Deja Vu In A Dream....


Valued Senior Member
I had a dream that I was on a cruise ship coming back from some vacation and there were terrorists that wanted to take it over in the harbour. Ok enough about it but as I was escaping the ship, I felt like I've been there before and knew where to go, and what was weird was that when I did forget something, I would ask someone. In dreams where I'm moving around I never interact with people. In my dream I felt like I had been there before, I knew where to go and when. The dream was much shorter than I remember it and I escaped with other people unlike the last time. Also, I could see myself walking around like an outerbody experience, that was different from the first one too.

It was like the movies, where someone confronts their fears in a dream, and loses, then returns another night and conquers, but compared to people around me, I'm not that frightened of a terrorist threat (its in the back of my mind, but it doesn't affect me) and I'm not afraid of ships or the water. I have been on a cruise before but it looked nothing like the ship I was on in my dream. I never had remembered a dream this vividly before.

Is this a recurring dream?
maybe it is a recurring dream maybe it's not, but the person who can decide best is you !
I've been very interested in my dreams for a loong time, i even kept a dreamdiary for some time. I used a book to search the core words of the dream, and bound together they gave me the message the dream was telling me. Also if u write down your dreams for a certain period, u will notice some messages keep coming back. a big red line appears.
U dont have to take the terrorists in your dream (anything actually) literally.. but that is according a belief / science that was developped by Freud and Jung ( a former pupil of him)
There are some nice books about dream explanation, i suggest u go out and buy one, it can be a real revelation!
My dreamexplaining helped me alot when i was feeling bad, it even got me out of a depression because i was able to see what my subconsciousness was experiencing and what i did wrong (and to some extend am still doing wrong, i (and u either :p hehe) will never be perfect)
I have some great movie-like dreams sometimes. They are NICE entertainment, particularly if you retain a lot of it, and when you wake up you feel great.

:D Where do I get popcorn and soda?
Indeed, when I wake up and remember every little detail of my dream I feel alive and refreshed. Even if it was a scary dream I feel alive because I remembered so much of it like I was actually experiencing it. Too bad I will usually forget about it later on in the day :D

Popcorn at my place, you bring the soda.
i always have dreams that end up somehow happening, and i know it too, and somehow get dizzy...?:bugeye:
:bugeye: popcorn and soda..i coudn't eat it..i'd be too busy trying to figure out the dream..i have fasinating dreams..and i wish i could record them..when i sleep, i am still half awke..if the dream is freaky or oh so sad i can feel my heart beat and even tears..i can hear out my door and if any one comes in..i've never really had a nightmare..or i have on other peoples standers..hey, have any of you been able to controll your dreams on a level..or aleast choose what your saying? i can..;)
That's the beginning of a lucid dream, my friend. If you can choose what you are going to say in your dreams, and can interact and respond to others, then why wake up! :D
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Check this thread

Lucid Dreaming

Ever see Vanilla Sky? If so, at the end they explain what a lucid dream is. If not, I suggest you rent it cause it was a good movie :D

Lucid dreaming is living in a dream world. You trick your mind into thinking your dream is the real world and then you can move, think, and live in a dream.

Just leave your alarm off and say you swear you set it...use your sick days. I get about 10 unexused absences before I lose credit for a course, of course I get detention after 5, but hey its worth those extra hours of dreaming.
ok. so know i know..i wish it was as simple as turning off my alarm, but it's kind of automanic now..i wake either every time i roll over or when my mind clicks,'oh, it's 8.50..wake up'...damn...and i'll have to watch that one, never seen it...and for the rest of you..if it's a recurring dream or of importants, go to a dream reader, they should be able to tell you what it means..