

uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member
What is desecration? How would you define the act of desecration? What does it mean? What is the purpose of it?
If you were to know about a vehicle death of someone and you were in the MEDIA, you wouldn't let the public know who died until their families were notified.
Anything that modern man touches becomes desecrated in my opinion, whether it's in science, philosophy, art, religion, technology. Somehow, things become cheapened. Yet, when that touch is discharged from a bleeding hand, a dying hand, a vacant hand... I wonder at its extraordinary transformation.
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Anything that modern man touches becomes desecrated in my opinion, whether it's in science, philosophy, art, religion, technology. Somehow, things become cheapened. Yet, when that touch is discharged from a bleeding hand, a dying hand, a vacant hand... I wonder at its extraordinary transformation.
What is desecration? How would you define the act of desecration? What does it mean? What is the purpose of it?

to divest of sacred or hallowed character or office.
to divert from a sacred to a profane use or purpose.
to treat with sacrilege; profane.
So if you are in the Abrahamic religions, for example, where there is often a separation between sacred and profane things and actions, it would be taking one of those sacred things and treating it like a profane thing.

Playing football with the Catholic chalice.
Using the koran as a doorstop.
Putting posters up for your band on the wailing wall.
Having an orgy in a temple, church or mosque.

If you are a more nature centered religious person, where there is less distinction between sacred and profane thingies, everything is potentially sacred, and everything can be desecrated. Me, I come more from this set of traditions. FRankly I think GM technology desecrates. You also get confrontations around the use of land, which Western and Eastern for that matter, can often see as simply a resource, rather than a sacred place, a life form that is individual, a living thing with which certain groups have a special interpersonal relationship, and so on. One side thinks it is pragmatically using a thing, the other side thinks the former is desecrating a living thing and usually a living relationship.
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What is desecration? How would you define the act of desecration? What does it mean? What is the purpose of it?

it is the ruination of something others hold dear. Whether a church, a flag, the Mona Lisa, the marriage bed.
So if you are in the Abrahamic religions, for example, where there is often a separation between sacred and profane things and actions, it would be taking one of those sacred things and treating it like a profane thing.

Playing football with the Catholic chalice.
Using the koran as a doorstop.
Putting posters up for your band on the wailing wall.
Having an orgy in a temple, church or mosque.

If you are a more nature centered religious person, where there is less distinction between sacred and profane thingies, everything is potentially sacred, and everything can be desecrated. Me, I come more from this set of traditions. FRankly I think GM technology desecrates. You also get confrontations around the use of land, which Western and Eastern for that matter, can often see as simply a resource, rather than a sacred place, a life form that is individual, a living thing with which certain groups have a special interpersonal relationship, and so on. One side thinks it is pragmatically using a thing, the other side thinks the former is desecrating a living thing and usually a living relationship.

in christianity, the universe and everything in it, including ourselves, is god's creation, and a gift to is a privilege. so to not realize that and because of that, not appreciate it and treat it as such, is desecration. that's what i think it is.

this is a music video that imo screams a christian message, in the lyrics and imagery, but most of the imagery in particular is showing desecration.

we destroy what we don't value. that's a very christian message.
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in christianity, the universe and everything in it, including ourselves, is god's creation, and a gift to is a privilege. so to not realize that and because of that, not appreciate it and treat it as such, is desecration. that's what i think it is.

this is a music video that imo screams a christian message, in the lyrics and imagery, but most of the imagery in particular is showing desecration.

we destroy what we don't value. that's a very christian message.
So how does this affect your environmental opinions and activism? Or how does it affect your life as a consumer?
hmm desecrate..
Desecration (also called desacralization or desanctification) is the act of depriving something of its sacred character, or the disrespectful or contemptuous treatment of that which is held to be sacred or holy by a group or individual.

it doesn't say it has to be something does not have to be broke or ruined in any way..
i think its more of a 'we think of this object this way,and if you make me think of it another way..' that would be desecration

true most examples of desecration is of a destructive nature, i don't think violence is a factor in the definition of desecrate..
So how does this affect your environmental opinions and activism? Or how does it affect your life as a consumer?

in this world i feel like a very small part in a very big machine, and my ideas about how we should live are so radically different from how we do live that it's difficult to decide where to begin with small integrated steps. at this point, i'm actually inclined to stand back and watch the big machine blow itself up, and then start over with a much changed perspective and some very different core values.
Damn straight it desecrates! GMO = abomination.

I like your spirit Doreen.:wave:

I agree with you and Doreen on GMO it is a desecration of creation. And it is a desecration that will come back to curse humanity immensely. How vain for men to think they have the total situational awareness to change and mix different genetic codes. Pride cometh before destruction and GMO is scientific pride in man.

Did you know that the number of bees in the world is declining. do you know that some GM crops have been altered to produce their own pesticides. What do you think happens when bees attempt to pollinate these crops? And what do you think will happen when bees and other insect pollinators become extinct on earth?

Famine on a global scale.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days