the ones who preferentially opt for men with power; traditionally women are also more likely to be involved with the dark arts and the perpetuation of superstition.
Perhaps that is the case now, back 10000 years ago before we had domesticated animals and farmed; women would have been the care-takers of all knowledge. I wouldn't be surprised if it was probably women that first started writing.

I'm not so sure about the "dark arts". I don't even know what a dark art is. But I want to agree because the other thing about some women are they are nuts. :) Now hear me out. Some women are crazy. psycho- crazy :D seriously, not you Sam, but some women I have known who are also fat (obese fat) obviously have a hormonal imbalance which is aggravated by menstration AND they try to make sense of their weird dreams ect.. but coming up some sort of spirits bull shit or whatnot... talk it over with their cat .. yeah, these are the chicks that the Xians typical lynched as witches! Haa! Dark Arts/PMS :p