describe ships and any alien lifeforms that you have seen


Registered Member
well i have seen some ships and i am 16 years old the first one i ever saw was when i was either 10 or 12 and i drew a picture for my parents it was triangular and rounded at the edges it had three lights on the bottom three big white ones and red or blue one that circled those and i waved to it then it felt like i was in a dream like state and i dont ever going back to bed then i woke up that morning and then that was it then just recently i saw a nother one at first i thought that it was a plane becasue of the red and blue lights and the white till it tilted a bit the it had a rounde light on the bottom circled by red ones that strobed ever second and there was a orange light on top and cirlcled it was blue ones i though that i was imaging it but i wasent when i took another look it was bit closer then it started to throw orengeish ball projectile from it and the started to move in the shk very fast the it stoped and the hole thing turned bright orange and dim completly out you could only see the outline then the turned bright again and it was gone but the one i saw when i was 10 or 12 i saw it on a report that people saw the same ship i did 10 states away from my location Alabama and this was recently about a week and ahalf ago when i saw that picture it was like a flashback to the night i saw the same one and then i knew that i was not a nut and then after that that is when i spoted the seconde one then now a thrid one just last night i was out hunting racoons and i was about half a mile away from home and it was a bright light that was eluminating the filed it was over it was at leat 40 feet high and oval shaped and it sat verticaly wuth a rim that ran around the oval part and it had three portholes and a bright green light on top and white ones that moved around like spot lights i got so scard that i raised my 30/30 and took a shot at it i heard my bulled ricashe off it and i ran toward my car and got in it cranked it it started i thought that it might not but after that i started to go away from my home and it was hovering at least 40 feet behind and 60 fett or better up the i turned around i was already to far from home but i didnt wan to lead them back and i the sat there and started to get lower but i passed right under it before it got in my was it was 5 fett above my car and when i went under it my car stalled i was glad that i had a sraight shift so that i could crank it back just by rolling and after that it didnt follow me and i got home safe and i stayed up all night waiting and i have been up for two nights now take all the coffe i can get and waiting cause if the come i have a weapon put to getther that can bring them down i construded a napom form a anarcist cookbook and i can attach it by a fling a big sling shot of sort my mom thinks i am depressed and looseing it but when that bomb gos off it will take them down and it will be loud enough to was every body in a half mile radius and if you want to construt a napom you can not get it from me because it is a federal offens and stuff to even know how but please wirte replys to this thread
oi :eek:

Hey man,

You sound tired and should really get some rest. Oh yes, I really doubt your little napalm bomb is going to work, espiecially against an exterresterial. I really doubt that they are even after you. But possibly. And it is spelled napalm and it hardly works, I read the same thing you did off the Anarchist Cookbook which is quite frankly abunch of crap and should be destroyed. Hope everything works out for you...:eek: