Deja Vu exprience

Insanely Elite

Questions reality.
Registered Senior Member
This happpened to me in the mid-80's,
I was at a period when I wanted to be the perfect human. I ate healthily, exersized my body to great affect, meditated regularly, you name it. I also started journaling- my dreams,insights events, poems you know the drill.
Anyway one dream I wrote down was of me coming out of a house with a wood floor and carrying a gorilla head mask. I saw myself outside of my body watching me come out the door. I dutifully wrote it down and of course thought no more of it.

Months later I was working for a friend, helping him fix up his 3 houses for sale. I ran wire, grouted chimneys, roofed, lots of that type of work. I also stripped a wood floor of his. The old tenant had left and he said I could have anything remaining so I comenced to hunting. I found a few odds and ends including a gorilla mask! I walked outside, holding my mask, and as I got out the door I had a deja vu feeling. It was then that I remembered the dream and I got chills. Later, I went back to my place and looked at my journal and sure enough there it was.

This has always stuck in my mind. The nature of time. The relation of Deja vu and dreams. I've had deja vu lots of times since, but with no corroborating dreams(Its been a long time since I've tried to be that self aware) But I still recall that time. I wonder if I'd drempt that deja vu before.

Has anyone had any similar happenings? What are your thoughts on Deja vu?
I saw myself outside of my body watching me come out the door.
Does this mean there was 3 of you? Or did you mean, '...saw myself from outside...'?

Considering the amount of time we spend sleeping and the number of scenarios we go through in our dreams, we are bound to have numerous instances where something like that occurs that we dreamt of (or at least several) whether we remember them or not. It could be a source of deja vu feelings as you suggest.
I've always wondered about deja vu, but never put very much thought into it. Perhaps I will now and get back to you.
I heard of deja vu being a disparity in the signal processing time of the two hemispheres of the brain, but of course that doesn't relate to your situation.

Did you look and try to locate the spot that you were looking from in the dream? Was there anyone there?
What are your thoughts on Deja vu?
Selfish hemispheres- one side adept at technical data hoardes up all the events of like interest (scientific, for example) and hogs it up as memory.
The other side adept at holistic data hoardes up all the events of like interest to it (artistic, for example) and hogs it up as memory.

Both sides rarely share these memories with each other, but when a memory manages to spill over into the other we have a condition I call brain vomit- or "dejavu."

The suprise of either side seeing an event it had no idea was being kept locked away by its roomate is expressed outwardly with our uncanny feeling common to De Ja Veux (not 'vu')
I've heard this theory before, but how does it explain the sometimes lengthy lapse before the event "reoccurs"?

There are times when the time delay can be felt intuitively... you can be out somwhere, think to yourself "I've been here before" and never actually have been, then think "and in a moment I'm going to see"... and it happens.

The hemisphere theory for deja veux doesn't seem to explain this adequately.
I've heard this theory before, but how does it explain the sometimes lengthy lapse before the event "reoccurs"?
If you're talking about the almost pre-eminent feelings one has before it hits us that this has happened before than I ask that you consider that stage is only part of the whole.
Don't forget that one's brain functions at the rate of a horsecarriage in comaparison to the lightning speed of a computer.
Therefore, the hemisphere on the receiving end is too slow to interpret the whole until its finished dowloading an image.

The hemisphere theory for deja veux doesn't seem to explain this adequately
Did that help?

*funny- I remember thinking this thoery up on my own only to read it on the internet months later. And it took me a while to realize the humor in that. How long will it take you?
There is also the fact that the brain is loose in the way it renders memory through time. The sequence of events that is remembered may not match the actuality of the experience. A lot of what is thought to have been experienced was in fact rationalized later. But, all this is irrelevant to a case where the cause of deja vu was documented beforehand. The brain is not entirely a causal organ, but it doesn't operate that way over such large time scales. That part could have just been coincidence, though, as Alpha mentioned earlier.
all this is irrelevant to a case where the cause of deja vu was
De ja veux, minion, veux.

There is also the fact that the brain is loose in the way it renders memory through time. The sequence of events that is remembered may not match the actuality of the experience. A lot of what is thought to have been experienced was in fact rationalized later
Very true, also is the fascinating idea that everything one sees is the brain's filling in, or specualtion of pattern.

For example- place a mark on your blindspot and you will notice the background where that mark is placed will 'fill in' the void of that blindspot. Its almost as if the brain, too, abhors vaccums and so confabulates images out of thin air.
I'm always put in mind that perhaps in reality ( without the brain jumping in to fill in what we see the way it does) the whole world would resemble Wonka's office.
Everything in halves.
I like to amuse myself thinking of brains finding this room annoying to look at.
To Clarify,
Alpha, there was only one me.

invert nexus, there was no one around,(Dream me saw Deja vu me coming out of the house as if Dream me was in middair, looking down on Deja vu me, dream me was also in motion) I should say that 'Dream me' was only percieving, and not aware of its own form.

When I felt the deja vu effect, I also remembered my dream and KNEW it was that very moment, that's what gave me chills.( there were other corrobative details I left out of the post, for simplicity)
De ja veux, minion, veux.

Minion? When did that happen? Do I get a cool t-shirt with minion or thug or goon printed on it like in the old batman series? Holy truth in advertising, Batman!! :p
Insanely Elite said:
To Clarify,
Alpha, there was only one me.

invert nexus, there was no one around,(Dream me saw Deja vu me coming out of the house as if Dream me was in middair, looking down on Deja vu me, dream me was also in motion) I should say that 'Dream me' was only percieving, and not aware of its own form.

When I felt the deja vu effect, I also remembered my dream and KNEW it was that very moment, that's what gave me chills.( there were other corrobative details I left out of the post, for simplicity)
I meant 3 perspectives, not actually three of you. It seems you mean there were 2. The one you seemed to be viewing, and the PoV of the you which you were looking at.

gendanken, it is Deja Vu, not De ja veux.
gendanken, it is Deja Vu, not De ja veux.
Why do you say Deja Veux instead of Vu? Vu is the past participle of Voir
Hell is freezing- I'm wrong.

"Veux", to my annoyance, I've just realized is French for 'want'. For some ungodly reason it was stamped into my memory as 'Veux'.
I wonder who the author was that lied to me, I can swear on every last blood cell that I've read it as 'veux'.

Who the fuck told me this? Where did I read it? Don't know.

I'm thinking Gould is the culprit, in his babbling about etymologies of moral words and alchemy I happened to read once.
insanely elite,
what you are experiencing is not deja vu, deja vu is what happens at the moment, you are just having a pyschic vision. deja vu is never something that is seen at a time before hand, unless its a few milleseconds before. let me explain. there are several theories that scientists seem to believe, one of those is that the nerves between your eyes and your brain move at 2 different speeds at times, and since it takes your brain to interpret things 25 milleseconds, the info that is being seen would get to your brain more than 25 milleseconds before he other nerve. just one theory. so it is not deja vu that you are experiencing. and it is not precognition, because it is not soemthing drastic. just thought i'd let you know.
sincerely yours,
katy and dave.
done by us for you.
kathy and dave, where are you getting your information?
Deja Vu - Feeling of recognition or memory with a person, place or event that is ‘new’ to you. Occasionally deja vu is accompanied with know what someone is about to say or do seconds or minutes before the event occurs. Some theorists believe deja vu is information that is received in dream state and recognized or retrieved again when coming upon the actual person/place/event.
done by us for you :eek:
I have an explantion for some deja vu experiences that I have not seen presented anywhere. I chanced across it in Singapore several years ago whern I had an intense sense of deja vu when just about to enter a department store. It was a classic instance, in that as each moment unfolded I seemed aware of what was to come.
On this occasion a sudden flash of insight revealed the cause. The geometry of the facade of the department store and an adjacent building were a suprising match for a rock outcrop I had been studying during some field mapping about two years before. My subconscious had recognised the similarity of form and triggered that familiar feeling. That sense of familiarity overwrote my perception of everything that then occured, telling me 'this is known to you; you have been here before.'
Since then, armed with that knowledge, I have been able to attribute about 15%-25% of deja vu experiences to the same mechanism.
I'm sure we have all had the sudden, quick "wow, that was deja vu" feeling. But when it occurs for a -- what I consider -- lengthy amount of time is when it becomes very interesting to me.

I can remember one instance without many specifics where a few friends and I were talking and I began to get that "deja vu feeling" and it continued for many seconds, to the point where I said outloud "Wow, major deja vu" and as I'm saying that phrase it itself was part of the deja vu which continued on for several more seconds.

Probably very confusing to read, but incredibly interesting to experience :)