Deities in Humiliation: A question


Ze do caixao
Valued Senior Member
A simple question.
Are there gods in other religions besides Christianity that have subjected themselves to humiliation and degradation?

I know there are, but can't think of any examples off-hand.

I'm more than sure that some Hindu gods have played the buffoon. And I'm reasonably certain that native American totem animals have also played similar roles.
But, I would like some concrete stories.

A simple question.
Are there gods in other religions besides Christianity that have subjected themselves to humiliation and degradation?

I know there are, but can't think of any examples off-hand.

I'm more than sure that some Hindu gods have played the buffoon. And I'm reasonably certain that native American totem animals have also played similar roles.
But, I would like some concrete stories.

subject themselves to humiliation and degradation?
You mean like accepted some great suffering or something?
Basically, yeah.
Take Jesus, for instance.
His whole being paraded around and crucified was pretty humiliating, yes?
He suffered as a human.
Very humiliating for an omnipotent being.

Christianity being monotheistic necessarily forces a voluntary humiliation. Polytheistic religions could take place either voluntarily or involuntarily.

No limits.
If you think it fits, throw it in.
Does it have to be a willing submission to a degrading situation or can it be forced by superior powers or situation?
Doesn't matter.

I've been racking my brains and cannot find a one other than Jesus.

Come on, there simply must be one.
Zeus gets egg on his face several times as well. Especially while chasing women.

I would post some stories, but I really need to get some sleep... about three hours before the alarm goes off.

Thanks, Gendanken...
The Greek gods are generally known for their eating, drinking, making merry and backstabbing.