denver ufo 2012

Looks like dust, bugs and birds close to the camera. Probably the same thing as 'orbs' and 'rods'.
Looks like dust, bugs and birds close to the camera. Probably the same thing as 'orbs' and 'rods'.

Same dust on 2 cameras or the worlds fastest bird thats not yet identified.. im not one to shout ufo when i look up and see crap flying around thus one caught my eye its not the 3 things you mentioned in my opinion of u think so can you identify the bug or bird
Looks like dust, bugs and birds close to the camera. Probably the same thing as 'orbs' and 'rods'.

I doubt a single piece of dust flies around the same area several times a week, same with a bird. From the video you can see some sort of release of smoke at times coming from the object.
I lost a kite this past summer. It was several hundred feet high when we dropped the line. It just blew away. Maybe it's my kite?
Insects. The mistake the reporter made was not setting up two cameras, the second a few feet away aimed to the same point as the first. Sync the cameras then look at the footage. If the "ufo" appears in both cameras it's far away. If only in one, it's close and very, very likely an insect.

We had a nutter come to sciforums back around 2004 with the same kind of video shot in or around Austin, TX. UFOTheater was his name if memory serves.