'Devil in WTC Smoke' photo

It's called pareidolia, and it's the same thing that causes people to 'see' the Virgin Mary in a apple fritter.


Of course, it does bring up an interesting issue re: the existance of God. We move into a second argument for athiesm:

If God exists, he is either unable to stop evil or evil Himself.

If the first is true, omnipotence flys out the window, and we find the traditional concept of God to be sorely lacking.

If the second is true, to worship such is mere power-worship, and should be avoided by all ethical people.

Welcome to Sciforums, Vegas Vic. Have fun here.
Haven't I laughed at this before?

It should be noted that I'm well familiar with this phenomenon.

When I was a kid, one of the bumps on the wall just outside my bedroom looked exactly like Einstein.

When I was 20, I saw the face of God, bearing a strong resemblance to Mark Twain, in a plastered-over hole in the wall of the mens' room at an all-night restaurant.

And somewhere right about there I watched angels fight in the clouds in the sky.

On my desktop is a Hubble image of some nebula or another. It's got a devil's head in the cloud in one corner.

Do you work for the Weekly World News, Vegas?

Oh, yeah! When I was 19, I took some mushrooms, and saw Dick Tracy (comic book style) in the ceiling panels. Shortly after I recognized him, he reached down and smacked me in the jaw. And, yes, I saw the onomatopoeia card flash before my eyes.

thanx much,
Tiassa :cool:
maybe there is evil because god has let people have free agency, and some people choose to do evil.
god could stop these people, but then there wouldn't be free agency.
Shamoo: Thats what I think to

B\W i use to see dragons and stuff in the clouds to
Did the victims of 9/11 have free will to be killed that day?

Does a child have free will to die from Tay-Sachs?

Nope, the free will justification fails because suffering evil is not a voluntary act.
INFLICTING evil is free will

Okay....but suffering it is rarely chosen. So, God allows terrorists free will but not their victims?

What kind of God is that?
actully they didn't HAVE to go to work

What you are saying is that someone comes to you with a gun and shoots you and you do the Neo thing right?
actully they didn't HAVE to go to work

Okay, given, and the parents of a child with Tay-Sachs could kill the kid before he starts showing symptoms.

They had no idea of what was going to happen. Therefore, they did not have free will to suffer.

What you are saying is that someone comes to you with a gun and shoots you and you do the Neo thing right?

No, I get shot. There is no God. (Answer C ;) )

But how can a merciful God allow things like 9/11 and Tay-Sachs to happen?
I don't know what Tay-Sachs IS


Think for a min if people DIDN'T die

apart from not going to there apropiate afterlife

im not saying that free will means that you get to choose everything that happens to you, but it does mean that you can choose what you personally will do.
and then you will be judged on what you personally choose to do.
just a thought
I don't know what Tay-Sachs IS

A very nasty disease of early childhood, extremely painfull and invariably fatal.



So terrorism is God's way of keeping the population down? Wouldn't it be simpler just to keep people from having children, rather than killing them?

Rather clumsy 'plan' - besides, why do some suffer so horribly before dying?

im not saying that free will means that you get to choose everything that happens to you, but it does mean that you can choose what you personally will do.
and then you will be judged on what you personally choose to do.
just a thought

Works perfectly, but dosen't explain the existance of evil. Oh well.
why not stop new people

Because life would be boring
Because you would complain if you were the next in line

Why die

To control population
To alow people to move on to there reward (both in a good and bad sence)

Why disease

Most are better than someways to die i can think of

Why do people die in pain and suffering

Well for me the answer is because WE screwed up the way the world was SURPOSE to be

There is a large chance that WE caused a lot of genetic faults though the cemicals and stuff we ingest (correct me if i am wrong but that read as a genetic problem)

We can't exspect we can destroy the world and blame the conciquences on GOD

I PITTY god watching us
To control population
To alow people to move on to there reward (both in a good and bad sence)

Why the separation then? And why the pain?

Why disease

Most are better than someways to die i can think of

Umm, not Tay-Sachs, or Ebola, or oppertunistic infections from AIDS, or cancer....

Why do people die in pain and suffering

Well for me the answer is because WE screwed up the way the world was SURPOSE to be

There is a large chance that WE caused a lot of genetic faults though the cemicals and stuff we ingest (correct me if i am wrong but that read as a genetic problem)

No. There is no correlation between Tay-Sachs and the exposure to any kind of chemical. It is a spontaneous mutation.

Anyways, AIDS, Ebola, cancer, malaria, sickle-cell anemia....caused by humans? No.

We can't exspect we can destroy the world and blame the conciquences on GOD

So God isn't omnipotent? Okay, that's choice B. Perfectly valid choice.
So, God isn't omnipotent to stop the suffering of innocents? Or God dosen't want to?

god made a pact that said he wouldn't interfear in human destiny while we were in this universe

what we do to eachother is OUR fault