Desperate and Depressed for Answers


Registered Member
A few months back I was sitting at my desk at work and for some reason I started thinking about a friend of mine in north carolina. It came into my head that she would be killed in a car accident (I kept visioning her two sons by her side), I immmediately started to cry. From what i knew this friend was alive and well..i hadn't talk to her or her sons in years. Last week i was shocked to learn that she was kill (just last week) in a car accident. Wierdest thing is...she was hit head on by her own 18 year old son. She and her oldest son where driving home from a restaurant and her youngest was speeding around a curve a hit them head on and she died. Last year in August on a friday night i was sitting in Bingo and i started having really bad chest pains... i had never gone through anything like that in my life i thought i was having a heart attack!! By the time bingo was over my chest pains had stopped and i hit bingo 4 times....i've never been that lucky. Well when i got back to work on monday
i found out that my best friend was shot in the chest 2 times and shot in the head once around the same time i was having these pains in my chest. i have no anwser as to why these things happend to me..but i need help understanding it...... i'm the type of person i don't make friends easily and i'm very cautions of people. They where people i cherished greatly..they both were very giving and loving people.. to die so tragic like this was just unreal. But from some reason i was given a heads up as to their deaths and don't know why or understand why!!!:confused:

Is there anyone out there, who like me, see things or feel things well before they happen? I also expereince times when i feel like i've been to places before in another time. What is this called and what do i do with it!! I don't know if it's a gift or a curse...please help!! I've never spoken to anyone about it..don't want folk to think i'm crazy.
I do have some precognition... (quite small)

Fortunately not as strong as yours..
I really would not like to predict or feel those kind of things..

It can be a blessing and a curse at the same time..

Make good use of it, Dont go depressed because of it.. there must be a good reason why you have it..
Learn with it..

Dont make your life miserable just because you have it..
I know the feeling, but I can't offer you any advice other than the above. it can be a gift, I swear, but I don't know how to use it, either.
my advice is that you try until you succeed to accept your gift. you have it for a reason, to use it in a meaningful way. practising meditation has been a good way for me to accept life as it comes and also put the most intimate meaning to it as i can. just follow your heart and do what's right no matter what other ppls opinions are.

and, i dunno if it can be any help, but i have a friend who sees ppl die before they die, but if she talks about it (not necessarily talk about that specific feeling, but more like putting attention on the person who would die) - they don't die.

good luck and be honest to yourself and you will succeed my friend.

edit: talked to that friend and wrote more specific about what she does
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Perhaps you have a form of amnesia that manifests itself as precognition. That is, you did hear the news, forgot that you heard it, then remembered it again without remembering the source. Then you heard the news a second time, and felt that you predicted it or "felt" it somehow.
strange event

Quite a few years back I was dating this guy, and he had a soccer match and I started to think about him being horribly injured during the soccer match and how i would have to go about cancelling my appointments for that evening had i received a call from the hospital, i was so upset about the thoughts i started to cry.. later on I got a call from my then boyfriend saying that he was at hospital and he was injured at soccer and that he wanted me to come and visit him in hospital! But then he told me he was only joking !!! I thought it was very strange...
paths, that is strange. I've never had precognistion. Well, sometimes in my dreams, but about little things, nothing to be worried about. I heard it might be your guide, although I don't know who might be a guide.
yeah, maybe you could kind of help those poeple, like warn them or something, you know? That way, you can put your (precognition if that's what it is) to good use! Maybe after you have, you'll feel better about it! I don't know, but maybe it can go away once you know how to deal with it.
The Reason

Ive found that there is a energy medium between all living things.
The frequency is below 8 hz. and some people are very sensitive
to these frequencies. Since we subconcously use this medium
all the time, we have attached memories with the input of the signals. like words cause you to see images if you close your eyes.
You see images when the signals come in.
We receive these all the time be block them out.
God talks to us all the time but we block god out.
The answers to everything are right in front of us, but
we refuse to see. due to Greed, selfishness, lust etc......
maybe you are some kind of healer because you are able to feel other people's misforutnes. unfortunately i am not learned in this area but when i first read your post the first thing that got in my mind is that you may be that kind of person that is destined to be a healer.
8hz energy waves? that's like, ultra-low radio frequency right? so theoredically if someone had a tramatic experience, and their brain chemistry made a spike at this frequency, or a length of very high-amperage waves (we don't know how the head works yet, maybe this happens), theoredically someone else hundreds or even thousands of miles away could pick up on the signal. but i don't exactly know what I'm talking about, please disregard me if i'm too far off, but that would explain the ability to feel others' pain as it happens.