Deity Appreciation


Registered Member
Which religion/deity do you worship?
What do you appreciate about your deity?
(Anybody with faith in science is included too.)
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I am an atheist & a Quaker (Society of Friends), a very behavior related faith. As far as I know, an atheist is welcome in this religion.

If I were to chose a belief in gods, I would pick the Greek pantheon.

I always admired the Greeks of the Golden Age. They were the first to admire mathematics, science, art, & literature for their own sake rather than as adjuncts to religion or practical purposes.

Other than some scholars, few are aware of the accomplishments of the ancient Greeks. For example, one of them (circa 200 BC) knew that the Earth was a sphere & calculated its circumference within about 5% of its actual value.

BTW: Almost all ancient sea faring cultures knew the Earth was not flat.

Observations of sailing ships approaching land & observations of tall structures/mountains from a ship approaching the shore make it obvious that the Earth is not flat.

It might have been bias due to my knowledge of a spherical Earth, but I really think that it was a true observation. When visiting the Salt Flats in Western USA, it seemed that I was on the surface of a sphere. In every direction, the horizon seemed to be lower than the spot on which I stood.

Are there any Posters who have visited the Salt Flats?
I am an atheist & a Quaker (Society of Friends), a very behavior related faith. As far as I know, an atheist is welcome in this religion.
The same is true of Judaism, although perhaps not among the strictest sects like the Chassidim. Judaism is generally regarded as a religion of laws, not doctrines.

If I were to chose a belief in gods, I would pick the Greek pantheon.
They map almost perfectly onto the Roman pantheon and the Egyptian pantheon. Jung calls these kinds of universal images, stories and rituals archetypes. They seem to be instincts that are locked into our neurons by our DNA. Most instincts have an obvious survival benefit, such as the instinct to run away from a large animal with both eyes in front of its face. It's difficult to guess why religious instincts were passed down, but our species has gone through at least two genetic bottlenecks (Mitochondrial Eve and Y-Chromosome Adam), so it could just be dumb luck.
Peace God commeth. Even if its when were all dead because we are impossible and don't get it, there will be peace.
Well, technically, Jesus is the only 'man'. I was just quoting. I think every one knows where from.

Fraggle Rocker: The mapping of Greek gods to Roman gods is not surprising. The Romans were militant conquerors who were smart enough to recognize that the Greeks had more culture, knowledge, science, mathematics, literature, et cetera. The children of many wealthy Romans were educated by Greek captives/slaves.

I was unaware of a mapping between Greek & Egyptian gods. The Greek gods were portrayed as very similar to humans. I thought that some of the Egyptian gods had animal or bird heads on a human-like body.

I suppose that all of the ancient religions had a sun god & other gods associated with natural phenomena. This does not seem like the almost one-to-one mapping of Greek to Roman gods.

BTW: Dumb joke. The Egyptians invented modern cheer leading.
Out god is the sun god. Let’s hear it for our god: Ra, Ra, Ra !!
Fraggle Rocker: The mapping of Greek gods to Roman gods is not surprising. The Romans were militant conquerors who were smart enough to recognize that the Greeks had more culture, knowledge, science, mathematics, literature, et cetera. The children of many wealthy Romans were educated by Greek captives/slaves.

I was unaware of a mapping between Greek & Egyptian gods. The Greek gods were portrayed as very similar to humans. I thought that some of the Egyptian gods had animal or bird heads on a human-like body.

I suppose that all of the ancient religions had a sun god & other gods associated with natural phenomena. This does not seem like the almost one-to-one mapping of Greek to Roman gods.

BTW: Dumb joke. The Egyptians invented modern cheer leading.
You're right , Dino. That IS dumb! :D So now to pay you back, here's a cheer I know:

Rimm rimm ree
kick'em in the knee
Rimm rimm rass
kick'em in the other knee!
Cannot appreciate something you do not know exists. IF we find gods exist, what the heck could be appreciated about them.

They certainly have to had been there for us this whole time. However, self is a virtue, he is having us humans become god like by our selves. So we know certain things, and are worthy to him. I have seen it, whatever it is with my own eyes, the beauty is conscious.
They certainly have to had been there for us this whole time. However, self is a virtue, he is having us humans become god like by our selves. So we know certain things, and are worthy to him. I have seen it, whatever it is with my own eyes, the beauty is conscious.

IF Donald Duck never farted, our universe would not be here. I have smelled it.
Mod Hat

StrangerInAStrangeLa has been awarded a red card and 3 day ban for trolling/meaningless content and basically trying to derail the thread.
Wow... Seems half of the regs are banned.

I really haven't been around for a while, due to health related issues...
But, WTF is going on around here?

Has this place gone to shit or what?
Do I even dare post here anymore? If I catch a mod in a mood, will I be permabanned?

I even see members self banning... And long time members asking to be banned.

Is this just a case of mods vs. Members?

I've always liked it here... But, I see this place going south.
I hope it's not too late to turn things around.
Gremmie - welcome back! Yeah... things have been kinda falling apart at the moment. I'm content to just do what I can in my respective sub-fora, but well... only so much I can do heh
I really haven't been around for a while, due to health related issues...

Hope you get to feeling better, Gremmie. :(

Wow... Seems half of the regs are banned. [...] But, WTF is going on around here? Has this place gone to shit or what? Do I even dare post here anymore? If I catch a mod in a mood, will I be permabanned?

The J/K approach: Well, speaking generally about the whole forum and not whatever's been transpiring in this or that thread... Anyone with a sitting infraction should at least tread lightly till after its expiration date. If in that situation, and some of the tripwires strategically located around the terrain are partially disturbed, then one should immediately wave a white flag of surrender and give-up on whatever was submitted ("I was mistaken") or cease the activity that got a red dot flashed on the forehead. Disappearing for awhile afterwards can help, too, if there's a nagging temptation to return to the scene of the "aborted crime" and disastrously get filled with the holy ghost of the Olympics ("I'm a champion, I don't give up!").

Otherwise, if infraction-free, one can maybe risk a 3-day or week-long ban for [only] mildly disturbing the smooth waters on this "conjectured" Ozzie and Harriet wannabe show (SF). But if the gamble doesn't pan out, then it's back to being oophorectomized for a few months (or in the case of males, resuming the passive, overly cautious eunuch pulpit).