Derren Brown's Miracles for Sale

Captain Kremmen

All aboard, me Hearties!
Valued Senior Member
Not an attack on the Christian faith, but on the fraudulent activities of many so called Christian healers, who preach generous donations as a path to grace, happiness and health.
I don't usually give an opinion when opening a thread, but I thought this was a marvellous expose of hypocritical and greedy religiosity.

Other Opinions?

I'm looking for a good sized lump of the documentary, but can only find the trailer at the moment. Any wicked thieving links you can find?:)
I didn't realise before watching this that Christian healers use similar methods to Psychics to perform their tricks.
I often wonder "what if a healer actually healed someone?" They would be flooded with all kinds of sick and elderly and faithful for healings. Last guy I know who did that was Jesus.
I have prolonged a few peoples life . It was by giving them Joy and a will to live I believe . Had nothing to do with hocus pocus . Will to live goes a long way in prolonging life I believe. I think we can see this by scientific analysis . Consider the person that retires and lays down and dies shortly after . Would they have died if they still had a function in life? Does the change in life style add to there demise? Consider the person who is happily married and they loose there spouse. There will to live is seriously diminished. Does this lead to there early death when they can't imagine living with out there spouse ?

Does religion give you hope ? A psychiatrist once told Me to set your goals high. Higher than you can achieve in your life time . The hypothesis was : you will live longer by the will to achieve the goal . Is this true ? Can setting lofty goals prolong your life?

I woke up this morning wondering why we have moral laws in our justice system. Why is prostitution illegal? Why are drugs illegal? Hell Why is anything at all illegal ? I know this has been covered in similar threads , but I am not sure it really has been answered. I think we have determined that you can have a moral compass with out religion, but my point is why should we have a moral compass at all ? Why not take what we want when we can take it and how ever we can take it. (I know some of you do, and you that do can tell us why )

So is that the true nature of humans and why power corrupts. Maybe we don't really have a moral compass and if we can get away with it we do. Except for some reason I can't seem to just go out and take what I want . If I could I would be much wealthier . Some people may think it is my lack of will to fight, but that is not it . I can fight pretty good when I believe in the motivation of the fight . My competitors in the building industry seem to have no problem with this and are much wealthier than I . You all know the stereo typing of builders .

O.K. that was a little off point , but maybe the huckster faith healers play into the thought , meaning " If they can get away with it and get there share of the loot why would they not . It is my belief that 80 % maybe more of the jobs and careers are huckster bogus non productive bull shit jobs that we try to justify has having meaning
Not an attack on the Christian faith, but on the fraudulent activities of many so called Christian healers, who preach generous donations as a path to grace, happiness and health.
I don't usually give an opinion when opening a thread, but I thought this was a marvellous expose of hypocritical and greedy religiosity.

Other Opinions?

I'm looking for a good sized lump of the documentary, but can only find the trailer at the moment. Any wicked thieving links you can find?:) the full episode.
Consider the person that retires and lays down and dies shortly after . Would they have died if they still had a function in life?

I rather enjoy a good bowel movement from time to time as well as finding out what new maladies I can attain every day when I awaken. I pay my doctors to keep their children in college too. ;):itold:
I rather enjoy a good bowel movement from time to time as well as finding out what new maladies I can attain every day when I awaken. I pay my doctors to keep their children in college too. ;):itold:

Cosmic I got some true words for you bro . Get regular like clock work and your life will improve dramatically. I can't tell you how , I my self try every thing I can do not to be anal retentive and that has worked thus far . My motto is get the shit out of here . Got to go!! I think it is true if you hear water running it causes a reaction . Anyway good look with that , it can be better than sex is the word on the street
Not an attack on the Christian faith, but on the fraudulent activities of many so called Christian healers, who preach generous donations as a path to grace, happiness and health.
I don't usually give an opinion when opening a thread, but I thought this was a marvellous expose of hypocritical and greedy religiosity.

Other Opinions?

I'm looking for a good sized lump of the documentary, but can only find the trailer at the moment. Any wicked thieving links you can find?:)

My opinion is this is actually an indictment of Christianity. I bet this same con was used since the times of Moses and Jesus to influence the gullible.
Was a great doc. Exposes the weakness of humanity. Hopely this will be aired in Texas, and will make a few blind believers take stock.
Re the healers.
I thought these people were just deluded.
I knew that they used emotional hysteria to create apparent miracles, but I thought that they did it unwittingly.

This documentary was a real eye opener.
They are crooks and swindlers, and the same laws should apply to them as to fraudulent mediums.

Derren Brown's finest documentary to date.

Christians are also waking up to these shennanigens.
Read here on a Christian site about the most blatent liar of them all, Morris Cerullo.