Deju VU, Phychic questions.. Please, serious people only!

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I am curious and have some questions because I study Scientology and look into Past Lives, Thetans, OBE's, Lucid Dreaming, etc.. My family (Well, most of my family) is very open with this subject and when we are together sometimes we all get to talking about this subject and it's a great bonding moment for all of us. I am not completely educated on this subject yet but I do have a good understanding of it all.

Alright, so I am having weird things happen that I really can't explain... Let me explain some of the people in my family and the situations that it happens in first before we get into the actual events..

Through talking with my mom, she has explained that a lot of the women in our family were psychics. This goes all the way back to one of my great grandmother's who was a known psychic in some town.. (I forget the exact location but it really doesn't matter). Apparently the police used to bring her clothes from kidnapped people and she would try and help find them using her ability. My mom also said that my other great grand mother and my grandmother are also a bit psychic but they are not nearly as psychic as the great grandmother who helped the police find people.

Then, we have my uncle. He is known to be the conspiracy theorist in the family. But, he is at an operating thetan level when it comes to the mind (So I have heard..). He audits me and my family free of charge when we are all together so (for people who believe in this stuff.. You all know how expensive this is and we are very lucky.) we are very fortunate. We also go by the old Scientology books and do not use anything that comes from the Scientology churches used today. We use the original books from the past.

Now, that we have that all cleared up here is what I don't understand. I have been having what I thought was Deja Vu.. This happens a lot when my grand mother and uncle are here (my great grandmother lives with us so this mainly happens when we are all together..) it is very hard to explain and I just want to know if its actually something or if my mind is just thinking of a the event happening and I am so dumb that I realize whats going on a second or two after it happens.. This is usually how it start...

I will be walking into one of the rooms of the house going towards the kitchen or computers or somewhere just minding my own business.. Then all of a sudden I stop in my tracks and I hear something on TV (like in this case my sister was watching spongebob) and I realized the second I walked into that room the placement of everyone /thing, the sound on the TV, and basically everything that was happening at that exact moment was very very familiar. But, then a few seconds after that it seems like everything is normal and everything that is happening is new again. Now, I know its my house and that I have probably walked through that room thousands of times before. But, it was so strange that it was enough for me to completely stop what I was doing and say wow.. That is really weird. Now, that happened quite a lot when I was about 13 and just recently it went even further... It's only happened maybe once or twice but I convinced myself that it is nothing and that its a coincidence and I am getting to excited over nothing.. (Excited because the idea of having something of a 6th sense interests me..)

I was outside talking to my mom one night and I had got the thought in my head (about 2 seconds prior to the event) that I was going to see a flash in the sky... Sure enough I turn my head and look up for about a second and then I see a huge streak of light flash in the sky and disappear within milliseconds. I don't know why I got the thought I don't know how it happened it just did.. I thought that maybe my mind was playing tricks on me.. I started to think that somehow I made myself think the thought and because I was thinking of it it only happened in my mind and it was actually nothing.. So, I tried talking to my mom she really had no answer for it other then to just go with what I think.. I told my uncle about it and well lol.. He is a conspiracy theorist and started going on about the government and lights and stuff... So, I really never got an answer for it. So, I have turned to a forum hoping for better luck..

This happened a long time ago just about a month or so.. I have not had anything strange happen since then and I wonder if this is something developing that I should look into more or if its really just nothing and i'm going insane -.-.. I know you couldn't really tell me if it is something developing but I am looking for somebody here who may be a psychic and this is how they started to notice it..

Thank, you for reading this LOOOONG post any help is well appreciated.

Thanks again, Donovan
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It depends what you mean by "serious".

I am curious and have some questions because I study Scientology and look into the Remembering Past Lives, Thetans, OBE's, Lucid Dreaming, etc..
Unscientific nonsense.
It's a money-making scam thought up by a decidedly second-rate science fiction author.

Through talking with my mom, she has explained that a lot of the women in our family were psychics. This goes all the way back to one of my great grandmother's who was a known psychic in some town.
Except that there is no evidence whatsoever for "psychics".

I know you couldn't really tell me if it is something developing by I am wondering if you may be psychic and this is how you started to notice it..
No, you're not psychic.
No one is.
It depends what you mean by "serious".

Unscientific nonsense.
It's a money-making scam thought up by a decidedly second-rate science fiction author.

Except that there is no evidence whatsoever for "psychics".

No, you're not psychic.
No one is.

I mean people who understand the situation and actually get what happens. You wouldn't understand because you probably have never had any experiences like this.

I am not looking for somebody who does not believe in these topics. Go waste another persons time. If your so against these topics why do you even post here? I think I speak for everyone when I say please leave this area and find somebody else to be a critic to.

Please, do not post back either.. I am not looking for somebody to argue with. I am looking for some answers. If you want argue and debate go become a politician.
You wouldn't understand because you probably have never had any experiences like this.
False assumption on your part.

I am not looking for somebody who does not believe in these topics.
Ah I see.
You're not looking for answers you just want someone to hold your hand, nod their head and share the delusion.

If your so against these topics why do you even post here?
To correct idiocy.

I think I speak for everyone when I say please leave this area and find somebody else to be a critic to.
I think that if you'd bothered to read any of the threads you'd find that this is standard treatment for woo woos and crackpots.
This is a science site: hence the reason Parapsychology is listed alongside Pseudoscience...
It's a non-science with no basis in reality.

Please, do not post back either.. I am not looking for somebody to argue with. I am looking for some answers. If you want argue and debate go become a politician.
Then you picked entirely the wrong forum altogether.
And since it's a public forum I'll reply to whatever I choose, not at your dictate.

I can tell you now: for every comfortable hand-holding head-nodding delusional answer you get there'll be far more taking my position.
Now, that we have that all cleared up here is what I don't understand. I have been having what I thought was Deja Vu.. This happens a lot when my grand mother and uncle are here (my great grandmother lives with us so this mainly happens when we are all together..) it is very hard to explain and I just want to know if its actually something or if my mind is just thinking of a the event happening and I am so dumb that I realize whats going on a second or two after it happens.. This is usually how it start...

This happened a long time ago just about a month or so.. I have not had anything strange happen since then and I wonder if this is something developing that I should look into more or if its really just nothing and i'm going insane -.-.. I know you couldn't really tell me if it is something developing but I am looking for somebody here who may be a psychic and this is how they started to notice it..

I have deja vu and jamais vu all the freakin' time--I'm epileptic. There's your answer.
I have deja vu and amnesia.
I keep seeing the same thing over and over again, but since I forget I've already seen it it's still interesting.
Hey, I never wanted to start anything. I am just looking for some people who get what I am saying. There is no reason to start a war over nothing. If you are so immature that you want argue with a kid on the internet by all means go ahead and waste your time.

And how is that a false assumption? Do you go about experiencing things and say oh well it never happened? Don't tell me my posts are dumb because I am making an effort to find an answer. It is people like you who get off on thinking they are so right. What makes you think you are right and its all bullshit? You have no proof that you are right either nor do I. That is why I am researching and looking into it.

No, I am not looking for people to hold my hand, nod there heads and agree with me. I am looking for people who have had experiences that they are sure of and have researched enough or are at the point to where they know they are psychic. Like I said you wouldn't understand. This is not a false assumption because you are already going out of your way to make an ass of your self in front of me and a bunch of other people who are reading this by replying to this thread and telling me i'm wrong its all false and that Scientology is complete bullshit. IF YOU DON"T BELIEVE IT DON"T FUCKING READ IT:D have a nice day and good bye.
As to the other matters, I'll refrain from expressing my viewpoint. But regarding deja vu: it is a relatively commonplace occurrence, for some more so than others. Deja vu and jamais vu are more than adequately accounted for by neurology.
Thanks for refraining.. I am not looking to start a big posting war here. I want this to stay strictly on topic. Also, thanks for the input on Deju Vu.
And how is that a false assumption?
Because you assumed that I wouldn't understand and also that I've never had any experiences like this.

Do you go about experiencing things and say oh well it never happened?
No, I experience things and then look for a scientifically valid answer, not some crackpot insupportable nonsense.

Don't tell me my posts are dumb because I am making an effort to find an answer.
No, you're dismissing any possible scientific explanation and you're looking for the woo woo "psychic" answer.

It is people like you who get off on thinking they are so right. What makes you think you are right and its all bullshit?
Because I understand science, and what is possible and what isn't.

You have no proof that you are right
Another assumption.

That is why I am researching and looking into it.
No you're not.
You've already decided that science isn't the answer.

No, I am not looking for people to hold my hand, nod there heads and agree with me. I am looking for people who have had experiences that they are sure of and have researched enough or are at the point to where they know they are psychic.
And since "psychic" is an utter nonsense then you aren't actually looking for the answer are you?

Like I said you wouldn't understand.
Like I said: you're assuming.

This is not a false assumption because you are already going out of your way to make an ass of your self in front of me and a bunch of other people who are reading this by replying to this thread and telling me i'm wrong its all false and that Scientology is complete bullshit.
Quite the contrary: as explained, this is a science* forum, so you're the one making an ass out of yourself.

And let stupidity continue?
Tch, can't do that.

* Although we do get our fair share (or sometimes more than fair share) of crackpots.
Oh, what the hell am I suppose to do then Mr. Right? Go to some science website and have people like you come comment on my post. All they are going to do is call me a dumbass? No thank you. I find it amusing that you are talking about me and my assumptions but you are already making assumptions yourself. I believe in science a great deal. My family isn't some crazy voodoo family that sits around a glass ball all day. We are a normal family who happen to have an interest in the subject.

Oh, and since you are so convinced that my research is not the correct way. (There you go assuming you are right again) then tell me what you think is the correct way Mr. Right.

Science isn't the answer to everything. By the way who are you to call people who have answers for this subject a bunch of crackpots? You really are a stuck up asshole arnt you?
Oh, what the hell am I suppose to do then Mr. Right? Go to some science website and have people like you come comment on my post.
My first reply simply stated that there's no such thing as "psychic".

I believe in science a great deal.
Apparently not since you seem to believe in psychic powers and scientology.

My family isn't some crazy voodoo family that sits around a glass ball all day. We are a normal family who happen to have an interest in the subject.
And Scientologists aren't crazy?
They actually understand science?

Oh, and since you are so convinced that my research is not the correct way. (There you go assuming you are right again) then tell me what you think is the correct way Mr. Right.
Forget the crap about psychic powers and look at what the human brain actually does do: forms patterns, creates patterns where none exist, dismisses anything that doesn't fit the desired pattern... (And all of that without even going anywhere near "crazy": those are all perfectly normal functions of the brain).

Science isn't the answer to everything.
It can't answer things like "why are we here".
But it can answer stuff like you're asking.

By the way who are you to call people who have answers for this subject a bunch of crackpots?
Who do I have to be?
I'm someone who knows (broadly speaking of course) what is possible and what isn't.
And psychic powers aren't.

You really are a stuck up asshole arnt you?
And I can answer that one too: no I'm not.

Originally Posted by Donovan
Oh, what the hell am I suppose to do then Mr. Right? Go to some science website and have people like you come comment on my post.

My first reply simply stated that there's no such thing as "psychic".

- Like I said, you can't prove this. It could very well possibly be true. Just like scientist make up shit everyday its called a THEORY! Don't even try to tell me I am wrong here cause there are 100s of theories in science that are not proven.

I believe in science a great deal.

Apparently not since you seem to believe in psychic powers and scientology.

- So because I am interested in scientology I am no able to believe in any science whatsoever? Thats like saying you can be Religious but you can't have any believe in science whatsoever.. I go to science fairs I study science for school and I am a pretty bright kid. Just because I have experienced something that happened to be in the SCIENTOLOGY subject you are telling me I am some crazy crackpot person who must not believe in science. Why? Because I don't agree with your "Theory"

My family isn't some crazy voodoo family that sits around a glass ball all day. We are a normal family who happen to have an interest in the subject.

And Scientologists aren't crazy?
They actually understand science?

- What is the meaning of this? Are you trying to say my family is crazy? What gives you the right?

Oh, and since you are so convinced that my research is not the correct way. (There you go assuming you are right again) then tell me what you think is the correct way Mr. Right.

Forget the crap about psychic powers and look at what the human brain actually does do: forms patterns, creates patterns where none exist, dismisses anything that doesn't fit the desired pattern... (And all of that without even going anywhere near "crazy": those are all perfectly normal functions of the brain).

Yea and what do I do about the experiances I have had? Forget about them? You can sit in your little shell hiding the fact that you have had experiences but ill go ahead and talk to people who actually know what they are talking about.

Science isn't the answer to everything.

It can't answer things like "why are we here".
But it can answer stuff like you're asking.

Ahh, so if it can answer them. Then whats the answer?

Let me take a wild guees at what your going to say.
"None of that crap is true, we live then we die and thats it." Doesn't take a psychic to figure that one out.

By the way who are you to call people who have answers for this subject a bunch of crackpots?

Who do I have to be?
I'm someone who knows (broadly speaking of course) what is possible and what isn't.
And psychic powers aren't.

Yea well sciences states anything is possible so I advise you to do some more research before you go on talking about something you have absolutely no understanding of. Because with this statement you have told me and everyone here that you do not know anything.

You really are a stuck up asshole arnt you?

And I can answer that one too: no I'm not.

-Yes you are. This topic is over I have PM'ed a moderator and they will close this topic. Have a nice day and good bye again. I will not be replying to these topics anymore.
- Like I said, you can't prove this. It could very well possibly be true. Just like scientist make up shit everyday its called a THEORY! Don't even try to tell me I am wrong here cause there are 100s of theories in science that are not proven.
In other words you're so interested in science you don't even know what the word "theory" means in a scientific context.
Well done. :rolleyes:

- So because I am interested in scientology I am no able to believe in any science whatsoever?
Nearly: anyone who takes Scientology anywhere near seriously is already denying science.

Thats like saying you can be Religious but you can't have any believe in science whatsoever.
Since science is incompatible with religion (at base), more or less yes.

Just because I have experienced something that happened to be in the SCIENTOLOGY subject you are telling me I am some crazy crackpot person who must not believe in science. Why?
Because Scientology contradicts science...

- What is the meaning of this? Are you trying to say my family is crazy? What gives you the right?
Scientology claims all sorts of crazy stuff - Xenu, thetans etc etc.
Pure nonsense.

Yea and what do I do about the experiances I have had? Forget about them?
Er, didn't I just write: "look at what the human brain actually does do"?

Ahh, so if it can answer them. Then whats the answer?
One more time: pyschic powers are nonsense, take a good look at psychology, particularly perceptual psychology etc.

Let me take a wild guees at what your going to say.
"None of that crap is true, we live then we die and thats it." Doesn't take a psychic to figure that one out.
Good guess.

Yea well sciences states anything is possible so I advise you to do some more research before you go on talking about something you have absolutely no understanding of.
No it doesn't.
Not by a long shot.
Science will state categorically that a large number of things are impossible.
Psychic powers being one of them.

Because with this statement you have told me and everyone here that you do not know anything.
Quite the reverse actually.

-Yes you are.
Wrong again.

This topic is over I have PM'ed a moderator and they will close this topic. Have a nice day and good bye again. I will not be replying to these topics anymore.

And next time read some threads and look at the general responses before complaining you're being picked on.
Pseudoscience and Parapsychology are the sections where woo woos and crackpots get straightened out (or leave).
There should be plenty of actual crackpots sites on the net though.
Lol wtf

lol I mean I am not a crazy person. I look at all situations. I am just saying the experiences I had happened and your telling me go forget about them. Yes, I believe in science I watch the science channel all the time it interests me and I also research a number of things. I ask one question about scientology and you go calling me and my family crazy lol. Im not leaving this website and im not getting what you called straightened out. I will always look at all sides of the equation and peoples point of view. There is no reason for telling somebody they are wrong because you don't believe in it.

Like I said I do not want to start a war here. So as of now lets forget about this topic please because its already causing problems.
I am just saying the experiences I had happened and your telling me go forget about them.
I'm not telling you to forget it.
For the THIRD TIME: take a good look at psychology.
Get some books out of the library for a start.

Yes, I believe in science I watch the science channel all the time
The science channel?
That's only as scientific as it needs to be to keep the viewing public hooked until the commercials come on.
Mostly dross.

I ask one question about scientology and you go calling me and my family crazy lol.
Nope, you stated: "I study Scientology and look into Past Lives, Thetans" & "But, he is at an operating thetan level when it comes to the mind".

There is no reason for telling somebody they are wrong because you don't believe in it.
I agree.
Which why I'm not telling you you're wrong because I don't believe in it.
I'm telling you're wrong because it's unscientific nonsense with absolutely no basis in reality whatsoever.

Like I said I do not want to start a war here. So as of now lets forget about this topic please because its already causing problems.
No more than any other topic in this sub-forum.
First off welcome to Sciforums. You will find this forum can have some abrassive personalities and this is the case with most forums. While the Moderators of sciforums will attempt to deal with "Trolls" (Rude/offensive members that offer nothing other than abuse), they can sometimes try to hide amongst legitimate posters. (For instance if we were strict, we could perhaps beleive you a troll, so we give leeway to everyone, sometimes it benefits sometimes people see it as a weakness.)

Secondly, Scientology is a tall order on a predominantly Science forum.

Consider that the history of Scientology is actually a Satyrical joke aimed at explaining to religion the falacy of it's beliefs ( I mean just analyse why Thetans, why alien souls, why aim to be a religion, why so much bad press centered around it just all being about tax evasion).

The problem is that that Satyr was lost in translation and some people are actually not clued up enough to understand the joke, so they become conned into believing something to be real.

The one thing that we all have in common is we don't like to look a fool. (this is proven when people hide up that conmen have conned them, just because they don't want to be percieved a fool.)

In reference to your own posts:

Scientists will state that there is no proof for Psychics existing. While you have many people attempt to claim about such occurances existing, it even to this day has had no scientific foundation, no clarification through experiments and believe me it's not like there haven't been tests or experiments in the area. Experimentation has occured ever since the Victorians gained an interest in their "Palour Games". I do believe even Alexander Graham Bell did some experimentation into Parapsychology, his findings were Charlatans, crooks claiming to be soothsayers just cashing in on a quick buck. (I mean how can you argue with a reading about your future... the future might happen that way, and of course it might not, especially if no time period has been mentioned.)

As for Family members helping the police in their enquiries. Well this is one of the Satyrical points about the basis of Religion.(A story being told is not the same as a fact being observed) I mean you've been told a story about something and been given no proof. You take it as gospel because it's the words of your mother and other family members. The story becomes a reality to you because who are you to argue with the reasoning of a parent. However you should perhaps ask the right questions...

Mother, Did you see these events? Mother, who told you of these abilities? etc. You'll probably find that the story was passed to her, just like it was to you and it's been left to your imagination rather than any form of conclusive scientific proof. You'll find those with a Scientific curiousity do not hold much candle light to Empirical evidence.

Conspiracy Theory
As long as there have been more than two people on the planet, there have been conspiracies. (I say two people, because it's not much of a conspiracy unless you have the capacity to "conspire" which usually takes two or more people)

Even the most intelligent or most profound people on the planet are likely to have their own conspiracies. ("Did man land on the moon?, "What crashed at Roswell?", "What really happened to the Titanic?", "Did Jesus/Buddah/Mohamed/The tooth faery exist?") For those people with an active mind, to ask questions and assimilate answers is a portion of their lives. Of course this is where we have "the fine line drawn between Genius and Insanity".

A Genius will realise that while he might very well establish some answer through a chain of questioning, the chain itself is build much like a house of cards. Where if any of the fundemental links further down the change are proven to be false, the whole card house will be levelled.

Those that suffer from Insanity will not understand that, in fact if a fundemental is proven wrong. They won't question why it's wrong, but construct reasons why the reason it was proven wrong was wrong. This is usually the territory of Obsessive Compulsion.

To suggest "...he is at an operating thetan level..." again you are dealing with Emperical Data. You've been told by him or you're family that his doing this, but you have to take into consideration where this reasoning has come from. In this instance it's likely due to the books and belief system that your family have taken to. Other families with other beliefs would have different answers or reasoning, others still would attempt to look outside of the family unit for answers.

De Ja Vu
Charles Lutwidge Dodgson(penname: Lewis Carroll) said:
"Curiouser and Curiouser, Cried Alice"

Science doesn't rule out De Ja Vu, in fact it actually gives room for it, at least on a subatomic level. De Ja Vu has raised many question, theories and of course reasoning over the years and currently there is still no conclusive proof that it exists or that it infact doesn't.

In fact most theory speculates it does, take for instance views on Determinism.

What I will say is that at the level we operate at (Not that there are indeed levels we operate at, I just feel that we do not have the capacity to do things at such a physical level without the aid of artificially inducing it through equipment), De Ja Vu is not likely to be interpreted or be of any use. (Afterall if you see a future you would only know this if the future was pre-determined and unchanged. However the reaction of most men is perhaps to change the future if we see a potentially better outcome to be had, this generates a tangent which would go beyond the realm of De Ja Vu, potentially breaking it's "cycle").

I could generate a conspiracy here on the subject. It would go along the lines that within closed door circles, the creation of equipment, the manipulation of reasoning or religion could all be done by allocating research to manipulate certain test subjects. Those subjects in the instants of such closed door circles would likely be those that will one day potentially carry the torch (and burden) of what ever community the closed door circle represents. I guess to cut straight to the chase and put it in a straightforward communication, Cult groups will use/manipulate their children to forward their agenda, which is the expansion of their Cults. (Don't get me wrong, I'm not calling Scientology a cult, you'd have to be a Religion to be called that.)

On the subject of "Visual Hallucinations". Well you've likely been indoctrinated through Empircal evidence for many years, it's not exactly something you can shirk off or ignore. Is something that has fundementally corrupted you and likely you're family too. What I mean by this is you are likely wanting to see what you see, much like teenagers will find some prankish spirit if they use a Ouija board. (It's not that there is a spirit, it's that there's people looking for one)

To be honest you sound young and that is a good thing, I mean to come to this forum you are already proving to be like any other teenager, looking for answers where you aren't necessarily getting any.

I will point out to you though, that nobody will ever be able to tell you an answer that you'll necessarily agree with. At the end of the day we are all individuals, we all have our own unique way of interpreting events or ways of reasoning. We all seek answers but to each an answer could well be very different. I guess you could ask will you be happy with other peoples answers?

What I suggest you do if you get the chance though, is go on a journey. You're own personal journey to explore life outside of your family circle, outside of any religious shadow that overcast your life now. Travel, see the world, meet new people. Explore what life has to offer, then eventually later on in life, when you've past that point of middle age, you can make a judgement call as to whether religions can offer the things you want or if they just prey on the niave.

But you will only be able to gain those answers through your own observation and experience away from them. So it's up to you to take the first steps on your own journey....
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