Denstiny (Fate)


Registered Senior Member
There are many signs (ayat) in the Koran and many notifications (hadithes) of RasulAllah telling us that whatever befalls man, regardless of whether it was in the past or is happening at present is already foreordained in the past eternity (azal). Here are some of the signs that teach us about “Destiny” (qadar):

“Yet you cannot will except by the will of Allah” (76:30)

“It is Allah who created you and all that you have made” (37:96)

“We have made all things according to a fixed degree” (54:49)

“There is not a moving creature on earth but Hu holds it by its forehead” (11:56)

“Say: Everyone acts according to his own disposition.” (17:84)

“No evil befalls on the earth nor in your own souls, but it is in a book before we bring it into existence. So that you may not grieve for what has escaped you, nor be exultant at what Hu has given you.” (57:22, 23)

Everything is bound to its destiny; even incapability, intelligence and cleverness!”

So we see from the explanations above that everything, every phenomena that has ever taken place, or will ever take place from now until eternity, is already foregone since the absolute moment that the universe came into existence.

No one thing nor any one person can change this destiny, nor go against his or her fate! Each and every being is bound to live his or her own qadar!

As a matter of fact, the main point in Islam that is Allah is ahad, brings about this phenomenon by clear and apparent force.

However, because people do not fully understand the fact that “Allah is the one and only being, and that there exists no other thing apart from Allah,” many questions have arisen about “destiny”, and many people have developed many misconceptions about it, even though the true understanding of “destiny” has been emphasized clearly and decisively many times in the signs communicated by Hazrat Mohammed aleyhessalaam and also in his notifications.

Of the many Islamic scholars (ulama) who have pointed out that anything that befalls man is brought into existence under the decree of “fate” without exception, one is Imam Ghazali, who explains the following in his book, “The Revival of Religious Sciences” (Ihya-u Ulumid Din) (Section Two, Volume II, under the title of “Truth and Regulations” (Haqiqat and Shariat):

“That is because we confirm that all the evil, rebellion, adultery and even infidelity are only by the decree, will and wish of Allah, and all those are in fact purely veritable.”

-- Taken from the book: Mohammed's Allah which can be read online for free at
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I disagree.

It looks and feels more like the ramblings of some odd nut who's wandered in here.

But given a choice between Proud_Muslim and Sufi, I would choose the latter any day.
If all things are predestined, then there is no such thing as moral responsibility. It also means that God 'wills' some fairly horrible things.

Mohammed should have known better. Did Mohammed really go to war with the Meccans in order to deliver his people from the idolatry of bowing to that Big Black Rock in Mecca, so that he would finally be backed into a corner, forced to surrender to the ridiculous point of ordering every living and future Muslim to do that which he had fought against -- the Koran orders every Muslim to visit Mecca once in their lifetime to commit idolatry to a Rock. Why? -- because Mohammed lost the War. Was it Destiny that Mohammed would lose a War that he started? How great a Prophet is Mohammed that he can't see a Lost Cause? Was it Destiny that the Great Prophet be thus humiliated? Or was it the moral failures of those who fought against him, and the moral failures of those who wouldn't fight for him. Mohammed SHOULD have won that War, and Muslims should feel disgraced that they partake in that silly Idolatry, forced upon a Religion by the ancient Tourist Industry and perpetuated by an Arab Tourist Industry. Islam is so High and Mighty in their contempt for Theological Impurity -- refusing to assent to Christian arguments that their Trinitarianism really isn't polytheistic... if the Christians honor your sensibilities enough to try to claim they are really Monotheistic, shouldn't your Charity allow them this small indulgence? Especially while you Muslims are unashamed Idolators -- bowing to a Rock!

Changing Doctrine because you lose a War. Apparently Muslims are more willing to be martyrs today then back in the time of Mohammed. Maybe if Christ would have surrendered His principles, He would have lived to write a Big Book too -- but it would have been full of the counsels of fear and the dictates of moral surrender... just like the Koran!