Deuteronomy to Ruth


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I am reading the Bible from beginning to end and summarizing it (with some personal comments included, usually in italics) Genesis to Numbers is HERE if your interested. I have just finished Ruth, so here is Deuteronomy to Ruth:


Deuteronomy is, basically, a summarization of the Israelites journey, and, more importantly, a review of the law as put forth by God via Moses. Moses is about to die, and so he takes the time to stress the importance of following God’s laws to the letter. He uses fear of punishment as a powerful tool. He dies. Joshua takes over.


God stops the Jordan River to show the Israelites that he has favour for Joshua as he had favour for Moses. (Oh and they had to get across somehow).

Under the lead of Joshua, the Israelites take the town of Jericho, and then, systematically they take over all the cities of Israel. They make a big deal about killing the Kings of the lands they take… but really they just kill everyone.

Then they divide up the territory and settle in. Joshua dies.


As time rolled on, certain people arose as prophets and rulers and just plain special people… these (I guess) are the Judges.

Israel continues to sin and make God angry. God punishes them. A judge comes along and tries to set things right.

Some of the Judges were:



Samson – (what a silly guy that was, his woman betrays him 3 times and yet he still doesn’t learn)

And an unnamed Levite – who was staying in the town of Benjamin, when some men came and called him to come out so they could have sex with him. The Levite sent his ‘concubine’ out to be raped in order to save his own ass (so to speak). She ended up dying after being raped all night long. So he got upset and caused a battle that resulted in the death of tens of thousands. All but 600 Benjamites were destroyed (including ‘civilian’ women and children). Then the Israelites changed there mind and decided to rebuild the tribe of Benjamin… but they had no women they could give, so they slaughtered another town, killing all but 400 virgin girls whom they gave to the surviving Benjamite men. Then they kidnapped 200 more from elsewhere so they would have enough to go around. (the Israelites were such a noble people)


I am not sure of the significance of the book of Ruth. It is a short story about the life of a girl named Ruth. There is probably a moral somewhere that I missed, or maybe she is important in following books… I guess I will find out.

More to come... feel free to comment.
i am doing the same thing, but questioning it to help prove atheism:D

I am not sure of the significance of the book of Ruth. It is a short story about the life of a girl named Ruth. There is probably a moral somewhere that I missed, or maybe she is important in following books… I guess I will find out.

More to come... feel free to comment.

A Moral!? you have got to be kidding. These chapters were Pre-Moral. Judaism had not yet been influenced by the Religious Moral Revolution of Zoroastrianism which came out of Persia some centuries later.

The Book of Ruth tells of a mother in law that tells her daughter in law whose husband had died how to trick some rich farmer into marrying her. Ruth waits for the old fart to fall asleep in the field and then crawls up against him, and when he wakes up she asks him if he wants to screw her AGAIN.

This is like the Jacob story which is full of lying and cheating and fraud. Äfter the Jews got to Babylon they picked up on the New Trend toward Morality, but all of the Early Books of the Bible practically romp and revel in amorality and deceptions.

Of course the Modern Jew still rather falls back on the Old Stuff and have never been able to get used to the new fangled Morality.
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